谁有vs2008的Brace Completer插件,注意是vs2008的,不是vs2010的,在线等,邮箱chenlijuan2001@yeah.net
printf("\t\t\t1. 输入学生成绩记录 Enter the record\n"); /*输入学生成绩记录*/
printf("\t\t\t2. 显示 Print the record\n"); /*显示*/
printf("\t\t\t3. 寻找 Search record on name\n"); /*寻找*/
printf("\t\t\t4. 删除 Delete a record\n"); /*删除*/
printf("\t\t\t5. 排序 Sort to make New a file\n"); /*排序*/
printf("\t\t\t6. 插入 Insert record to list\n"); /*插入*/
printf("\t\t\t7. 保存 Save the file\n"); /*保存*/
printf("\t\t\t8. 读取 Load the file\n"); /*读取*/
printf("\t\t\t9. 退出 Quit\n"); /*退出*/
printf("\t\t\t2. 显示 Print the record\n"); /*显示*/
printf("\t\t\t3. 寻找 Search record on name\n"); /*寻找*/
printf("\t\t\t4. 删除 Delete a record\n"); /*删除*/
printf("\t\t\t5. 排序 Sort to make New a file\n"); /*排序*/
printf("\t\t\t6. 插入 Insert record to list\n"); /*插入*/
printf("\t\t\t7. 保存 Save the file\n"); /*保存*/
printf("\t\t\t8. 读取 Load the file\n"); /*读取*/
printf("\t\t\t9. 退出 Quit\n"); /*退出*/