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Interferonwasdiscoveredin1957byscientistsattheNationalInstituteforMedicalResearch,U.K... Interferon was discovered in 1957 by scientists at the National Institute for Medical
Research , U.K . It is a glycoprotein which is induced in response to viral infections and is
effective only in species in which it is produced . It was first investigated as an antiviral
agent and show to have a abroad spectrum of activity . Thus , most interons produce an 80%~100%
reduction in the incidence of experimentally-induced common colds and their use is also being
further examined in treating chronic hepatitis B , papillomaviruses(warts) and virus infections
associated with immunnosppressed patients following renal transplantation .
Interest in the anticancer acticity of interferon first arose due to encouraring results
obtained in Sweden whilst treating osteogenic sarcoma and myelomatosis . More recently doctors
in Yugoslacia , using human leukocyte interferon preparations injected directly into the
tumors , have reported substantial or total remission for cancer of the head and neck . Although
the mechanism of anti-tumor activity is not known , they suggest that a direct effect on malignant
cells or stimulation of the host's immune system may be responsible .
Despite the intense interest generated by interferons when first discovered , some considerable
time elapsed before the compounds were brought into clinical use . The major stumbling block has
been problems in their production , coupled with the understandably long time taken in the
development of an unusual product . Large dose were required for treatment and only minute
amounts , of varying levels of purity , became available from natural sources employing human
tissue culture methods . However , from 1980 onwards there have been advances in production
techniques , notably the development of recombinant DNA technology which has enabled biosynthetic
interferons of high purity to be made available .
Three principal types of interferon(IFN) are known , namely α-IFN produced by leucocytes and
other lymphoid(lymphoblastoid) cell , β-IFN produced by fibroblasts and γ-(or immune)INF .
Recently , lymphoblastoid interferon , Wellferon , a complex mixture of α-interferons , and
recombinant interferon , Intron A , a pure α-interferon , have become available .These have shown
anti-tumor acticity in a number of human cancers , e.g. lymphomas ,myelomas , myelogenous leukemia
and breast cancer . At present , however , they are recommended only for hairy cell leukemia . The
mode of anticancer activity is uncertain-interference with the activity of some oncogenes or
induction of differentiation leukemia cells have suggested . Combination chemotherapy holds promise
in some treatment regimes .
干扰素被发现,在1957年科学家们在国家医学研究所,英国船东有利. 它是一种糖蛋白是诱导针对病毒感染,是有效的,只有在品种,其中 它产生. 据调查,第一,作为抗病毒药物,并表明有国外谱活动. 因此, 最interons产生80%~82% 100%的发病率减少实验性感冒,其使用也正在进一步 检查治疗慢性乙型肝炎,乳头状瘤病毒(尖锐湿疣)和病毒感染与immunnosppressed患者肾移植后. 有兴趣的抗癌化性干扰素首先是由于encouraring结果在瑞典虽然治疗骨癌 和骨髓瘤. 最近医生yugoslacia ,使用人类白细胞干扰素制剂直接注入肿瘤 有大量的报道或完全缓解癌症的头部和颈部. 虽然机制的抗肿瘤活性,是不为人所知, 他们认为,直接作用于肿瘤细胞,或刺激宿主免疫系统可能负责任. 尽管兴趣产生干扰素时首次被发现, 在相当长的时间才化合物进入临床使用. 主要绊脚石已经问题,在其生产过程 加上理解长时间的发展不寻常的产品. 大剂量都需要接受治疗,而仅有少量,不同层次的纯洁性, 奚从天然来源雇用人体组织培养方法. 然而,从1980年起已经有了一些进展,在生产技术, 值得注意的发展,基因重组技术,使干扰素合成高纯度可供. 三种主要类型的干扰素( IFN )是已知的,即α-干扰素产生的白细胞和其他淋巴组织(淋巴母细胞) , β-干扰素产生纤维和γ- (或免疫)干扰素. 最近,淋巴母细胞干扰素, wellferon ,这是一个复杂的混合α-干扰素,重组人干扰素, 内含,是一个纯粹的α-干扰素, 已经到位. 这些都表现出抗肿瘤化性,在一些人类癌症,例如: 淋巴瘤,骨髓瘤,骨髓性白血病,乳腺癌. 但是,目前,他们的建议只是对毛细胞白血病. 模式的抗癌活性是不确定的干扰活动的某些癌基因或诱导分化白血病细胞 建议. 化疗举行许诺一些疗法
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