Self Introduction - Host Family and Language InstructorsDear Host Family and Language Instructors, A year ago, in the middle of a crowdedstreet in Jilin, China with two new friends, I maneuvered around street vendorsoffering unconventional variations of squid, snails, and roasted butterfly chrysalis. Itwas on this trip that I first experienced a culture that starkly contrasted mine. Thissummer, I returned as a US High School delegate again, visiting Weifang, Shandong.My parents opposed my decision to learn Chinese. My middle school did not offerforeign languages. My determination to deviate from the norm of my small town ofSturgis is one attribute that marks me as distinctive from other high school studentsand has allowed me to live a personally fulfilling life thus far. During college, I planon studying cultural and biological anthropology as well as East Asian studies. I hopeto continue to travel abroad throughout my studies. Hence, NSLI-Y is relevant to myfuture career goals. Mahatma Ghandi said, "A small body of determined spirits firedby an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history." I live bythese words. I hold several leadership positions in my community—serving as captainof my soccer team, editor-in-chief of my high school journalism program, and studentbody secretary. I also try to live altruistically; the Youth Advisory Council Iparticipate in gave over $21,000 last school year to youth-related projects. Motivatedby my childhood passion, I started a reading program at a local elementary school thissummer. I am excited to bring the skills I possess to your community and return withknowledge to advance mine. Enthusiastic is the word best describing my personality. Iam enthusiastic about life, my passions, and what I have to offer the world. I amdetermined in everything I do, despite others' doubts. These characteristics make mean ideal addition to your family. I can adapt easily, and prefer change in my schedule.Willing to meet the challenges of an unfamiliar environment, I have an inexpressibleamount of excitement towards being able to participate inthe NSLI-Y program. My friends describe me, in brief, as friendly and eager to makethe best of situations. Our relationships are supportive and worthwhile. I have diversefriends, which provides engaging conversations—I can learn something from them.My friendships last a long time—I met my best friend in first grade when she movedfrom Arizona and joined my soccer team. My family operates smoothly. Despitebeing opposites, my mother and I are particularly close; I thrive in stress and shedoesn’t. Jack, my brother, is more relaxed than me, but we both prioritize academicsand school work. Being different, however, is essential to why we get along well.Even though my father is a lawyer and I am not argumentative, we are verycomparable. I am thrilled to see where I fit in your family. Excited to meet you。
自我介绍-接待家庭及语言InstructorsDear接待家庭及语言教师,一年前,在中间的crowdedstreet在吉林,中国有两个新朋友,我将在街vendorsoffering非常规的变化、蜗牛和烤鱿鱼蝴蝶茧。正是在这趟旅程中,我第一次经历了一个文化对比。我正好我回来Thissummer,作为一个美国高中生代表再次,参观潍坊、山东。我的父母反对我决定学汉语。我中学没有offerforeign语言。 我决定脱离我的小镇ofSturgis规范是一个独特的属性,它标志着我从其他高中studentsand让我过一个个人幸福生活的剧情。读大学时,我planon文化和生物人类学研究以及东亚研究。我hopeto继续在我出国旅行的研究。因此,NSLI-Y myfuture有关的职业目标。 圣雄甘地说,“一个小小的身体决定的精神firedby同样他们使命的信仰可以改变历史的进程。”我住bythese的话。 我抓住几个领导职务,我在我的community-serving captainof足球队的主编我高中的新闻节目,studentbody秘书。 我也试著无私;年轻人顾问委员会在Iparticipate给超过21000美元youth-related最后一学年项目。 Motivatedby我童年的热情,我开始阅读计划thissummer在当地的一个小学。我很兴奋能带来我所拥有的技能,为你们的社区,还withknowledge促进我的。热情是最好的描述的话我的性格。我对生活的热情,我的激情,和我所提供的世界。我amdetermined在我做的一切,尽管别人的怀疑。这些特性是理想的,除了你的家庭。我能适应容易,而且偏好改变我的日程安排。愿意迎接挑战的一个陌生的环境,我有一个inexpressibleamount兴奋向能够参与在NSLI-Y程序。我的朋友给我形容,总之,是友好的,并渴望打造最好的情况。我们的关系是支持和价值。我有diversefriends,提供从事conversations-I可以从他们身上学到一些东西。 我的友谊持续较长得赶快离开遇到我最好的朋友在一年级时当她movedfrom亚利桑那州和加入了足球队。我的家人运行顺利。Despitebeing对立,我母亲和我,我能应付特别亲密的压力和shedoesn。杰克,我的兄弟,是比我更轻松,但我们都优先考虑academicsand学校工作。然而,在不同的原因是必要的,因为我们相处很融洽。虽然我的父亲是一位律师,我不是争论,我们verycomparable。我很兴奋能知道我适合你的家庭。很兴奋见到你。