求高手翻译一下谢谢 急求~~~~~~~~~~~

57Theinvoiceshallcertifythateachpiece/packingunitofgoodscarriesastamp/labelindicating... 57 The invoice shall certify that each piece/packing unit of goods carries a stamp/label indicating the name of the country of origin in a non-detachable or non-alterable way.
58 Full set of 3/3 originals plus 3 non-negotiable copies clean on board ocean B/L, consigned to order and blank endorsed. Marked “Freight Prepaid” showing shipping agency at destination. Notify Applicant and evidence the goods have been shipped by full container load.
59 Full set 3/3 of clean on board bill of lading established to order and blank endorsed notify buyer, mentioning: “Freight Prepaid” CIF Genoa in transit to Switzerland.
61 Shipment must be effected in three equal lots by separate steamers with an interval of at least 30 days between shipments. Documents must separately negotiated.
65 Shipment during May from London to Shanghai. The beneficiary shall advise the applicant, 45 days before the month of shipment in the time the goods will be ready for shipment.
67 Beneficiary’ certified copy of telex addressed to Applicant, teles must be within two working days after shipment date indication B/L No.
68 Full se of “clean” shipped on board marine bill of lading stamped “berth terms” issued to the order and endorsed in favour of credit agricole indosuez sanaa marked “freight prepaid” and notify openers evidencing shipment from any chinese port to hodeidah port.
69 Insurance Policy covered for 110% of total invoice value against All Risks and War Risk as per and subject to the relevant Ocean Marine Cargo Clause of the People’s Insurance Company of China dated 1/1/1981.
70 Insurance Policy covered for 110% of total invoice value against Institute Cargo Clauses (A) and Institute War Clauses (Cargo ).
71 Policy of Insurance in duplicate issued or endorsed to the order of ABC Co Ltd, in the currency of the credit for the CIF value of the shipment plus 10 percent covering all risks with extended cover war clause of the People’s Insurance Company of China.
73 Insurance Policy/Certificate in 2 fold issued for 110% of the invoice value, covering Institute cargo Clause A and War Clause, stating claims payable in Holland by claims paying agent.
74 Inspection Certificate of Quality and Weight issued by China Commodity Inspection Bureau.
75 Certificate of Analysis in duplicate in English version, issued by manufacturer with details specification.
76 Clean report of finding issued by Societe Generale de Survillance (SGS), Hong Kong evidencing that quality, and packing of goods in full compliance with the requirement of L/C.77 Certificate of Origin issued by China Council for Promotion of International Trade showing consignee as “To whom it May Concern”
79 Beneficiary’s Certificate certifying that full set of non-negotiable copies of documents have been sent to Applicant immediately after shipment.
81 Beneficiary’s Certificate indicates cable copy of shipping advice despatched to the accountee immediately after shipment.
57 发票需证明每件货物或包装单位进行邮票/标签标明原产地的不可拆卸或不改变的方式。

58 全套3 /3份正本,3份副本的清洁已装船海运提单,收货人,空白背书。标有“运费预付”显示船代在目的地。通知申请人和证明货物是以集装箱装运。

59 全套3/ 3清洁已装船提单,建立秩序和空白背书,通知买方,“运费预付”提到:热那亚到岸价转往瑞士。

61 必须完成装运三批均由单独的轮船间隔至少30天之间的运输。单据必须另行协商。

65 装运期从伦敦到上海。受益人应当告知申请人,于装运月份前45天的时间将货物准备装运。

67 受益人证明的电传副本给申请人,望远镜必须后2个工作天内装运日期指示提单号

68 充分利用“清洁已装船海运提单上加盖“泊位条款”发出的命令和背书支持东方汇理银行注明“运费预付”萨那并通知开证人证明装运从任何中国港口荷台达港。

69 保险政策为发票金额的110%投保一切险和战争险为主体的有关海洋运输货物保险条款,中国人民保险公司的日期1 /1 /1981。

70 保单为发票金额的110%投保学会货物条款(一)和学会战争条款(货物)。

71 保单签发或背书的美国公司,在货币信贷的到岸价格的百分之10投保一切险加战争与扩展条款中国人民保险公司。

73 保单/证书2份发出的发票金额的110%,投保学会货物条款和战争险,注明索赔支付在荷兰的赔付代理。

74 签发质量和重量检验证书由中国商品检验局。

75 分析证书一式两份英文版本的,厂家出具的详细说明。

76 清洁报告发现发行的兴业的监测(认证),港证明质量和包装货物完全符合信用证的要求c.77 原产地证书由中国国际贸易促进委员会注明收货人的“人”

79 受益人证书证明全套不可议付单据已在装运后立即寄给申请人。

81 受益人证书表明通知电报副本在装运后立即。
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