patran license 问题,请教怎么解决
the license file doesn't have a SERVER line appropriate for this host(possibly incorrect or missing HostID)
C:\Documents and setting\linmin\桌面\license.dat Is not a valid license file for this host.Do you still want to use it
You have requested to run MSC.Patran on a Windows LINMIN(000d614f4671) (Windows 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)). There are no version 2007.1115 licenses installed to satisfy this request. License File: 1700@linmin Please request your systems administrator to review the installation procedures for MSC.Software products on your system and/or contact your Support Representative for further assistance. 展开
the license file doesn't have a SERVER line appropriate for this host(possibly incorrect or missing HostID)
C:\Documents and setting\linmin\桌面\license.dat Is not a valid license file for this host.Do you still want to use it
You have requested to run MSC.Patran on a Windows LINMIN(000d614f4671) (Windows 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)). There are no version 2007.1115 licenses installed to satisfy this request. License File: 1700@linmin Please request your systems administrator to review the installation procedures for MSC.Software products on your system and/or contact your Support Representative for further assistance. 展开