我的家乡百色,百色位于广西西部、风景优美、历史悠久、人杰地灵同时百色是全国文明的革命老区。百色有壮族、汉族、瑶族、苗族、彝族、仡佬族、回族等7个民族,是典型的少数民族地区,北与云南、贵州交界,南与越南接壤,是大西南滇、黔、桂三省交界的重要交通枢纽。在百色你能品尝到最美味的芒果、你能够参观到:百色起义纪念碑、红七军军部旧址粤东会馆、百色起义纪念馆等著名的革命旧址,也有澄碧湖这样的风景区。我爱百色,这是我的家乡。 展开
我的家乡百色,百色位于广西西部、风景优美、历史悠久、人杰地灵同时百色是全国文明的革命老区。百色有壮族、汉族、瑶族、苗族、彝族、仡佬族、回族等7个民族,是典型的少数民族地区,北与云南、贵州交界,南与越南接壤,是大西南滇、黔、桂三省交界的重要交通枢纽。在百色你能品尝到最美味的芒果、你能够参观到:百色起义纪念碑、红七军军部旧址粤东会馆、百色起义纪念馆等著名的革命旧址,也有澄碧湖这样的风景区。我爱百色,这是我的家乡。 展开
My hometown
My hometown is located in the western guangxi baise, baise, beautiful scenery, has a long history, the human outstanding earth deities at the same time is the civilization of baise old revolutionary base areas. Zhuang, the han nationality, has the baise yao, miao, yi, GeLaoZu, hui 7 national, is typical of minority areas, north and south of the border in yunnan, guizhou, with Vietnam in the west, and yunnan, guizhou province, southwest is three provinces guangxi the junction of the important traffic hub. In the baise you can taste the most delicious mango, you could visit baise revolt monument to: he, site of the army baise revolt 'association of guangdong, such as the famous site of the revolution, also have ChengBi lake such scenic spot. I love the baise, this is my home.
My hometown is located in the western guangxi baise, baise, beautiful scenery, has a long history, the human outstanding earth deities at the same time is the civilization of baise old revolutionary base areas. Zhuang, the han nationality, has the baise yao, miao, yi, GeLaoZu, hui 7 national, is typical of minority areas, north and south of the border in yunnan, guizhou, with Vietnam in the west, and yunnan, guizhou province, southwest is three provinces guangxi the junction of the important traffic hub. In the baise you can taste the most delicious mango, you could visit baise revolt monument to: he, site of the army baise revolt 'association of guangdong, such as the famous site of the revolution, also have ChengBi lake such scenic spot. I love the baise, this is my home.