Summer Days In Bloom
Paralyzed by ancient delight
And riding for a fall today
I am dressed in style, so eager in mind
But furthermore distracted by you
And it’s like I lose myself in dreaming of summer days in bloom
Oh, I’ve got no clue how I could fight that all that I am is worth a dime
Worth a dime
This liquid lunch will not stop my punch-
Drunk quality to doze while I run
It is thirty-nine degrees in my mind
it’s thirty thousand miles more to go
Cause it’s like I lose myself in dreaming of summer days in bloom
For I’ve got no clue whatever happened
All that I am is worth a dime
Worth a dime 展开
Paralyzed by ancient delight
And riding for a fall today
I am dressed in style, so eager in mind
But furthermore distracted by you
And it’s like I lose myself in dreaming of summer days in bloom
Oh, I’ve got no clue how I could fight that all that I am is worth a dime
Worth a dime
This liquid lunch will not stop my punch-
Drunk quality to doze while I run
It is thirty-nine degrees in my mind
it’s thirty thousand miles more to go
Cause it’s like I lose myself in dreaming of summer days in bloom
For I’ve got no clue whatever happened
All that I am is worth a dime
Worth a dime 展开
Maximilian Hecker - Summer Days In Bloom
Paralyzed by ancient delight 尘封的喜悦将我的疼痛麻醉
And riding for a fall today行动如此莽撞,如今已经什么都不顾了
I am dressed in style, so eager in mind我穿着风格热烈的盛装,内心热烈地渴望着
But furthermore distracted by you但此外,你却将我扰得心烦意乱
And it's like I lose myself而这就像我把自己弄丢,迷失路途
in dreaming of summer days in bloom在这个如幻梦绚烂的盛夏
Oh, I've got no clue how I could fight that噢,面对这情绪我仍然不知所措,找不到一丝线索去抗拒它
all that I am is worth a dime就是到了如此地步,我也只值一文钱
Worth a dime只值一文钱
This liquid lunch will not stop my punch这分不清除是酒精还是泪的液体午餐,早已不能停止我的心脏一点点穿孔空洞
Drunk quality to doze while I run我喝醉了,在不停地奔跑中,就这样醉醺醺地昏睡过去
It is thirty-nine degrees in my mind手脚冰凉,却清晰地感觉到整整三十九摄氏度在胸口燃烧
It's thirty thousand miles more to go身心疲惫,却还有三万多英里的路途要走
And it's like I lose myself而这就像我把自己弄丢,迷失路途
in dreaming of summer days in bloom在这个如幻梦绚烂的盛夏
Oh, I've got no clue how I could fight that噢,面对这情绪我仍然不知所措,找不到一丝线索去打败它
all that I am is worth a dime就是到了如此地步,我才知道我一文不值
Worth a dime一文不值
And it's like I lose myself这就像我把自己弄丢,迷失路途
in dreaming of summer days in bloom在这个如幻梦绚烂的盛夏
Oh, I've got no clue how I could fight that噢,面对这情绪我仍然不知所措,找不到一丝线索去逃离它
all that I am is worth a dime就是到了如此地步,我原来是一文不值的
Cause it's like I lose myself因为这就像我已经看不见自己,迷失在遥遥路途
in dreaming of summer days in bloom在这个如幻梦绚烂的盛夏
For I've got no clue whatever happened无论面对哪一种偶然,我也已经软弱无力,逃不开,却又无法面对
All that I am is worth a dime到了如此地步,我还真是一文不值
Worth a dime一文也不值
希望对你有帮助 XD
Paralyzed by ancient delight 尘封的喜悦将我的疼痛麻醉
And riding for a fall today行动如此莽撞,如今已经什么都不顾了
I am dressed in style, so eager in mind我穿着风格热烈的盛装,内心热烈地渴望着
But furthermore distracted by you但此外,你却将我扰得心烦意乱
And it's like I lose myself而这就像我把自己弄丢,迷失路途
in dreaming of summer days in bloom在这个如幻梦绚烂的盛夏
Oh, I've got no clue how I could fight that噢,面对这情绪我仍然不知所措,找不到一丝线索去抗拒它
all that I am is worth a dime就是到了如此地步,我也只值一文钱
Worth a dime只值一文钱
This liquid lunch will not stop my punch这分不清除是酒精还是泪的液体午餐,早已不能停止我的心脏一点点穿孔空洞
Drunk quality to doze while I run我喝醉了,在不停地奔跑中,就这样醉醺醺地昏睡过去
It is thirty-nine degrees in my mind手脚冰凉,却清晰地感觉到整整三十九摄氏度在胸口燃烧
It's thirty thousand miles more to go身心疲惫,却还有三万多英里的路途要走
And it's like I lose myself而这就像我把自己弄丢,迷失路途
in dreaming of summer days in bloom在这个如幻梦绚烂的盛夏
Oh, I've got no clue how I could fight that噢,面对这情绪我仍然不知所措,找不到一丝线索去打败它
all that I am is worth a dime就是到了如此地步,我才知道我一文不值
Worth a dime一文不值
And it's like I lose myself这就像我把自己弄丢,迷失路途
in dreaming of summer days in bloom在这个如幻梦绚烂的盛夏
Oh, I've got no clue how I could fight that噢,面对这情绪我仍然不知所措,找不到一丝线索去逃离它
all that I am is worth a dime就是到了如此地步,我原来是一文不值的
Cause it's like I lose myself因为这就像我已经看不见自己,迷失在遥遥路途
in dreaming of summer days in bloom在这个如幻梦绚烂的盛夏
For I've got no clue whatever happened无论面对哪一种偶然,我也已经软弱无力,逃不开,却又无法面对
All that I am is worth a dime到了如此地步,我还真是一文不值
Worth a dime一文也不值
希望对你有帮助 XD
Summer Days In Bloom
Summer Days In Bloom 盛夏的日子
Paralyzed by ancient delight 曾因过去的快乐而麻痹
And riding for a fall today 又在一个秋日中复活
I am dressed in style, so eager in mind 我身着盛装,充满渴望
But furthermore distracted by you 但此外便皆因你而迷惘
And it's like I lose myself in dreaming of summer days in bloom 就像我在这个梦幻般的盛夏中迷失自我
Oh, I've got no clue how I could fight that all
that I am is worth a dime 我是如此的一文不值
Worth a dime 一文不值
This liquid lunch will not stop my punch-
Drunk quality to doze while I run
It is thirty-nine degrees in my mind
It's thirty thousand miles more to go
Cause it's like I lose myself in dreaming of summer days in bloom
For I've got no clue whatever happened
All that I am is worth a dime
Worth a dime
Summer Days In Bloom 盛夏的日子
Paralyzed by ancient delight 曾因过去的快乐而麻痹
And riding for a fall today 又在一个秋日中复活
I am dressed in style, so eager in mind 我身着盛装,充满渴望
But furthermore distracted by you 但此外便皆因你而迷惘
And it's like I lose myself in dreaming of summer days in bloom 就像我在这个梦幻般的盛夏中迷失自我
Oh, I've got no clue how I could fight that all
that I am is worth a dime 我是如此的一文不值
Worth a dime 一文不值
This liquid lunch will not stop my punch-
Drunk quality to doze while I run
It is thirty-nine degrees in my mind
It's thirty thousand miles more to go
Cause it's like I lose myself in dreaming of summer days in bloom
For I've got no clue whatever happened
All that I am is worth a dime
Worth a dime