
1.Tellyourpartnerhowmusicaffectsyourlifeandyourfavouritemusictypes.Askyourpartnerwhat... 1. Tell your partner how music affects your life and your favourite music types. Ask your partner what his/her favorite music types are and why.
2. A has two tickets for Star Wars and invites B to go together this weekend. B gladly accepts the invitation and learns that A has a friend working at the "Pepsi" headquarters and can get two tickets.
3. In many countries, laws and regulations prohibit employment discrimination basing on race, age gender or disability. In China we can see many job ads seeking only young people under 35 or younger. You are discussing this situation with your partner.
4. B is reading a brochure full of ads. A thinks advertising costs too much money and customers have to pay more because of the ads, whereas B thinks advertising tell people about products.
5. You and your partner are discussing which are better to keep as pets, dogs or cats, and give reasons.
6. A and B are talking about a fashion show. B thinks it is dumb and foolish for women to wear clothes in the show while A thinks the opposite.
7. A and B are best friends. A wants to buy a new mobile phone but is 300 yuan short. Now he (she) is going to borrow the money from B who just got a scholarship of 1,000.
8. A is a telephone operator at a police station. B calls to report a burglary, and A asks about the details of the burglary.
9. A is afraid of speaking English in front of other people and seeking help from B who is the best English speaker in the class. B promises to help him (her) and offers some suggestions.
10. A and B are talking about the important exam A will have tomorrow. A worries that he/she will fail. B comforts him/her and offers some advice.
11. A and B are talking about movies. A tells B that he (she) likes horror movies and gives his (her) reasons while B tells A that he (she) likes comedies and why.
12. A holds the view for following the fashion trends while B strongly against it.
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2011-06-06 · TA获得超过104个赞
1. Tell your partner how music affects your life and your favourite music types. Ask your partner what his/her favorite music types are and why. 向你的搭档介绍音乐如何影响你的生活,以及你最喜欢的音乐类型。询问搭档他/她最喜欢什么类型的音乐,为什么。
2. A has two tickets for Star Wars and invites B to go together this weekend. B gladly accepts the invitation and learns that A has a friend working at the "Pepsi" headquarters and can get two tickets. A有2张《星战》的票,邀请B这周末一起去。B非常高兴地接受了邀请并且了解到A是有一个在“百事”总部工作的朋友才能拿到2张票。
3. In many countries, laws and regulations prohibit employment discrimination basing on race, age gender or disability. In China we can see many job ads seeking only young people under 35 or younger. You are discussing this situation with your partner. 很多国家的法律法规都禁止因种族、年龄、性别引起雇佣歧视。在中国我们常常见到招聘广告仅仅愿意雇佣35岁以下活着更年轻的人。你要和你的搭档就此情境进行讨论。
4. B is reading a brochure full of ads. A thinks advertising costs too much money and customers have to pay more because of the ads, whereas B thinks advertising tell people about products. B正在看一本全是广告的小册子。A觉得广告花费太多金钱而且顾客不得不为此支付更多金钱,然而B却认为广告可以告诉人们更多有关产品的信息。
5. You and your partner are discussing which are better to keep as pets, dogs or cats, and give reasons. 你和搭档正在讨论养什么宠物好,狗还是猫,并陈述理由。
6. A and B are talking about a fashion show. B thinks it is dumb and foolish for women to wear clothes in the show while A thinks the opposite. A和B正在讨论一场时尚秀。B觉得表演中女性所传的衣服蠢笨不堪,可A却认为恰恰相反。
7. A and B are best friends. A wants to buy a new mobile phone but is 300 yuan short. Now he (she) is going to borrow the money from B who just got a scholarship of 1,000. A和B是很好的朋友。A想要买新手机但差300元。现在他(她)要去向B借钱,B刚好获得了1000元奖学金。
8. A is a telephone operator at a police station. B calls to report a burglary, and A asks about the details of the burglary. A是警局里的一名电话接线员。B打电话去报警有抢劫,A询问有关抢劫的一些细节。
9. A is afraid of speaking English in front of other people and seeking help from B who is the best English speaker in the class. B promises to help him (her) and offers some suggestions. A比较害怕在人前说英语于是向班级里英语说得最好的B寻求帮助。B承诺会帮他同时还给粗了一些建议。
10. A and B are talking about the important exam A will have tomorrow. A worries that he/she will fail. B comforts him/her and offers some advice. A和B在谈论A明天即将参加的一项重要考试。A很担心他/她考试会挂掉。B安慰她/他并给其一些建议。
11. A and B are talking about movies. A tells B that he (she) likes horror movies and gives his (her) reasons while B tells A that he (she) likes comedies and why. A和B正谈论电影。A告诉B他/她喜欢惊悚片并且说了理由,而B告诉A说他/她喜欢喜剧和为什么喜欢喜剧。
12. A holds the view for following the fashion trends while B strongly against it. A认为应该跟着时尚潮流走,而B坚决反对这个观点。
Tell your partner how music affects your life and your favourite music types. Ask your partner what his/her favorite music types are and why. 告诉你的同伴音乐是如何影响你的生活以及你最喜欢的音乐类型。问你的同伴他/她最喜欢的音乐类型以及原因。
2. A has two tickets for Star Wars and invites B to go together this weekend. B gladly accepts the invitation and learns that A has a friend working at the "Pepsi" headquarters and can get two tickets. A有两张《星球大战》的票,并邀请B这个周末一起去看电影。B很乐意地接受了邀请并得知A有一个朋友在百事新总部工作,所以能得到两张电影票。
3. In many countries, laws and regulations prohibit employment discrimination basing on race, age gender or disability. In China we can see many job ads seeking only young people under 35 or younger. You are discussing this situation with your partner. 在许多国家,法律法规明确禁止在招聘时存在种族歧视,性别歧视和对残疾人的歧视。在中国我们可能看到许多招聘广告只招35岁以下或更年轻的人。和你的同伴讨论这种情况。
4. B is reading a brochure full of ads. A thinks advertising costs too much money and customers have to pay more because of the ads, whereas B thinks advertising tell people about products. B正在读一本广告小册了。A认为广告花费太多,而且消费者因为广告而不得不花费更多。而B 认为广告可以让人们对产品了解更多。
5. You and your partner are discussing which are better to keep as pets, dogs or cats, and give reasons. 你和你的同伴正在讨论该养什么样的宠物,是狗还是猫。并且说出原因。
6. A and B are talking about a fashion show. B thinks it is dumb and foolish for women to wear clothes in the show while A thinks the opposite. A和B正在谈论时装秀。B认为女人穿时装表演上展示的服装是愚蠢的。而A的想法正好相反。
7. A and B are best friends. A wants to buy a new mobile phone but is 300 yuan short. Now he (she) is going to borrow the money from B who just got a scholarship of 1,000. A和B是最好的朋友。A想买一部新手机但差300元钱。他打算从B那里借钱,因为B恰好得到了1000元的奖学金。
8. A is a telephone operator at a police station. B calls to report a burglary, and A asks about the details of the burglary. A是一个警察局的接线员。B打电话来报告一桩盗窃案。A询问关于这个盗窃案的细节。
9. A is afraid of speaking English in front of other people and seeking help from B who is the best English speaker in the class. B promises to help him (her) and offers some suggestions. A害怕在人前讲英语,他正在向班上说英语最好的B请教。B向他保证会帮助他并给他一些建议。
10. A and B are talking about the important exam A will have tomorrow. A worries that he/she will fail. B comforts him/her and offers some advice. A 和B 正在谈论A明天要参加的一场重要的考试。A担心他考试会失利。B安慰他并给他一些建议。
11. A and B are talking about movies. A tells B that he (she) likes horror movies and gives his (her) reasons while B tells A that he (she) likes comedies and why. A 和B正在谈论电影。A告诉B他喜欢恐怖片并讲述了喜欢的原因。而B告诉A他喜欢喜剧片及喜欢的原因。
12. A holds the view for following the fashion trends while B strongly against it. A认为应该跟着流行趋势走,而B强烈反对这种观点。
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2011-06-06 · TA获得超过118个赞
2 A有两张票《星战》的票,并且邀请了B周末一起去。B欣然接受了邀请,知道朋友在“百事可乐”总部工作,并能得到两张票。
3. 在许多国家,法律、法规禁止就业歧视基于种族、年龄性别或残疾。在中国你可以看到许多求职广告寻找只能年轻35岁以下的人或更年轻的人。就这个情况你和你的搭档讨论一下。
6. A和B所谈论时装表演。B认为对女性来说穿这种衣服在表演中是愚蠢的,而A认为恰恰相反。
9. A不敢在人面前说英语,他向班里说英语说的最好的B寻求帮助。B答应A会帮助他并且给他一些建议。
10.A和B 正在说A明天要参加的考试。A担心自己会挂掉,B安慰她并且给出一些建议。
11.A和B 正在谈论电影。A告诉B他(她)喜欢恐怖电影并说明原因而,B告诉A他(她)喜欢喜剧片并给出原因原因。
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2011-06-06 · TA获得超过329个赞
1. 告诉你的拍档音乐是怎么影响你的生活的,以及你最喜欢的音乐类型。

2. A 有两张星球大战的电影票,邀请B 本周末一块去看。B 很开心的答应了,因为她知道A有个朋友在百事中心工作,可以拿到两张电影票。

3. 许多国家的法律法规中规定,招录用人时是不可对残疾人有歧视,不可就种族,年龄,性别有就业歧视。但在中国,我们发现很多岗位招收的是35岁及以下的年轻人。 你可以就这个现象和你的拍档进行讨论。
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