
包括:1,坚持锻炼身体。2.根据个人兴趣和需要安排学习。3.帮助家人做家务。其他自己发挥,100词左右,初二初三水平... 包括:1,坚持锻炼身体。2.根据个人兴趣和需要安排学习。3.帮助家人做家务。
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2011-07-04 · TA获得超过3.6万个赞
How I Spent My Summer Vacation

The summer vacation had come round again. I was happy that I could forget about school at least for a while. Lest I fool around all through this summer vacation, I made a plan as to how to spend it. First, I thought I should go over all those things my teachers taught in the previous term so that I could have a better understanding of them. Then I thought I should take up some forms of exercise, such as walking, running and rowing, to keep me physically strong. It stood to reason that with such a good plan I should make the best of my vacation time. I did, because I lived up to what I had planned.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation(2)

Summer can be very hot in southern Taiwan where the temperature usually goes up to 32"C or more. Because of the heat it is a trying experience to go to school or do anything else in a place that is not air-conditioned. Also because of this I stay at home most of the time during the summer vacation and only occasionally go to the beach to plunge myself into the cool water as a way to keep my body less sticky. Actually I like swimming and think nothing is more refreshing than a swim. In the summer vacation that has just ended I went swimming many times with my classmates and we all had a good time. This summer vacation, however, was not spent entirely in seeking fun. As a second-year senior student I had to prepare myself for the college entrance examinations that were only a year away. In other words, I must find time to study, too. So I divided my time between work and play during the summer vacation and derived much benefit from this arrangement.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation(3)

I spent this summer vacation in quite a different way. I used to run about every day in previous summer vacations, but this summer vacation I simply could not afford to do so. I would soon be in the last year of my high-school education and would after graduation be up against the college entrance examinations. Though those examinations were still a year away, I had to start early to make myself well prepared by reviewing all those things I had learned at school and this summer vacation was the ideal time for me to do this. At first I was rather dismayed at the thought of this, but later I thought it was better this way because by working hard this summer I could count on endless happy summers to come. With this in mind I then set to work like anything and only occasionally went out for a change or did some physical. I was not at all bored by this kind of life, for I was sustained by a hope.

My summer vacation plan I am going back to my hometown this summer.I will take a good rest when I get home after a year's hard work.when i stay at home,i will surf the interenet,watch tv and help my mom with house work..when i stay out,I will see a latest movie and paly ball with my classmates,i would like to travel with parents if they have time ,we will vist the animal museum which i like best.if i have chance, i will try being a volunteer to look into the opinion of people for olympic game.Summer vacation is the best time of the year. I can plan lots of fun things and I can carry them out. It is like I can do whatever I want.Oh, I just can't wait for it! My Plan for Summer VacationThe longing summer vacation is approaching, it is the best part of the school year for me. I cannot let the holidays elapse (逝去) meaninglessly, my vacation should be a phase (时期、阶段) of harvest. The events in my plan should give me a sense of infinite potential.The following plan may reveal the intensity of my desire to travel, work and study in this vacation. In the first few days I want to climb Mount Hua Shan with several friends to refresh ourselves. Then I tend to visit relatives, senior school teachers and former classmates(老同学). Besides, to find out the best ways to cultivate my abilities, I will find a part time job and conduct some social investigation.In short, I want to do interesting things in the summer vacation. Whatever I do, the goal is the same: to get necessary experience, acquire knowledge and broaden my horizons. Though the six week vacation will pass away at lightning speed, its influence is bound to last long.
2017-06-16 · TA获得超过538个赞
My holiday life will be busy but interesting.I am going to do my homework every day so that I can finish my homework on time.I am going to the library to borrow some books and go to the shops to buy some books so that I can read some interesting books.I am going to play sports such as playing basketball,table tennis,swimming and so on .Of course I am going to help my parents do some housework because they are busy with their work every day.I am going to spend a week in Shanghai with my parents so that we can see the expo.I am sure I am going to have an interesting and happy summer vacation.
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2011-07-04 · TA获得超过385个赞
The summer holiday is coming soon.I have made a plan about it. First, I will keep doing exercises.So that I will be stronger and healthier.Second,I will study hard at home and finnish my homework carefully.I will review what teachers have taught me.I will buy some useful books and read them carefully.So that I will get good marks.Third,I will help my parents do housework. So that they will be happier and less tired.Finally,I will relax myself during the summer holiday.I will go travelling with my parents.I will enjoy myself.In a word,I am looking forward to the summer holiday.
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