
每一个人都有自己的书写风格,每一个行业的人的写作风格就更不同了。然而我觉得教练员的书面表达方式尤为有趣,不仅每个教练员的书写风格不同。就是一个教练员在书写不同。中国的乒乓... 每一个人都有自己的书写风格,每一个行业的人的写作风格就更不同了。然而我觉得教练员的书面表达方式尤为有趣,不仅每个教练员的书写风格不同。就是一个教练员在书写不同。
中国的乒乓球队在每一次重大比赛之前都会组织所有球队成员组织一次大型会议,然后每个运动员和教练员都会写一份赛前报告分析自己和对手的实力,以及每个运动员的打球风格以确保能够战胜对手从而保证我们取得冠军,加以巩固中国对乒乓球的世界霸主地位。赛后也会写一段赛后总结以总结本次比赛的成果以及在比赛中发现的不足。但是现在这种做法不仅仅在中国国家队中得到了成功,在一些民间的乒乓球团体中这种方式也得到了广泛的流传。这也许是中国乒乓球能够长久不惜的世界舞台上经久不衰的原因。 虽然经历了艰苦卓绝的努力,但是这一次,乒乓球队的队员们在出线的道路上铩羽而归。虽然他们像中国男足一样再一次的失败,不过这一次他们没有痛苦的泪水,没有遗憾的叹息,他们是用笑容高傲地离开赛场的,因为他们真的用尽了全力,他们可以对自己说“我问心无愧”。( 伊瓜因, 乒乓球比赛赛后总结, 2010-1-9)
但是作为教练员来讲自己任职的时间长短是与自己带队取得的成绩成正比的,一个教练能带领一只球队一直向一个正确的方向发展,并且取得好成绩自然会得到大家的信赖和认可。球队也会一直雇佣他。但是球队是实力并没有因为教练的到来而提高反而有所下降,这样教练就会被球队解雇,然后辗转到另一只球队,或者转行从此不再从事教练一职。而一直球队的教练因为成绩或者其他原因离开原来的球队,球队就会立刻寻找另一位教练来顶替他原来的位置。他们可能会选择一些已经成名的教练,或者是选择一位原来的著名球员来担当该球队的教练。具体人选是根据球队的实际情况而定的。当然教练员上任之前一定要给自己的教练期间定一个规划。国家队女子教练孔令辉上任就发表就值报告:报告中孔令辉分析了世界乒坛的发展轨迹,他认为:近几年国际乒联三次更改规则,而规则的变化必然使技术产生变化,技术的变化又必然打破原有的训练方法。但这些都不会产生更本性的变化,因此仍然要坚持基本原则,在此之上寻求创新。  在女队寻求创新方面,孔令辉提出“加强女子技术男性化”的观点。他认为女选手在这方面还有很大的提升空间,而且技术创新要大胆尝试,因为一旦成功将使中国女队在技术上形成的明显优势。对于加强女子技术男性化的具体方案,孔令辉也有自己的见解,他谈到提高训练难度,加强体能训练的重要性等等。 (武汉卡耐基学校,孔令辉竞聘国家乒乓球队教练演讲,2008-11-26)

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2011-06-16 · 超过45用户采纳过TA的回答

Each people all have own writing style, every industry style of writing is the more different. But I think the coach's written expression is especially interesting way, not only the writing style each different. Is a coaches in writing different.

中国的乒乓球队在每一次重大比赛之前都会组织所有球队成员组织一次大型会议,然后每个运动员和教练员都会写一份赛前报告分析自己和对手的实力,以及每个运动员的打球风格以确保能够战胜对手从而保证我们取得冠军,加以巩固中国对乒乓球的世界霸主地位。赛后也会写一段赛后总结以总结本次比赛的成果以及在比赛中发现的不足。但是现在这种做法不仅仅在中国国家队中得到了成功,在一些民间的乒乓球团体中这种方式也得到了广泛的流传。这也许是中国乒乓球能够长久不惜的世界舞台上经久不衰的原因。 虽然经历了艰苦卓绝的努力,但是这一次,乒乓球队的队员们在出线的道路上铩羽而归。虽然他们像中国男足一样再一次的失败,不过这一次他们没有痛苦的泪水,没有遗憾的叹息,他们是用笑容高傲地离开赛场的,因为他们真的用尽了全力,他们可以对自己说“我问心无愧”。( 伊瓜因, 乒乓球比赛赛后总结, 2010-1-9)

China's table tennis team in every major before the game will organize all the team members to organize a large conference, then each athletes and coaches will write a report before the game and his opponent's strength analysis, and every athlete's style of play to ensure that can win over rival to ensure we win, to consolidate China to table tennis world dominance. After the game will write a summary in a summarized after the race results and found in the game of insufficient. But now this approach not only with the Chinese national team have been proved successful, in some folk table tennis groups this way also been widely circulated. This perhaps is the Chinese table tennis can last at the world stage of the reasons for their enduring. Although the experience of painstaking efforts, but this time, table tennis team players in the road near qualify. Although they like Chinese football again as the failure, but this time they did not bitter tears, no regrets sigh, they use to leave the field of smile proud, because they really gave everything, they can say to yourself "I have a clear conscience". (higuain, table tennis game, the game's conclusion 2010-1-9)


This is a school in a game of table tennis coach after the written summary of a paragraph. Although content brief. But we can see he expressed to his side of the understanding and longing. At the same time can it is to recognize his team position. The team, so dedicated coach how can progress..

但是作为教练员来讲自己任职的时间长短是与自己带队取得的成绩成正比的,一个教练能带领一只球队一直向一个正确的方向发展,并且取得好成绩自然会得到大家的信赖和认可。球队也会一直雇佣他。但是球队是实力并没有因为教练的到来而提高反而有所下降,这样教练就会被球队解雇,然后辗转到另一只球队,或者转行从此不再从事教练一职。而一直球队的教练因为成绩或者其他原因离开原来的球队,球队就会立刻寻找另一位教练来顶替他原来的位置。他们可能会选择一些已经成名的教练,或者是选择一位原来的著名球员来担当该球队的教练。具体人选是根据球队的实际情况而定的。当然教练员上任之前一定要给自己的教练期间定一个规划。国家队女子教练孔令辉上任就发表就值报告:报告中孔令辉分析了世界乒坛的发展轨迹,他认为:近几年国际乒联三次更改规则,而规则的变化必然使技术产生变化,技术的变化又必然打破原有的训练方法。但这些都不会产生更本性的变化,因此仍然要坚持基本原则,在此之上寻求创新。  在女队寻求创新方面,孔令辉提出“加强女子技术男性化”的观点。他认为女选手在这方面还有很大的提升空间,而且技术创新要大胆尝试,因为一旦成功将使中国女队在技术上形成的明显优势。对于加强女子技术男性化的具体方案,孔令辉也有自己的见解,他谈到提高训练难度,加强体能训练的重要性等等。 (武汉卡耐基学校,孔令辉竞聘国家乒乓球队教练演讲,2008-11-26)

But as a coach his office will tell the length of time your side of the achievements directly proportional to the number of a coach can lead a team has been to a right direction, and get good grades will get everybody's trust and approval. The team will also have been hired him. But the team is strength and not because the arrival of coach and improve instead has less, so that the coach will be laid off, and then turn to the team the other team, or turned in a job coach henceforth no longer. And the coach of the team has been because the results or other reason away from the original team, the team will immediately looking for another coach to replace him the original position. They may choose to some already famous coach, or choose a original famous players to bear the team coach. Specific candidate is according to the actual situation of the team and decide. Of course the coaches before taking office must give yourself during the coach for a plan. International women's coach kong linghui shortly is value report: report published in the world table tennis circles kong linghui analysis the development track of the he think: in recent years, the international table tennis federation three times and change the rules, the change in rules changes to make technology will change of technology and will break the original training method. But these will not produce a nature changes and therefore still must adhere to the basic principle, on top of this seek for innovation. In the women's team, seek for innovation, kong linghui put forward "strengthening technical masculine woman" point of view. He thinks that female athletes in this respect and a large space, and the ascension of the technology innovation to bold attempt, because once the success will make the Chinese women's team in the technology to form on obvious advantages. To strengthen the woman technology masculine concrete plan, kong linghui also have their own views, he talked about improve training, strengthen the difficulty of the importance of physical stamina training, etc. (wuhan Carnegie school, kong linghui compete for national table tennis team coach speech, 2008-11-26)


Jose mourinho is a myth, because we don't know. Mourinho is not a myth, because he has struggled for 12 years. Rome is not built in a day, to have to prepare the people is even more so
2011-06-16 · TA获得超过1.6万个赞
Each people all have own writing style, every industry style of writing is the more different. But I think the coach's written expression is especially interesting way, not only the writing style each different. Is a coaches in writing different.

China's table tennis team in every major before the game will organize all the team members to organize a large conference, then each athletes and coaches will write a report before the game and his opponent's strength analysis, and every athlete's style of play to ensure that can win over rival to ensure we win, to consolidate China to table tennis world dominance. After the game will write a summary in a summarized after the race results and found in the game of insufficient. But now this approach not only with the Chinese national team have been proved successful, in some folk table tennis groups this way also been widely circulated. This perhaps is the Chinese table tennis can last at the world stage of the reasons for their enduring. Although the experience of painstaking efforts, but this time, table tennis team players in the road near qualify. Although they like Chinese football again as the failure, but this time they did not bitter tears, no regrets sigh, they use to leave the field of smile proud, because they really gave everything, they can say to yourself "I have a clear conscience". (higuain, table tennis game, the game's conclusion 2010-1-9)

This is a school in a game of table tennis coach after the written summary of a paragraph. Although content brief. But we can see he expressed to his side of the understanding and longing. At the same time can it is to recognize his team position. The team, so dedicated coach how can progress..

But as a coach his office will tell the length of time your side of the achievements directly proportional to the number of a coach can lead a team has been to a right direction, and get good grades will get everybody's trust and approval. The team will also have been hired him. But the team is strength and not because the arrival of coach and improve instead has less, so that the coach will be laid off, and then turn to the team the other team, or turned in a job coach henceforth no longer. And the coach of the team has been because the results or other reason away from the original team, the team will immediately looking for another coach to replace him the original position. They may choose to some already famous coach, or choose a original famous players to bear the team coach. Specific candidate is according to the actual situation of the team and decide. Of course the coaches before taking office must give yourself during the coach for a plan. International women's coach kong linghui shortly is value report: report published in the world table tennis circles kong linghui analysis the development track of the he think: in recent years, the international table tennis federation three times and change the rules, the change in rules changes to make technology will change of technology and will break the original training method. But these will not produce a nature changes and therefore still must adhere to the basic principle, on top of this seek for innovation. In the women's team, seek for innovation, kong linghui put forward "strengthening technical masculine woman" point of view. He thinks that female athletes in this respect and a large space, and the ascension of the technology innovation to bold attempt, because once the success will make the Chinese women's team in the technology to form on obvious advantages. To strengthen the woman technology masculine concrete plan, kong linghui also have their own views, he talked about improve training, strengthen the difficulty of the importance of physical stamina training, etc. (wuhan Carnegie school, kong linghui compete for national table tennis team coach speech, 2008-11-26)

Jose mourinho is a myth, because we don't know. Mourinho is not a myth, because he has struggled for 12 years. Rome is not built in a day, to have to prepare the people is even more so

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Everyone has their own style of writing, every industry person style of writing would have been more different. However I think coaches written expression is particularly interesting, not only each coach's writing style is different. Is a coach in writing is different. Before China's table tennis team in every major competition will organize all the team members to organize a major conference, each players and coaches will then write an analysis of the reports before the match himself and his opponent's strength, as well as each player's playing style to ensure that able to defeat opponents in order to ensure we achieve champions, to consolidate China's hegemony in the world of table tennis. Will write a summary after the game after the game to summarize the results of this competition and found deficiencies in the match. But now this practice has been successful not only in the Chinese national team, in table tennis in some civil groups was also widely spread in this way. This is perhaps the Chinese table tennis on the world stage at the long enduring reason. Despite the arduous efforts, but this time, table - tennis players at the outlet of the shayu and those on the road. While they like the Chinese male football once again failed, but this time they have no tears of pain, no sigh of regret, they are smiling proud to leave the game, because they have exhausted efforts, they can say to yourself " I have a clear conscience ". Yi Guayin, table - tennis match summary after the game, 2010-1-9 This is a table tennis coach after the last competition of the school written in the summary section. Although the content brief. But we can see that he has expressed his understanding and desire of the team. While it was realized that the team's situation. Such a team, how can this dedicated coach does not make progress. . But the length of time serving as coaches themselves are led is proportional to the results achieved with yourself, a coach to lead a team has been to only one in the right direction, and get good grades will be everyone's trust and recognition. Teams also will hire him. But the team is strength does not increase because of the arrival of coach but declined, so coach was fired by the team, and then come to another team, or suffer from this are no longer engaged in the post of coach. Has been the team's coach for performance or other reasons to leave the team, the team will immediately find another coach to replace his original position. They might choose some have become famous coach, or select one of the famous players to play the team's coach. Specific person are based on the actual situation of the team of. Certainly before the arrival of coach must give his coach during a planning. National team women's coach Kong Linghui published value in Office report : Kong Linghui in the report analysed the development track of the table tennis circles of the world, he said three times in recent years the international table tennis Federation to change the rules, and rule change will result in technological change, technology changes and necessity of breaking old training methods. But these are not more changes of nature, still stick to the basic principles, on top of this search for innovation. In the women's team to seek innovation, Kong Linghui put forward the " strengthening technical masculine woman " point of view. He believed that women in this respect there is still a lot of room to improve, and technological innovation to boldly try, because success would enable the Chinese female team in the formation of a clear technical advantage. Specific programmes for strengthening technical masculine woman, Kong Linghui also has its own opinion, he talks about improving the difficulty of training, strengthening the importance of physical fitness training, and so on. Wuhan Carnegie school, Kong Linghui competition table tennis coaches lecture, 2008-11-26 Mourinho is a myth, because we do not know. Mourinho is not a myth, because he has been fighting for 12 years. Rome wasn't built in a day, especially for people with ready
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2011-06-16 · TA获得超过325个赞
Each people all have own writing style, every industry style of writing is the more different. But I think the coach's written expression is especially interesting way, not only the writing style each different. Is a coaches in writing different.

China's table tennis team in every major before the game will organize all the team members to organize a large conference, then each athletes and coaches will write a report before the game and his opponent's strength analysis, and every athlete's style of play to ensure that can win over rival to ensure we win, to consolidate China to table tennis world dominance. After the game will write a summary in a summarized after the race results and found in the game of insufficient. But now this approach not only with the Chinese national team have been proved successful, in some folk table tennis groups this way also been widely circulated. This perhaps is the Chinese table tennis can last at the world stage of the reasons for their enduring. Although the experience of painstaking efforts, but this time, table tennis team players in the road near qualify. Although they like Chinese football again as the failure, but this time they did not bitter tears, no regrets sigh, they use to leave the field of smile proud, because they really gave everything, they can say to yourself "I have a clear conscience". (higuain, table tennis game, the game's conclusion 2010-1-9)

This is a school in a game of table tennis coach after the written summary of a paragraph. Although content brief. But we can see he expressed to his side of the understanding and longing. At the same time can it is to recognize his team position. The team, so dedicated coach how can progress..

But as a coach his office will tell the length of time your side of the achievements directly proportional to the number of a coach can lead a team has been to a right direction, and get good grades will get everybody's trust and approval. The team will also have been hired him. But the team is strength and not because the arrival of coach and improve instead has less, so that the coach will be laid off, and then turn to the team the other team, or turned in a job coach henceforth no longer. And the coach of the team has been because the results or other reason away from the original team, the team will immediately looking for another coach to replace him the original position. They may choose to some already famous coach, or choose a original famous players to bear the team coach. Specific candidate is according to the actual situation of the team and decide. Of course the coaches before taking office must give yourself during the coach for a plan. International women's coach kong linghui shortly is value report: report published in the world table tennis circles kong linghui analysis the development track of the he think: in recent years, the international table tennis federation three times and change the rules, the change in rules changes to make technology will change of technology and will break the original training method. But these will not produce a nature changes and therefore still must adhere to the basic principle, on top of this seek for innovation. In the women's team, seek for innovation, kong linghui put forward "strengthening technical masculine woman" point of view. He thinks that female athletes in this respect and a large space, and the ascension of the technology innovation to bold attempt, because once the success will make the Chinese women's team in the technology to form on obvious advantages. To strengthen the woman technology masculine concrete plan, kong linghui also have their own views, he talked about improve training, strengthen the difficulty of the importance of physical stamina training, etc. (wuhan Carnegie school, kong linghui compete for national table tennis team coach speech, 2008-11-26)

Jose mourinho is a myth, because we don't know. Mourinho is not a myth, because he has struggled for 12 years. Rome is not built in a day, to have to prepare the people is even more so
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Everyone has their own style of writing, each persons writing style industry is even more different. But I think the coaches of written expression is particularly interesting, not only different from each coach;style of writing. Is a different coach in writing.(第一段)
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