有哪位好心人帮个忙啊~帮我中译英,急~!本人没有悬赏分了 先谢谢啦,感激不尽。
在翻译过程中,译者要突出其文本功能,确保译文信息传递的准确性和完整性。译文要做到客观准确、明白易懂,并且具有可读性。本文将通过对中英旅游景点文化差异的对比分析,根据目的语的句式结构和行文特点做出必要的调整, 使译文符合目的语读者的认知习惯和审美要求。
直译可以保留原名简短的语言形式,同时保留原名的深刻的内涵,采用直译策略可以保留原文朦胧的、美的意境,可以激发译文读者的想象力,不同背景的读者产生的联想不尽相同,但直译却可以达到再现原名的审美效果,尊重译文读者的审美感受的目的,是翻译“美”的原则的体现,也体现了模糊对等原则。 展开
在翻译过程中,译者要突出其文本功能,确保译文信息传递的准确性和完整性。译文要做到客观准确、明白易懂,并且具有可读性。本文将通过对中英旅游景点文化差异的对比分析,根据目的语的句式结构和行文特点做出必要的调整, 使译文符合目的语读者的认知习惯和审美要求。
直译可以保留原名简短的语言形式,同时保留原名的深刻的内涵,采用直译策略可以保留原文朦胧的、美的意境,可以激发译文读者的想象力,不同背景的读者产生的联想不尽相同,但直译却可以达到再现原名的审美效果,尊重译文读者的审美感受的目的,是翻译“美”的原则的体现,也体现了模糊对等原则。 展开
To many countries around the world for, tourism is a big industry, because it not only brings the tourist attractions tickets income, the more important is driving traffic, catering, hotel, crafts, culture, sports and other related industry. Develop without any communication, and many of the oral communication and written communication are without translation.Tourist attractions in english-chinese translation of Chinese and foreign tourism promotion and economic development and to enrich the cultural life of the people play an increasingly important role in both Chinese and English, and, the tourism materials translation, is not only beneficial to the tourist attractions publicity and tourism promotion, the person is also very important, good translation is not only beneficial to travel a lot of people see information, and about the attractions,Still can make no conditions or don't want to travel of people don't necessarily have to travel destination and through the translated text to understand the destination natural landscape and cultural landscape. Premise is must to attractions translation to be more precise, the more standard, the more vivid. But currently existing in tourism in chinese-english translation most obvious problem is due to lack of culture, cultural differences, aesthetic differences of the translation of attractions mistranslation, disorderly translating, serious impact on the attractions of translation quality.Translation error is an issue itself, and more importantly, because such a mistake, hampered the spread of the tourism culture, destroy the western visitors aesthetic feeling, in addition to the various scenic spots and the city's image has adverse impact.
In the process of translating, the translator should highlight its text function ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information transfer.The objective and accurate, to do, and have accessible readability. This paper will be through the British tourist attractions in cultural differences between the contrast analysis of the target language, according to the sentence structure and style make the necessary adjustments, features to make the translation meet the target audience's cognitive habits and aesthetic requirements.
The purpose of translation: tourist attractions
More and more tourists want to travel through more Chinese civilization and foreign culture. The tourist attractions, a stone mountain idealds are culture, and a mark history, myths, legends, their stories about folk customs, let the tourists in the tourism in history, feel personally touch culture.Chinese tourist attractions can reflect the certain time of political and military situation, reflects profound religious cultural background, and folk stories, myths and legends, landscape visit can enrich the cultural knowledge, and improve the tourist visitors cultural quality, spread Chinese culture.
Fuzzy equivalence principle of literal translation "meaning:"
Literal translation can keep formerly known as brief language form, also reserves of formerly known as the profound connotation, literal translation strategy can keep the original hazy, beautiful artistic conception, may stimulate the reader's imagination, the different background of readers are not the same, but the lenovo literal translation but can achieve reproduce aesthetic effects of respect, formerly known as the readers of the aesthetic experience, is the purpose of translation "beauty" principle to reflect, also reflected the fuzzy equivalence principle.
In the process of translating, the translator should highlight its text function ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information transfer.The objective and accurate, to do, and have accessible readability. This paper will be through the British tourist attractions in cultural differences between the contrast analysis of the target language, according to the sentence structure and style make the necessary adjustments, features to make the translation meet the target audience's cognitive habits and aesthetic requirements.
The purpose of translation: tourist attractions
More and more tourists want to travel through more Chinese civilization and foreign culture. The tourist attractions, a stone mountain idealds are culture, and a mark history, myths, legends, their stories about folk customs, let the tourists in the tourism in history, feel personally touch culture.Chinese tourist attractions can reflect the certain time of political and military situation, reflects profound religious cultural background, and folk stories, myths and legends, landscape visit can enrich the cultural knowledge, and improve the tourist visitors cultural quality, spread Chinese culture.
Fuzzy equivalence principle of literal translation "meaning:"
Literal translation can keep formerly known as brief language form, also reserves of formerly known as the profound connotation, literal translation strategy can keep the original hazy, beautiful artistic conception, may stimulate the reader's imagination, the different background of readers are not the same, but the lenovo literal translation but can achieve reproduce aesthetic effects of respect, formerly known as the readers of the aesthetic experience, is the purpose of translation "beauty" principle to reflect, also reflected the fuzzy equivalence principle.