曼联队歌最常见的版本是gloryglorymanunited(以下简称为GGMU)这个,GGMU 的旋律最最早来自基督教信徒聚会时的赞美诗《喂,兄弟,你将在迦南圣地的海岸边和我相会吗?》。. 这个长得出奇的歌名,大概就是这歌的第一句词。歌曲的作者叫W. 斯蒂夫,现在除了音乐史家大概已经没有几个人知道他的名字了。可是他留下的这个曲调却传遍了全世界,人们给他填上各种歌词,在曲作者一栏里却经常写“佚名“、“民歌“或“无名氏“。
1983年, 曼联打进足总杯决赛, 于是发行了现在我们耳熟能详的
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on, on, on.
Just like the Busby Babes in Days gone by
We’ll keep the Red Flags flying high
You’ve got to see yourself from far and wide
You’ve got to hear the masses sing with pride
United! Man United!
We’re the boys in Red and we’re on our way to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We’re the famous Man United and we’re going to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We’re the famous Man United and we’re going to Wem-ber-ly
In Seventy-Seven it was Docherty
Atkinson will make it Eighty-Three
And everyone will know just who we are
They’ll be singing ’Que Sera Sera’
United! Man United!
We’re the boys in Red and we’re on our way to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly! We’re the famous Man United and we’re going to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We’re the famous Man United and we’re going to Wem-ber-ly
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on, on, on.
1983年, 曼联打进足总杯决赛, 于是发行了现在我们耳熟能详的
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on, on, on.
Just like the Busby Babes in Days gone by
We’ll keep the Red Flags flying high
You’ve got to see yourself from far and wide
You’ve got to hear the masses sing with pride
United! Man United!
We’re the boys in Red and we’re on our way to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We’re the famous Man United and we’re going to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We’re the famous Man United and we’re going to Wem-ber-ly
In Seventy-Seven it was Docherty
Atkinson will make it Eighty-Three
And everyone will know just who we are
They’ll be singing ’Que Sera Sera’
United! Man United!
We’re the boys in Red and we’re on our way to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly! We’re the famous Man United and we’re going to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We’re the famous Man United and we’re going to Wem-ber-ly
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on, on, on.
终于被我找到了,这曲子的名字是"Oh brothers, will you meet us on Canaan's happy shore?"
Glory Glory Man United 的起源 by XoR
有一天我在一部二战题材的美国电视剧里听见一帮美国兵在唱歌, 旋律竟然和 <Glory Glory Man United> 一样, 于是我开始寻找 GGMU 的起源...
GGMU 的旋律最最早来自基督教信徒聚会时的赞美诗<Oh brothers, will you meet us on Canaan's happy shore?>.
在1861年, 一首为了纪念废除奴隶制度主义者 John Brown 的歌曲 <John Brown's Body> 用了这个旋律. 歌词如下:
John Brown's body lies a-mold'ring in the grave
John Brown's body lies a-mold'ring in the grave
John Brown's body lies a-mold'ring in the grave
His soul goes marching on
Glory, Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory! Hallelujah!
His soul is marching on
He captured Harper's Ferry with his nineteen men so true
He frightened old Virginia till she trembled through and through
They hung him for a traitor, themselves the traitor crew
His soul is marching on
John Brown died that the slave might be free,
John Brown died that the slave might be free,
John Brown died that the slave might be free,
But his soul is marching on!
The stars above in Heaven are looking kindly down
The stars above in Heaven are looking kindly down
The stars above in Heaven are looking kindly down
On the grave of old John Brown
1862年, 一位政府官员的妻子 Julia Ward Howe 在杂志 At-lant-ic Month-ly 上发表了一首赞美诗,编辑为其命名为 <Battle Hymn of the Republic>, 音乐上是采用 <John Brown's Body> 的旋律. 在丘吉尔和R.肯尼迪的葬礼上都唱过这首歌. 歌词如下:
Mine eyes have seen the glory
Of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage
Where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning
Of His terrible swift sword;
His truth is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
I have seen Him in the watchfires
Of a hundred circling camps
They have builded Him an altar
In the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence
By the dim and flaring lamps;
His day is marching on.
I have read a fiery gospel writ
In burnished rows of steel:
"As ye deal with My contemners,
So with you My grace shall deal":
Let the Hero born of woman
Crush the serpent with His heel,
Since God is marching on.
He has sounded forth the trumpet
That shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men
Before His judgement seat;
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him;
Be jubilant, my feet;
Our God is marching on.
In the beauty of the lilies
Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom
That transfigures you and me;
As He died to make men holy,
Let us die to make men free;
While God is marching on.
用这个旋律还有几首在军队里唱的歌, 版本挺多的, 其中比较狠的是下面这个:
(也是我在电视剧里听到的那个, 降落伞兵们唱的)
What a Way to Die
We are reckless parachutists
At least that's what we're told
But when action stations sounded
Then you don't feel quite so bold
When the press is euphemistic
We're the heroes of the sky
But we feel deep down inside us
"What a terrible way to die"
Glory, glory what a terrible of a way to die!
Glory, glory what a terrible of a way to die!
Glory, glory what a terrible of a way to die!
What a terrible way to die
Up with the floor, up with the floor
And our poor old knees are tremblin'
Stand to the door, stand to the door
And we're seeing scores of gremlins
Red light on - green light on
Out though the hole we go
Gasping for breath, battered half to death
Drifting down to earth below
Now there's some who jump to glory
And there's some who jump to fame
If your parachute don't open
You'll get there just the same
There's a big court of inquiry
And the packer gets the sack
But there's nothing in creation
That will ever bring you back
其它版本无论歌词怎么变, 总离不开 Glory Glory 什么什么的.
1983年, 曼联打进足总杯决赛, 于是发行了现在我们耳熟能详的 <Glory Glory Man United>
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on, on, on.
Just like the Busby Babes in Days gone by
We'll keep the Red Flags flying high
You've got to see yourself from far and wide
You've got to hear the masses sing with pride
United! Man United!
We're the boys in Red and we're on our way to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wem-ber-ly
In Seventy-Seven it was Docherty
Atkinson will make it Eighty-Three
And everyone will know just who we are
They'll be singing 'Que Sera Sera'
United! Man United!
We're the boys in Red and we're on our way to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wem-ber-ly
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on, on, on. (3x)
终于被我找到了,这曲子的名字是"Oh brothers, will you meet us on Canaan's happy shore?"
Glory Glory Man United 的起源 by XoR
有一天我在一部二战题材的美国电视剧里听见一帮美国兵在唱歌, 旋律竟然和 <Glory Glory Man United> 一样, 于是我开始寻找 GGMU 的起源...
GGMU 的旋律最最早来自基督教信徒聚会时的赞美诗<Oh brothers, will you meet us on Canaan's happy shore?>.
在1861年, 一首为了纪念废除奴隶制度主义者 John Brown 的歌曲 <John Brown's Body> 用了这个旋律. 歌词如下:
John Brown's body lies a-mold'ring in the grave
John Brown's body lies a-mold'ring in the grave
John Brown's body lies a-mold'ring in the grave
His soul goes marching on
Glory, Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory! Hallelujah!
His soul is marching on
He captured Harper's Ferry with his nineteen men so true
He frightened old Virginia till she trembled through and through
They hung him for a traitor, themselves the traitor crew
His soul is marching on
John Brown died that the slave might be free,
John Brown died that the slave might be free,
John Brown died that the slave might be free,
But his soul is marching on!
The stars above in Heaven are looking kindly down
The stars above in Heaven are looking kindly down
The stars above in Heaven are looking kindly down
On the grave of old John Brown
1862年, 一位政府官员的妻子 Julia Ward Howe 在杂志 At-lant-ic Month-ly 上发表了一首赞美诗,编辑为其命名为 <Battle Hymn of the Republic>, 音乐上是采用 <John Brown's Body> 的旋律. 在丘吉尔和R.肯尼迪的葬礼上都唱过这首歌. 歌词如下:
Mine eyes have seen the glory
Of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage
Where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning
Of His terrible swift sword;
His truth is marching on.
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
I have seen Him in the watchfires
Of a hundred circling camps
They have builded Him an altar
In the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence
By the dim and flaring lamps;
His day is marching on.
I have read a fiery gospel writ
In burnished rows of steel:
"As ye deal with My contemners,
So with you My grace shall deal":
Let the Hero born of woman
Crush the serpent with His heel,
Since God is marching on.
He has sounded forth the trumpet
That shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men
Before His judgement seat;
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him;
Be jubilant, my feet;
Our God is marching on.
In the beauty of the lilies
Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom
That transfigures you and me;
As He died to make men holy,
Let us die to make men free;
While God is marching on.
用这个旋律还有几首在军队里唱的歌, 版本挺多的, 其中比较狠的是下面这个:
(也是我在电视剧里听到的那个, 降落伞兵们唱的)
What a Way to Die
We are reckless parachutists
At least that's what we're told
But when action stations sounded
Then you don't feel quite so bold
When the press is euphemistic
We're the heroes of the sky
But we feel deep down inside us
"What a terrible way to die"
Glory, glory what a terrible of a way to die!
Glory, glory what a terrible of a way to die!
Glory, glory what a terrible of a way to die!
What a terrible way to die
Up with the floor, up with the floor
And our poor old knees are tremblin'
Stand to the door, stand to the door
And we're seeing scores of gremlins
Red light on - green light on
Out though the hole we go
Gasping for breath, battered half to death
Drifting down to earth below
Now there's some who jump to glory
And there's some who jump to fame
If your parachute don't open
You'll get there just the same
There's a big court of inquiry
And the packer gets the sack
But there's nothing in creation
That will ever bring you back
其它版本无论歌词怎么变, 总离不开 Glory Glory 什么什么的.
1983年, 曼联打进足总杯决赛, 于是发行了现在我们耳熟能详的 <Glory Glory Man United>
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on, on, on.
Just like the Busby Babes in Days gone by
We'll keep the Red Flags flying high
You've got to see yourself from far and wide
You've got to hear the masses sing with pride
United! Man United!
We're the boys in Red and we're on our way to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wem-ber-ly
In Seventy-Seven it was Docherty
Atkinson will make it Eighty-Three
And everyone will know just who we are
They'll be singing 'Que Sera Sera'
United! Man United!
We're the boys in Red and we're on our way to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wem-ber-ly
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on, on, on. (3x)
Lift it high是99三冠之后,曼联自创,由全体球员合唱的。
曼联的Glory Glory Man United 是直接根据《共和国战歌》改编而来.其实,20 世纪 60 年代,热刺球迷就用过这个旋律了,但曼联球迷在 1986 年足总杯决赛中发行了现在这首耳熟能详的 Glory Glory Man United. 1994 年,英国摇滚乐队 Status Quo 还出了一首单曲 Come on You Reds 在当时英国非常流行,曾经占据了英国单曲排行榜第一名位置两周,有意思的是,参与这首歌创作的 Francis Rossi, 是个热刺球迷.其实历史上,不只热刺,利兹球迷也用过这个旋律改编成球迷歌曲.但确实是曼联球迷把它发扬光大.
曼联的Glory Glory Man United 是直接根据《共和国战歌》改编而来.其实,20 世纪 60 年代,热刺球迷就用过这个旋律了,但曼联球迷在 1986 年足总杯决赛中发行了现在这首耳熟能详的 Glory Glory Man United. 1994 年,英国摇滚乐队 Status Quo 还出了一首单曲 Come on You Reds 在当时英国非常流行,曾经占据了英国单曲排行榜第一名位置两周,有意思的是,参与这首歌创作的 Francis Rossi, 是个热刺球迷.其实历史上,不只热刺,利兹球迷也用过这个旋律改编成球迷歌曲.但确实是曼联球迷把它发扬光大.