
ltwasacoolfallafternooninManhattan.Thewomanturnedoffthefaucetandlookedatherfaceintheb... lt was a cool fall afternoon in Manhattan. The woman turned off the faucet and looked at her face in the bathroom mirror. 'I'm going to go to the movies this evening' she thought, and smiled. Ten minutes later she took the elevator to the first floor and left the building. She was wearing a long, black coat, a hat and pair of shades.

Outside the building she stopped for a moment and looked at all the noisy automobiles and trucks in the street. Next she looked at the people on the sidewalk. There were so many of them. 'Is this a good idea?' she asked herself. Then she put her pocketbook under one arm and called a cab. 'Of course it is.’

The journey to the movie theater took five minutes. In those five minutes the woman realized that she still loved New York. OK — her apartment was cold in the winter. Yes, there were a lot of crazy, dangerous people in the streets. Everything in the stores was expensive.

There was garbage everywhere. It was all true, but well. New York was her home.

At the movie theater there were only thirty or forty people in the audience. The woman sat In the back row and ate a candy bar. Two minutes later the movie began. Then, and only then, she took off her shades.

It was a good story. She remembered it well. She even remembered some of the dialog. And then, of course, there was the actor with the black hair 'He was my favorite.' she thought *I really loved him in the '30s'.

She left quietly a few minutes before the end. Another cab? 'No.' she thought. I'll take the subway.'

At ten of eleven she was nearly home. She felt happy. 'That was fun", she said to herself. The front door of her building was. Just three feet away. She took off her shades and looked up at the stars for a moment. It was only for a moment, but that was long enough. A man on the sidewalk stopped He came towards her. 'Excuse me’, he said, 'but aren't you...?'

'No!’ said the woman Her voice was cold and hard. 'No I'm not!' Then she put on her shades again and walked quickly into the apartment building.

1.Why did the woman take off her shades before going into her apartment building?
2.Why did the woman wear a hat and a pair of shades?
2011-07-13 · TA获得超过170个赞
1、Because she wanted to look at the shiny stars up high in the sky after watching the movie, she finally accepted NY city and was so happy at that moment.
2、Because before going to the theater, the woman hated New York so much( 原因是---her apartment was cold in the winter. there were a lot of crazy, dangerous people in the streets. There was garbage everywhere. )
The hat and the shades were used to keep herself away from the Dirty things, such as the coldness, crazy people and didn't have to catch sight of the Dirty garbage.(hat 和 shades 的作用)
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