基于以上机器人的发展方向,该设计利用凌阳16位单片机在数字信号处理及语音处理方面的特性,根据语音识别的基本原理,设计制作了一种语音控制机器人系统,该系统主要包括语音识别模块,语音播放模块以及机器人动作控制模块。该系统通过预先的训练即可识别特定人的语音,从而可以使机器人在语音指令控制下实现前进,后退,跳舞,发射以及连续发射飞盘等多种功能。 展开
基于以上机器人的发展方向,该设计利用凌阳16位单片机在数字信号处理及语音处理方面的特性,根据语音识别的基本原理,设计制作了一种语音控制机器人系统,该系统主要包括语音识别模块,语音播放模块以及机器人动作控制模块。该系统通过预先的训练即可识别特定人的语音,从而可以使机器人在语音指令控制下实现前进,后退,跳舞,发射以及连续发射飞盘等多种功能。 展开
Today, the development of robots become more and more intelligent and humane voice of exchanges between the robot and the most natural, the most convenient means. Speech recognition is through the voice, so that machines understand people's meaning thereby implement the corresponding order, completed corresponding action. Make an intelligent robot and advanced. Based on the above robot development direction, The design of the use of Sunplus 16 microcontroller in digital signal processing and speech processing characteristics. According to speech recognition to the basic principles of the design of a speech-controlled robot system, The system includes voice recognition module, voice and broadcast module robot motor control module. The system passed the pre-training can identify the specific voice, which can bring the robot voice orders under control forward, backward, dancing, launch and fired consecutive Frisbee, and other functions.