在测定 COD的过程中,水体中存在的氯离子极易被氧化剂氧化,从而消耗氧化剂的量导致测量结果偏高。目前,消除氯离子干扰的方法有很多,国家标准的硫酸汞络合法和标准曲线法是应用比较普遍的两种方法。硫酸汞络合法在一定条件下精确度高,但需要采用硫酸汞掩蔽氯离子,使用的汞盐量较大,对环境造成的二次污染非常严重;标准曲线法不会对环境造成污染,但也有一定的局限性。通过对比两种方法的原理、操作步骤及处理方法,可以得出在高浓度氯离子低浓度COD情况下,标准曲线法测定COD更具准确性。
In the determination of COD, existing in the process of water of chloride ion can be, and antioxidant oxidation the amount of antioxidant consumption in measurement results on the high side. At present, eliminate the disturbance of chloride ion many methods, the national standard of sulphuric acid (legal and standard mercury is curve method which are widely used in two ways. Mercury collaterals in certain legal sulfuric acid under the condition of high precision, but need to adopt the sulfuric acid chloride ion, use mercury masking the mercury YanLiang bigger, of the environment by secondary pollution is very serious; Standard curve method will not cause to the environment pollution, but also have certain limitation. By comparing the two kinds of method, the principle of the operation procedure and the processing method, it can be concluded that in high concentrations of chloride ion low concentration COD cases, standard curve method to determine the accuracy of COD more.