最初的设想是在mapinfo里输入一些东西太麻烦,然后导出来想在excel里输好数据,再转到mapinfo 的表中,怎样实现,我用上述办法始终不行,检查了N次,不晓得问题出在哪里,请赐教,新手感激不尽!!!QQ11272825
下面是 Example
Dim chan_num, tab_marker As Integer
Dim topiclist, topicname, cell As String
chan_num = DDEInitiate("EXCEL", "System")
If chan_num = 0 Then
Note "Excel is not responding."
End Program
End If
' Get a list of Excel's valid topics
topiclist = DDERequest$(chan_num, "topics")
' Topics in the list are separated by tabs.
' If Excel 4 is running, topiclist might look like:
' ": Sheet1 System"
' (if spreadsheet is still "unnamed"),or like:
' ": C:Orders.XLS Sheet1 System"
' If Excel 5 is running, topiclist might look like:
' "[Book1]Sheet1 [Book2]Sheet2 ..."
' Next,extract just the first topic (e.g."Sheet1")
' by extracting the text between the 1st & 2nd tabs;
' or, in the case of Excel 5, by extracting the text
' that appears before the first tab.
If Left$(topiclist, 1) = ":" Then
' ...then it's Excel 4.
tab_marker = InStr(3, topiclist, Chr$(9) )
If tab_marker = 0 Then
Note "No Excel documents in use! Stopping."
End Program
End If
topicname = Mid$(topiclist, 3, tab_marker - 3)
' ... assume it's Excel 5.
tab_marker = Instr(1, topiclist, Chr$(9) )
topicname = Left$( topiclist, tab_marker - 1)
End If
' open a channel to the specific document
' (e.g. "Sheet1")
DDETerminate chan_num
chan_num = DDEInitiate("Excel", topicname)
If chan_num = 0 Then
Note "Problem communicating with " + topicname
End Program
End If
' Let's examine the 1st cell in Excel.
' If cell is blank, put a message in the cell.
' If cell isn't blank, don't alter it -
' just display cell contents in a MapBasic NOTE.
' Note that a "Blank cell" gets returned as a
' carriage-return line-feed sequence:
' Chr$(13) + Chr$(10).
cell = DDERequest$( chan_num, "R1C1" )
If cell <> Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) Then
"Message not sent; cell already contains:" + cell
DDEPoke chan_num, "R1C1", "Hello from MapInfo!"
Note "Message sent to Excel,"+topicname+ ",R1C1."
End If
下面是 Example
Dim chan_num, tab_marker As Integer
Dim topiclist, topicname, cell As String
chan_num = DDEInitiate("EXCEL", "System")
If chan_num = 0 Then
Note "Excel is not responding."
End Program
End If
' Get a list of Excel's valid topics
topiclist = DDERequest$(chan_num, "topics")
' Topics in the list are separated by tabs.
' If Excel 4 is running, topiclist might look like:
' ": Sheet1 System"
' (if spreadsheet is still "unnamed"),or like:
' ": C:Orders.XLS Sheet1 System"
' If Excel 5 is running, topiclist might look like:
' "[Book1]Sheet1 [Book2]Sheet2 ..."
' Next,extract just the first topic (e.g."Sheet1")
' by extracting the text between the 1st & 2nd tabs;
' or, in the case of Excel 5, by extracting the text
' that appears before the first tab.
If Left$(topiclist, 1) = ":" Then
' ...then it's Excel 4.
tab_marker = InStr(3, topiclist, Chr$(9) )
If tab_marker = 0 Then
Note "No Excel documents in use! Stopping."
End Program
End If
topicname = Mid$(topiclist, 3, tab_marker - 3)
' ... assume it's Excel 5.
tab_marker = Instr(1, topiclist, Chr$(9) )
topicname = Left$( topiclist, tab_marker - 1)
End If
' open a channel to the specific document
' (e.g. "Sheet1")
DDETerminate chan_num
chan_num = DDEInitiate("Excel", topicname)
If chan_num = 0 Then
Note "Problem communicating with " + topicname
End Program
End If
' Let's examine the 1st cell in Excel.
' If cell is blank, put a message in the cell.
' If cell isn't blank, don't alter it -
' just display cell contents in a MapBasic NOTE.
' Note that a "Blank cell" gets returned as a
' carriage-return line-feed sequence:
' Chr$(13) + Chr$(10).
cell = DDERequest$( chan_num, "R1C1" )
If cell <> Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) Then
"Message not sent; cell already contains:" + cell
DDEPoke chan_num, "R1C1", "Hello from MapInfo!"
Note "Message sent to Excel,"+topicname+ ",R1C1."
End If