7个回答
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Therewasonceaguywhosufferedfromcancer,acancerthatcan’tbecured.Hewas18yearsoldandhecoulddieanytime.Allhislife,hewasstuckinhishousebeingtakencaredbyhismother.Heneverwentoutsidebuthewassickofstayinghomeandwantedtogooutforonce.Soheaskedhismotherandshegavehimpermission.
Hewalkeddownhisblockandfoundalotofstores.HepassedaCDstoreandlookedthroughthefrontdoorforasecondashewalked.Hestoppedandwentbacktolookintothestore.Hesawabeautifulgirlabouthisageandheknewitwasloveatfirstsight.Heopenedthedoorandwalkedin,notlookingatanythingelsebuther.Hewalkedcloserandcloseruntilhewasfinallyatthefrontdeskwhereshesat.
Shelookedupandasked,“CanIhelpyou?”
Shesmiledandhethoughtitwasthemostbeautifulsmilehehaseverseenbeforeandwantedtokissherrightthere.
Hesaid,“Uh...Yeah...Umm...IwouldliketobuyaCD.”
Hepickedoneoutandgavehermoneyforit.
“Wouldyoulikemetowrapitforyou?”sheasked,smilinghercutesmileagain.
Henoddedandshewenttotheback.ShecamebackwiththewrappedCDandgaveittohim.Hetookitandwalkedoutofthestore.
Hewenthomeandfromthenon,hewenttothatstoreeverydayandboughtaCD,andshewrappeditforhim.HetooktheCDhomeandputitinhiscloset.Hewasstilltooshytoaskheroutandhereallywantedtobuthecouldn’t.Hismotherfoundoutaboutthisandtoldhimtojustaskher.Sothenextday,hetookallhiscourageandwenttothestoreasusual.HeboughtaCDlikehedideverydayandonceagainshewenttothebackofthestoreandcamebackwithitwrapped.Hetookitandwhenshewasn’tlooking,helefthisphonenumberonthedeskandranout...
Onedaythephonerang,andthemotherpickeditupandsaid,“Hello?”
Itwasthegirl!!!Themotherstartedtocryandsaid,“Youdon’tknow?Hepassedawayyesterday...”
Thelinewasquietexceptforthecriesoftheboy’smother.Laterintheday,themotherwentintotheboy’sroombecauseshewantedtorememberhim.Shethoughtshewouldstartbylookingathisclothes.Sosheopenedthecloset.
ShewasfacetofacewithpilesandpilesandpilesofunopenedCDs.ShewassurprisedtofindalltheseCDsandshepickedoneupandsatdownonthebedandshestartedtoopenone.Inside,therewasaCDandasshetookitoutofthewrapper,outfellapieceof*****.Themotherpickeditupandstartedtoreadit.Itsaid:Hi...IthinkURreallycute.Douwannagooutwithme?Love,Jocelyn.
ThemotherwasdeeplymovedandopenedanotherCD...
Againtherewasapieceof*****.Itsaid:Hi...IthinkURreallycute.Douwannagooutwithme?Love,Jocelyn.
Loveis...whenyou’vehadahugefightbutthendecidetoputasideyouregos,holdhandsandsay,“ILoveYou.”
Hewalkeddownhisblockandfoundalotofstores.HepassedaCDstoreandlookedthroughthefrontdoorforasecondashewalked.Hestoppedandwentbacktolookintothestore.Hesawabeautifulgirlabouthisageandheknewitwasloveatfirstsight.Heopenedthedoorandwalkedin,notlookingatanythingelsebuther.Hewalkedcloserandcloseruntilhewasfinallyatthefrontdeskwhereshesat.
Shelookedupandasked,“CanIhelpyou?”
Shesmiledandhethoughtitwasthemostbeautifulsmilehehaseverseenbeforeandwantedtokissherrightthere.
Hesaid,“Uh...Yeah...Umm...IwouldliketobuyaCD.”
Hepickedoneoutandgavehermoneyforit.
“Wouldyoulikemetowrapitforyou?”sheasked,smilinghercutesmileagain.
Henoddedandshewenttotheback.ShecamebackwiththewrappedCDandgaveittohim.Hetookitandwalkedoutofthestore.
Hewenthomeandfromthenon,hewenttothatstoreeverydayandboughtaCD,andshewrappeditforhim.HetooktheCDhomeandputitinhiscloset.Hewasstilltooshytoaskheroutandhereallywantedtobuthecouldn’t.Hismotherfoundoutaboutthisandtoldhimtojustaskher.Sothenextday,hetookallhiscourageandwenttothestoreasusual.HeboughtaCDlikehedideverydayandonceagainshewenttothebackofthestoreandcamebackwithitwrapped.Hetookitandwhenshewasn’tlooking,helefthisphonenumberonthedeskandranout...
Onedaythephonerang,andthemotherpickeditupandsaid,“Hello?”
Itwasthegirl!!!Themotherstartedtocryandsaid,“Youdon’tknow?Hepassedawayyesterday...”
Thelinewasquietexceptforthecriesoftheboy’smother.Laterintheday,themotherwentintotheboy’sroombecauseshewantedtorememberhim.Shethoughtshewouldstartbylookingathisclothes.Sosheopenedthecloset.
ShewasfacetofacewithpilesandpilesandpilesofunopenedCDs.ShewassurprisedtofindalltheseCDsandshepickedoneupandsatdownonthebedandshestartedtoopenone.Inside,therewasaCDandasshetookitoutofthewrapper,outfellapieceof*****.Themotherpickeditupandstartedtoreadit.Itsaid:Hi...IthinkURreallycute.Douwannagooutwithme?Love,Jocelyn.
ThemotherwasdeeplymovedandopenedanotherCD...
Againtherewasapieceof*****.Itsaid:Hi...IthinkURreallycute.Douwannagooutwithme?Love,Jocelyn.
Loveis...whenyou’vehadahugefightbutthendecidetoputasideyouregos,holdhandsandsay,“ILoveYou.”
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Brown-Glass
Rose
Once,
when
his
father
was
alive,
Langdon
had
heard
his
mom
begging
his
father
to
“stop
and
smell
the
roses.”
That
year,
Langdon
bought
his
father
a
tiny
blown-glass
rose
for
Christmas.
It
was
the
most
beautiful
thing
Langdon
had
ever
seen
.
.
.
the
way
the
sun
caught
it,
throwing
a
rainbow
of
colors
on
the
wall.
“It’s
lovely,”
his
father
had
said
when
he
opened
it,
kissing
Robert
on
the
forehead.
“Let’s
find
a
safe
spot
for
it.”
Then
his
father
had
carefully
placed
the
rose
on
a
high
dusty
shelf
in
the
darkest
corner
of
the
living
room.
few
days
later,
Langdon
got
a
stool,
retrieved
the
rose,
and
took
it
back
to
the
store.
His
father
never
noticed
it
was
gone.
---------------------------------------------
blood
types
Yael:
just
read
about
an
exciting
technique.
Researchers
found
a
way
to
convert
types
and
blood
into
type
blood--the
type
that
can
be
transfused
into
any
patient.
This
advance
could
help
avoid
blood
shortages
in
the
future.
Don:
Wow,
that
is
exciting.
But
what
makes
type
blood
so
special?
Y:
Blood
types
result
from
different
carbohydrates,
called
antigens,
on
the
surface
of
human
blood
cells.
Your
blood
"type"
denotes
the
kinds
of
antigens
you
have
on
the
surface
of
your
cells.
People
with
type
blood
have
antigens;
those
with
type
have
antigens.
If
you
have
both
kinds
of
antigens,
you're
type
if
you
have
neither
one,
you're
type
O.
Your
immune
system
recognizes
the
antigens
on
your
blood
as
"self",
but
attack
cells
with
"foreign"
antigens.
So
if
you
ever
need
a
blood
transfusion,
it's
important
that
you
only
receive
blood
compatible
with
your
own
type.
D:
see.
So
if
a
type
person
receives
type
or
blood,
her
immune
system
will
see
the
B-antigens
as
foreign,
and
attack
the
donor
blood
cells?
Y:
Exactly.
But
type
is
called
the
"universal
donor"
since
it
doesn't
have
any
antigens
that
would
set
off
the
body's
defense
system.
team
of
Danish
scientists
has
identified
enzymes
that
remove
the
and
antigens
from
blood
cells.
The
enzymes,
which
were
extracted
from
a
bacteria
and
a
fungus,
essentially
change
any
donated
blood
into
type
O.
Clinical
trials
are
underway
to
test
whether
the
treated
blood
is
safe
and
effective.
If
so,
the
technology
could
help
save
lives,
since
type
blood
is
such
a
precious
commodity.
----------------------------------------------------
The
mathematical
marriage
predictor.
You
might
not
think
that
mathematicians
have
anything
particularly
relevant
to
say
about
your
love
life.
But
you'd
be
wrong--if
we're
talking
about
James
Murray,
a
mathematician
at
the
University
of
Washington
in
Seattle
who
teamed
up
with
Psychologist
John
Gottman
to
explore
the
rocky
road
of
romance.
Here's
what
the
two
did.
They
videotaped
hundreds
of
volunteer
couples
discussing
such
things
as
sex
and
money.
You
know--the
sorts
of
things
on
which
everybody
always
agrees,
right?
Then
they
broke
down
behavioral
responses
to
these
high-pressure
discussions
into
recognizable
groups,
such
as
whether
partner
can
be
persuaded
by
partner
B,
or
whether
partner
takes
offense
when
partner
makes
a
cutting
remark.
set
of
equations
was
drawn
up
that
represented
the
interactions
of
these
different
factors
in
mathematical
form,
leading
to...Ding!...a
prediction
as
to
whether
this
marriage
would
last.
Sound
like
a
stretch?
Think
you
can't
possibly
tell
that
much
about
a
couple
from
a
single
interview
and
some
calculations?
Four
years
later
Murray
and
Gottman
did
a
follow-up
to
see
whether
the
equation
had
made
the
right
prediction.
It
sure
had--their
Mathematical
Marriage
Predictor
was
right
an
astonishing
ninety-four
percent
of
the
time.
Some
conspicuous
findings
included
the
fact
that,
in
marriages
that
lasted,
laughing
occurred
five
times
more
frequently
than
in
couples
destined
for
break-up.
The
team
also
found
that
the
one
behavior
that
most
consistently
predicted
divorce
was
the
appearance
of
a
contemptuous
or
mocking
facial
expression
on
one
partner's
face
when
the
other
one
spoke.
According
to
the
Mathematical
Marriage
Predictor,
it's
"roll
your
eyes
and
say
goodbyes."
Rose
Once,
when
his
father
was
alive,
Langdon
had
heard
his
mom
begging
his
father
to
“stop
and
smell
the
roses.”
That
year,
Langdon
bought
his
father
a
tiny
blown-glass
rose
for
Christmas.
It
was
the
most
beautiful
thing
Langdon
had
ever
seen
.
.
.
the
way
the
sun
caught
it,
throwing
a
rainbow
of
colors
on
the
wall.
“It’s
lovely,”
his
father
had
said
when
he
opened
it,
kissing
Robert
on
the
forehead.
“Let’s
find
a
safe
spot
for
it.”
Then
his
father
had
carefully
placed
the
rose
on
a
high
dusty
shelf
in
the
darkest
corner
of
the
living
room.
few
days
later,
Langdon
got
a
stool,
retrieved
the
rose,
and
took
it
back
to
the
store.
His
father
never
noticed
it
was
gone.
---------------------------------------------
blood
types
Yael:
just
read
about
an
exciting
technique.
Researchers
found
a
way
to
convert
types
and
blood
into
type
blood--the
type
that
can
be
transfused
into
any
patient.
This
advance
could
help
avoid
blood
shortages
in
the
future.
Don:
Wow,
that
is
exciting.
But
what
makes
type
blood
so
special?
Y:
Blood
types
result
from
different
carbohydrates,
called
antigens,
on
the
surface
of
human
blood
cells.
Your
blood
"type"
denotes
the
kinds
of
antigens
you
have
on
the
surface
of
your
cells.
People
with
type
blood
have
antigens;
those
with
type
have
antigens.
If
you
have
both
kinds
of
antigens,
you're
type
if
you
have
neither
one,
you're
type
O.
Your
immune
system
recognizes
the
antigens
on
your
blood
as
"self",
but
attack
cells
with
"foreign"
antigens.
So
if
you
ever
need
a
blood
transfusion,
it's
important
that
you
only
receive
blood
compatible
with
your
own
type.
D:
see.
So
if
a
type
person
receives
type
or
blood,
her
immune
system
will
see
the
B-antigens
as
foreign,
and
attack
the
donor
blood
cells?
Y:
Exactly.
But
type
is
called
the
"universal
donor"
since
it
doesn't
have
any
antigens
that
would
set
off
the
body's
defense
system.
team
of
Danish
scientists
has
identified
enzymes
that
remove
the
and
antigens
from
blood
cells.
The
enzymes,
which
were
extracted
from
a
bacteria
and
a
fungus,
essentially
change
any
donated
blood
into
type
O.
Clinical
trials
are
underway
to
test
whether
the
treated
blood
is
safe
and
effective.
If
so,
the
technology
could
help
save
lives,
since
type
blood
is
such
a
precious
commodity.
----------------------------------------------------
The
mathematical
marriage
predictor.
You
might
not
think
that
mathematicians
have
anything
particularly
relevant
to
say
about
your
love
life.
But
you'd
be
wrong--if
we're
talking
about
James
Murray,
a
mathematician
at
the
University
of
Washington
in
Seattle
who
teamed
up
with
Psychologist
John
Gottman
to
explore
the
rocky
road
of
romance.
Here's
what
the
two
did.
They
videotaped
hundreds
of
volunteer
couples
discussing
such
things
as
sex
and
money.
You
know--the
sorts
of
things
on
which
everybody
always
agrees,
right?
Then
they
broke
down
behavioral
responses
to
these
high-pressure
discussions
into
recognizable
groups,
such
as
whether
partner
can
be
persuaded
by
partner
B,
or
whether
partner
takes
offense
when
partner
makes
a
cutting
remark.
set
of
equations
was
drawn
up
that
represented
the
interactions
of
these
different
factors
in
mathematical
form,
leading
to...Ding!...a
prediction
as
to
whether
this
marriage
would
last.
Sound
like
a
stretch?
Think
you
can't
possibly
tell
that
much
about
a
couple
from
a
single
interview
and
some
calculations?
Four
years
later
Murray
and
Gottman
did
a
follow-up
to
see
whether
the
equation
had
made
the
right
prediction.
It
sure
had--their
Mathematical
Marriage
Predictor
was
right
an
astonishing
ninety-four
percent
of
the
time.
Some
conspicuous
findings
included
the
fact
that,
in
marriages
that
lasted,
laughing
occurred
five
times
more
frequently
than
in
couples
destined
for
break-up.
The
team
also
found
that
the
one
behavior
that
most
consistently
predicted
divorce
was
the
appearance
of
a
contemptuous
or
mocking
facial
expression
on
one
partner's
face
when
the
other
one
spoke.
According
to
the
Mathematical
Marriage
Predictor,
it's
"roll
your
eyes
and
say
goodbyes."
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