站 Bunny没有被绑淡架或者是淤遭烛到了赖什浩么崎不胺测锐,而是独自离开禄了家。粪它不肉希望自己煤只职是呆俭在家里再,猪在复活节的小时邮候做噪一个肮所谓痞的盏“密明叮星”。它的目标很垃远大跃-岭-梳它胶要绕去好铡莱曼坞,樟在氰那里追梦塘。它梦想是,做搐一个鼓手。这头一夜,它隅漫胃无目的确地舌晃衅荡在公路遣上绣,占突堰然缨就冶被训一仗辆役汽车给腥“居撞”了。窘开车的是弗舱莱德·逞奥·舟哈咽尔扇,他是一觉个束消士极工作、懒倦懈勋怠的氧家酿伙。Bunny见状均,马上躺在路酸上善装拈做在被装欧伤泼了。无悍奈粤之下,哈尔只爱好把Bunny带回家疗伤。
崔 萝伴谨随着Bunny的节到喷来,哈尔甲迎鲍来博了全拉世痔界糯最令泽人认难赵堪晨和不妄爽研的链室蜡友设。肛不过,很液快这两个廉家滔伙债就止开始源共同箕面燃对零生刽活的难导题,并溯且一起骸解仗决困难。Bunny最延大的聊困难圃来杖自于姥一只运叫做卡洛么斯快的小阳鸡。这汹只程小鸡野心巨大蚜,它吩想从兔子联的手惹中把复越活绳节恭抢到旨自爵己的手搂中。招它的屹目铱标葵是消灭掇复活节兔子摸,脖创排造靴复寝活节小定鸡效。当然欲,忽在Bunny狱和掉哈强尔的目联勒手努曳力屿下牙,没卡禽洛斯的元阴制谋姆没硫能得蚊逞,嚣而丸且这垦两才个模伙伴也从共同三经历的拈这些事里榆学榴习阅到垣了做橇人的频真训谛,他孝们撒共溢同怎成熟产。
伴随着E.B的到来,哈尔迎来了全世界最令人难堪和不爽的室友。不过很快两个家伙就开始共同面对生活的难题,并且一起解决困难。E.B最大的困难来自于一只叫做卡洛斯的小鸡。这只小鸡野心巨大,它想从兔子手中把复活节工厂抢到自己手中。它的目标是消灭复活节兔子,创造复活节小鸡。当然,在E.B和哈尔的联手努力下,卡洛斯的阴谋没有得逞,而且这两个家伙也从共同经历的这些事里学习到了做人的真谛,他们共同成熟。 展开
站 Bunny没有被绑淡架或者是淤遭烛到了赖什浩么崎不胺测锐,而是独自离开禄了家。粪它不肉希望自己煤只职是呆俭在家里再,猪在复活节的小时邮候做噪一个肮所谓痞的盏“密明叮星”。它的目标很垃远大跃-岭-梳它胶要绕去好铡莱曼坞,樟在氰那里追梦塘。它梦想是,做搐一个鼓手。这头一夜,它隅漫胃无目的确地舌晃衅荡在公路遣上绣,占突堰然缨就冶被训一仗辆役汽车给腥“居撞”了。窘开车的是弗舱莱德·逞奥·舟哈咽尔扇,他是一觉个束消士极工作、懒倦懈勋怠的氧家酿伙。Bunny见状均,马上躺在路酸上善装拈做在被装欧伤泼了。无悍奈粤之下,哈尔只爱好把Bunny带回家疗伤。
崔 萝伴谨随着Bunny的节到喷来,哈尔甲迎鲍来博了全拉世痔界糯最令泽人认难赵堪晨和不妄爽研的链室蜡友设。肛不过,很液快这两个廉家滔伙债就止开始源共同箕面燃对零生刽活的难导题,并溯且一起骸解仗决困难。Bunny最延大的聊困难圃来杖自于姥一只运叫做卡洛么斯快的小阳鸡。这汹只程小鸡野心巨大蚜,它吩想从兔子联的手惹中把复越活绳节恭抢到旨自爵己的手搂中。招它的屹目铱标葵是消灭掇复活节兔子摸,脖创排造靴复寝活节小定鸡效。当然欲,忽在Bunny狱和掉哈强尔的目联勒手努曳力屿下牙,没卡禽洛斯的元阴制谋姆没硫能得蚊逞,嚣而丸且这垦两才个模伙伴也从共同三经历的拈这些事里榆学榴习阅到垣了做橇人的频真训谛,他孝们撒共溢同怎成熟产。
伴随着E.B的到来,哈尔迎来了全世界最令人难堪和不爽的室友。不过很快两个家伙就开始共同面对生活的难题,并且一起解决困难。E.B最大的困难来自于一只叫做卡洛斯的小鸡。这只小鸡野心巨大,它想从兔子手中把复活节工厂抢到自己手中。它的目标是消灭复活节兔子,创造复活节小鸡。当然,在E.B和哈尔的联手努力下,卡洛斯的阴谋没有得逞,而且这两个家伙也从共同经历的这些事里学习到了做人的真谛,他们共同成熟。 展开
Bunny is a yang banana only at the door of youth rebellion against the magpie of the rabbit plum, it is the resurrection of clothing section Yue Chung-Ni sub rabbit care of children. Postscript to report it dumb old straight father every day, so fine it hard to call II court appearance following the matter referred Chengjia En fresh satellite industry, anti-pulp complex to do a late touch the Easter Bunny loved children live shrimp. Pressing and holding the cover are also stepping Bunny Easter cent had done the front section of ability to adjust the rabbit palm shore - off its belly bursts ant excreta is the section chair Xue Easter candy. But the enzyme preparation to tear the father quasi-Hui Ji family things around the house wins all the cross-industry applications Ying Mao to it off the night before the mustard, a sudden loss of pounds of vine protracted trace it unloaded the mirror.
Bunny is not tied to aircraft stations, or silt was light candle to the Peres-ho What Rui Qi does not amine test, but Paul left home alone. Fecal coal it does not want to just post the meat is to stay at home and then Kim, pigs waiting at the Post-hour Easter to do a dirty so-called noise light swelling of the liver's "secret sting out star." Its ambitious goal is rubbish jump - Ridge - plastic comb is good to go around the guillotine Lehmann Hollywood, smoked in the cyanide pond where the Dream. It is a dream, doing pull a drummer. That first night, it was no corner of the purpose of accurately diffuse gastric Akira tongue swinging from the highway removal embroidered blood in sacrifice, accounting for sudden natural weir was training Ying Ye battle for automotive vehicles served to fishy "hit home" was. Vladimir embarrassed to drive the boat cabin Kazakhstan pharynx Ryder succeed Seoul Olympics fan, he is a consumer who feel a very beam work, tired of relentless Hoon lazy lazy oxygen Homebrew partner. Bunny seeing were immediately mounted lying twist on the good way to do acid being poured loaded hurt Europe. Guangdong under non-defended Chennai, Hal just love the Bunny home healing.
Cui Carrot Bunny with the section would like to spray with, the Hall A welcoming Martin to pull the whole blog world hemorrhoids community recognize hard waxy Ze Zhao most worthy of study morning and do not jump the chain of cool friends wax room set. Anal However, it is both inexpensive home fast solution partner Tao started only source of debt to common zero Minoh burning difficult to guide students chao live issue, and abduction and must battle with the skeletal solution difficult. Bunny talk about the most difficult to extend a big stick from the garden to an operation in Basking What Adams named Carlo yang chicken little faster. This tumultuous process only aphid chicks huge ambition, it thiophene want to mess with the rabbit in the hands of the Union more complex aims to grab a live wire from the Jazz Festival Christine had in hand hug. Yi move its objectives is to eliminate drop-iridium standard Kwai Easter bunny touch, neck and rehearsal of complex sleep-made boots Easter Chicken Little be effective. For of course, suddenly and out of prison in Kazakhstan Bunny Doll's Head strong joint efforts to drag Island Le hand under the teeth, no meta-yin Los card system of poultry Farm did not seek to get mosquito sulfur succeed, clamor and the pill and this was one of two cultivated Three partners from the common-mode through the twist learn these things in the Yu Yuan garnet learning to read the frequency of doing so ski training meaning people, who have spread a total profit of filial piety with how mature production.
Bunny is not tied to aircraft stations, or silt was light candle to the Peres-ho What Rui Qi does not amine test, but Paul left home alone. Fecal coal it does not want to just post the meat is to stay at home and then Kim, pigs waiting at the Post-hour Easter to do a dirty so-called noise light swelling of the liver's "secret sting out star." Its ambitious goal is rubbish jump - Ridge - plastic comb is good to go around the guillotine Lehmann Hollywood, smoked in the cyanide pond where the Dream. It is a dream, doing pull a drummer. That first night, it was no corner of the purpose of accurately diffuse gastric Akira tongue swinging from the highway removal embroidered blood in sacrifice, accounting for sudden natural weir was training Ying Ye battle for automotive vehicles served to fishy "hit home" was. Vladimir embarrassed to drive the boat cabin Kazakhstan pharynx Ryder succeed Seoul Olympics fan, he is a consumer who feel a very beam work, tired of relentless Hoon lazy lazy oxygen Homebrew partner. Bunny seeing were immediately mounted lying twist on the good way to do acid being poured loaded hurt Europe. Guangdong under non-defended Chennai, Hal just love the Bunny home healing.
Cui Carrot Bunny with the section would like to spray with, the Hall A welcoming Martin to pull the whole blog world hemorrhoids community recognize hard waxy Ze Zhao most worthy of study morning and do not jump the chain of cool friends wax room set. Anal However, it is both inexpensive home fast solution partner Tao started only source of debt to common zero Minoh burning difficult to guide students chao live issue, and abduction and must battle with the skeletal solution difficult. Bunny talk about the most difficult to extend a big stick from the garden to an operation in Basking What Adams named Carlo yang chicken little faster. This tumultuous process only aphid chicks huge ambition, it thiophene want to mess with the rabbit in the hands of the Union more complex aims to grab a live wire from the Jazz Festival Christine had in hand hug. Yi move its objectives is to eliminate drop-iridium standard Kwai Easter bunny touch, neck and rehearsal of complex sleep-made boots Easter Chicken Little be effective. For of course, suddenly and out of prison in Kazakhstan Bunny Doll's Head strong joint efforts to drag Island Le hand under the teeth, no meta-yin Los card system of poultry Farm did not seek to get mosquito sulfur succeed, clamor and the pill and this was one of two cultivated Three partners from the common-mode through the twist learn these things in the Yu Yuan garnet learning to read the frequency of doing so ski training meaning people, who have spread a total profit of filial piety with how mature production.
抱歉啊 上面的复制貌似很多错误啊 你把原文给你 你能不能再帮帮忙啊
我把正确原文补发上去了 ,再帮忙翻译一下吧 谢谢了
EB is a rabbit in a rebellious youth, it is the Easter Bunny's son. It wants to make it a day inherit the father of a family business, doing a Easter Bunny. And EB have the ability to do the Easter Bunny - it is the waste of Easter candy. But Daddy is all over the family business for the eve of it, EB is missing.
EB has not been kidnapped or suffered any mishap, but left home alone. It does not want to just stay at home, at Easter time to do a so-called "star." Its goal is ambitious, it is going to Hollywood, where the pursuit of a dream - to be a drummer. That night, it wandering aimlessly on the highway, suddenly was a car to "hit" the. Fred is driving. Austria. Hal, he is a passive work, lazy guy slack. E.B seeing this, immediately lying in the road pretending to hurt. In desperation, Hal had to bring him home healing.
With the arrival of EB, Hall ushered in the world's most embarrassing and uncomfortable roommate. But soon the two guys began to face life's challenges together and work together to solve problems. The biggest difficulty EB named Carlos from a chicken. This chick is a huge ambition, it wants from the hands of the Easter rabbit factory to grab their own hands. Its goal is to eliminate the Easter Bunny, and create Easter chicks. Of course, in EB, and Hall's joint efforts, Carlos the plot did not succeed, and that the two guys from the common experience of these things we learn the true meaning of life, their common mature.
executioner, leads the topic and go against the river and skeleton, definitely difficult battle with solutions. The big Bunny delay chat difficult to staff YuLao from a nursery only luck is called carlo yao, the small Yang chicken fast. This Xiong only cheng chicken, it revealed great ambition "want from the rabbit united provoked the complex in the hand the rope to grab objects day live by sir alex ferguson has since the hand hug. It's Yi orders for iridium standard kwai is to eliminate Duo the Easter bunny to touch, and made my boots would live in row section for chicken little effect. Of course, suddenly in the Bunny to prison and off he's orders, strong united hand drag force (lantau teeth, no card birds under the yuan Yin system Ross's sulfur can not seek their grabbed the mosquitoes, and shot and the two to a model: partners are also common experience came from three of these things to learn XiYue eclogite in elm Yuan do skiing the frequency of the people really training truths, he filial piety and overflow the total with how mature production.
我才发现原文是错的 我已经把正确的补发上去了 你会翻译吗?
希望正确:“E.B is a youth in revolt issue of the rabbit, it is the son of the Easter bunny. It's dad every day to want to let it inherited the family business, do a the Easter bunny. And E.B also have the ability to do the Easter bunny-it is Easter candy of waste. But is ready to put the family business in torre over all of it, on the eve of the E.B was missing.
E.B and no kidnapped or what were contingency, but left home alone. It doesn't want to just stay at home and in Easter do a so-called "star". Its goal is ambitious, it will go to Hollywood, where after dream-do a drummer. That night, it wander aimlessly walking on highway, suddenly be a car to hit ". Driving is Fred. Mr. Hal, he is a negative work, laziness guy. E.B sees immediately, lying in the road pretended to be injured. But under, Hal had to take him home to grieve.
With the arrival of the E.B, Hal ushered in the world most embarrassing and not great roommate. But soon two guys started to face the problem of life together, and to solve the problem. E.B the biggest difficulty comes from a called carlos chick. The chicken ambitions, it wants to huge hand from the rabbit Easter factory rob in their own hands. Its goal is to eliminate the Easter bunny, create Easter chicken. Of course, in E.B and Hal teaming up to effort, carlos of the plot was not satisfied, and these two guys from common experience and study in these things to be the true meaning, together they mature.