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[2] Becker GS. Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to Education .New York: Columbia University Press, 1964, .
[3] Knight John,Song Lina. The Rural-Urban Divide: Economic Disparities and Interactions in China .Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, .
[4] Lin,Justin,Gewei Wang and Yaohui Zhao. Regional Inequality and Labor Transfers in China .Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2004,523, 52(3) :587-603 .
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[6] De,Haan,A. Livelihoods and poverty: the role of migration. A critical review of the migration literature .Journal of Development Studies, 1999,36, 36 (2) :1~47 .
[7] Ghatak, S.,P. Levine,S.W. Price. Migration Theories and Evidence:An assessment .Journal of Economic Surveys, 1996,10, 10 (2) :159-197 .
[8] Schultz, T. W. Education and Economic Growth .Social Force Influencing American Education. Chicago New York: National Society for the Study of Education. Columbia University Press, 1961, .