Julia looked out of the window.It was cold o--.The sky was gray and the trees shook in the w--.About a foot of snow was already on the g--.The radio had announced a winter storm warning. Now Julia and her family were just waiting for the storm to arrive.Her father had g-- to work."I hope Dad gets home b-- the storm comes,"said Robert, Juila‘s twin brother.The chidren look worried and even their dog felt upset.Juila was playing a computer game. But she didn't r-- want to play a game. She looked through the window a--. "W-- don't you two go outside and watch for your father?"their mother asked. Then the two kids p-- on their scarves and stepped out of the house. Just at that m-- they saw a black car. They became very happy and ran to it.they saw their father.
1. outside
2. wind
3. ground
4. gone
5. before
6. really
7. again
8. Why
9. put
10. moment
Julia looked out of the window. It was cold outside. The sky was gray and the trees shook in the wind. About a foot of snow was already on the ground. The radio had announced a winter storm warning. Now Julia and her family were just waiting for the storm to arrive. Her father had gone to work.” I hope Dad gets home before the storm comes,” said Robert, Julia’s twin brother. The children looked worried and even their dog felt upset. Juila was playing a computer game. But she didn't really want to play a game. She looked through the window again. "Why don’t you two go outside and watch for your father?” their mother asked. Then the two kids put on their scarves and stepped out of the house. Just at that moment they saw a black car. They became very happy and ran to it. They saw their father.
2. wind
3. ground
4. gone
5. before
6. really
7. again
8. Why
9. put
10. moment
Julia looked out of the window. It was cold outside. The sky was gray and the trees shook in the wind. About a foot of snow was already on the ground. The radio had announced a winter storm warning. Now Julia and her family were just waiting for the storm to arrive. Her father had gone to work.” I hope Dad gets home before the storm comes,” said Robert, Julia’s twin brother. The children looked worried and even their dog felt upset. Juila was playing a computer game. But she didn't really want to play a game. She looked through the window again. "Why don’t you two go outside and watch for your father?” their mother asked. Then the two kids put on their scarves and stepped out of the house. Just at that moment they saw a black car. They became very happy and ran to it. They saw their father.