求新编大学英语第二版第五册unit1~7的after-class reading的译文,谢谢,拜托了 50

浙大出版社的,谢谢,thedescriptionisfollowed.unit1thetell-taleheart&cleaningupunit2men'sliberat... 浙大出版社的,谢谢,the description is followed.
unit1 the tell-tale heart & cleaning up
unit2 men's liberation from etiquette & who pays the check?
unit3 national stereotypes and business behavior & doing business in asia
unit4 friends,good friends-and such good friends & the value of friendship
unit5 a simple truth about happiness & optimism
unit6 when to keep your mouth shut & how we can change our wasteful habits
unit7 rescue at dotson creek & in memory of the challenges astronauts
 我来答
A. Multi-national companies care about their public image and don’t like being attacked by trade unions. 跨国公司关心他们的公众形象,而且不喜欢受到工会的攻击。
B. Can you give me some advice on how to care for these chickens? 在如何照顾这些小鸡上你能给我一些建议吗?
C. The money came from those who care about the fate of animals in today’s world. 这些钱是那些关注当今世界上动物命运的人捐助的。
D. It is particularly important to care for your children’s eyes from a very early age. 从很小的年纪就开始注意你的孩子的眼睛特别重要。
2) let alone let down let go
A. John made it clear that he would not let Michael go without a fight. 约翰宣称不打一架他是不会让米歇尔走的。
B. If anyone harasses you or let you down badly, you must let us know. 如果什么人骚扰你或者让你非常扫兴,你一定要让我们知道。
C. The situation was bad enough for a professional, let alone a 12-year-old girl. 这种情况对一个专业人员来说都足够糟糕的了,更不用说是一个12岁的女孩。
D. It’s also a time when you must let something go to make room for things that need to go into your life. 同时,你必须把一些东西丢掉,以便给生活必需品让地方。
3) come by come around come down with come up with
A. Susan didn’t attend her brother’s birthday party last night, because she came down with a bad cold. 苏珊昨晚上没有参加他兄弟的生日晚会,因为她得上了严重的感冒。
B. During World War II nylon stockings were very dear and hard to come by. 在二战期间尼龙袜非常昂贵而且很难买到。
C. When I came around, I found I was on the kitchen floor. 当我恢复知觉的时候,我发现我躺在厨房的地板上。
D. Is that the best excuse you can come up with? 这是你能提出的最好的借口吗?
4) pick up pick out pick apart
A. After the football game the sports writers picked apart the losing coaches’ strategy. 在足球比赛之后,体育评论员们对败方教练的策略横加指责。
B. The child kept picking up the magazines and putting them down again. 这个孩子不断地把杂志拿起来又放下。
C. It will take her a few minutes to pick out the best painting of her collection. 从她的收藏中找出最好的画要花掉她几分钟的时间。
D. The skin and feathers will pick up odors from their environment, such as cigarette smoke and cooking oil. 皮肤和羽毛会沾上周围的环境的气味,比如烟味和烹调油的味道。
2. Fill in each of the blacks from the box
Directions: Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or expression from the box. Change the form if necessary.
have in common on purpose by accident kill off tragic cite ...as impact
replace absence heroic
1) I don’t know if he said these rude words on purpose or not I was really hurt. 我不知道他说这些无礼的话是不是有意的,但我是真的被伤害了。
2) The factory dumped poisonous wastes into the river and killed off the fish. 这家工厂把有毒的废物倒进河里毒死了鱼。
3) Mr. Smith will be in charge during my absence. 我不在的时候由史密斯先生来负责。
4) The shopkeeper said he would replace the radio set if we were not satisfied. 店主说如果我们不满意的话他可以换掉收音机。
5) I met an old friend quite by accident in the street this morning. 今天早上我在街上非常偶然地遇见了一个老朋友。
6) To my surprise, I found the stranger and I had a lot in common. 令我吃惊的是,我和这个陌生人有很多共同点。
7) Warnings about the dangers of smoking seemed to have little impact on John; he kept smoking two packs a day. 吸烟危险的警告看来对约翰没有什么影响;他依旧每天吸两包烟。
8) I would like to cite Joan Collins as a fine example for the kids to follow. 我愿意把琼•克林斯列为孩子们学习的一个好榜样。
9) There was a tragic accident in front of my office today. 今天在我的办公室前发生了一起悲惨的事故。
10) Her father’s heroic character and fate were a heritage from which she drew lessons and comfort. 她父亲的英勇的品格和命运是她从中吸取教训和安慰的遗产。
不是啦,是each unit的after-class reading 的两篇passage的translation咯
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