谁可以帮我翻译一下这段话啊?我明天就要用拉!谢谢!!!!!!!!!! 20
穆斯林一般都认为左手是脏的,忌讳用左手给人传递物品,特别是食物。在穆斯林家里做客,主人有时用右手抓一些肉、米饭分给大家,这时不要拒绝、不能表现出为难的样子,不愿意接受。接受主人递茶的时候,我们一般都认为用双手接比较文明,但在穆斯林国家你要注意不要双手接,要用右手接。给穆斯林递东西时,千万注意不要上左手。有些伊斯兰国家,如伊朗、沙特,妇女外出时必须要穿恰兜,这是一种能将头部及全身罩住的黑色长袍。现在象一些年轻的姑娘不太喜欢穿这种东西,因为它不方便,她们就穿man tong,这是一种类似风雨衣的宽松袍子。对于外国妇女虽然不强制一定要穿恰兜或man tong,但一定要戴黑色头巾,这个头巾一般都为黑色、白色、咖啡色,把整个头发要包起来。如果穿连衣裙,必须要长袖的,不能穿紧身的,不能露出线条,而且要穿素色的。穿裙子的话,要穿深色的长筒袜,如果是浅色的,不能是透明的。另外女士不能与男士握手,如果说一时忘了把手伸出来了,那么就势把手变成致意的一种姿势。
是翻译成什么文啊老大?Muslim religion generally all thought the left hand is dirty,abstained from transmits the goods with the left hand to the person,specially food. Is a guest in the Muslim family, the master sometimesuses the right hand to grasp some meats, the rice apportionseverybody, by now did not have to refuse, not to be able to displaythe awkward appearance, was not willing to accept. Accepts the masterhands over the tea time, we generally all thought meets with bothhands quite civilized, but you must pay attention in the Muslimcountry does not want both hands to meet, must use the right hand tomeet. Hands over the thing when to Muslim religion, surely paysattention does not want on the left hand. Some Islam country, likeIran, Saudi Arabia, the woman egresses when must have to put onexactly captures, this is one kind can the black long gown whichcovers the forehead and the whole body. Now likely some young girlsnot too like putting on this kind of thing, because it is notconvenient, they put on man tong, this is one kind of similarwindproof raincoat loose Chinese-style gown. Regarding foreign womanalthough does not force certainly to have to put on exactly capturesor man tong, but certainly must wear the black kerchief, this kerchiefgenerally all for the black, the white, the coffee color, must wrapthe entire hair. If puts on the one-piece dress, must want the longsleeve, cannot put on tight-fitting, cannot reveal the line, moreovermust put on the plain color. Puts on the skirt the speech, must put onthe deep color the stockings, if is the tint, cannot be transparent.Moreover woman cannot shake hand with the gentleman, if forgot tostretch out for a while the hand, then took advantage of a situationone kind of posture which turned the hand expresses best wishes.