生活英语:脑筋急转弯(三)来源:考试大 【考试大:中国最优秀的考试信息平台】 2008年5月4日
1. Q: What fruit is never found singly?
A: A pear.
pear 梨,音似pair一对
2. Q: Why is the bride unhappy on her wedding day?
A: Because she didn’t marry the best man.
bride新娘bridegroom新郎best man男傧相;最好的男人bridesmaid女傧相
3. Q: What time must it be when the escaped hungry wolf ate the paymaster?
A: 8 p.m.
8 p.m.音似ate p.m., 而p.m. 是paymaster的缩写。paymaster(发放薪饷的)出纳员
4. Q: What will you break once you say it?
A: Silence.
break the silence打破沉默
5. Q: What kind of clothes lasts the longest?
A: Underwear, because it’s never worn out.
worn out穿坏,磨损;穿在外面
6. Q: Why are farmers cruel?
A: They pull corns by the ears.
pull corns by the ears一穗一穗地掰玉米;揪着玉米耳朵掰玉米
7. Q: Why are babies like hinges?
A: Because they are things to adore.
adore喜爱,音似a door
things to a door门上的东西
8. Q: If a driver drives too fast he’ll get a ticket. What will happen to a poet if
he writes too fast?
A: His poetic licence will be taken away.
poetic licence 诗的破格(如不遵从语法规则等)
9. Q: Why is an empty purse always the same?
A: There is no change in it.
change 零钱;变化
10. Q: Why do little birds in the nest agree with each other?
A: Because they would fall out if they didn’t.
fall out 摔出去;争吵
11. Q: Why is an argument like a pen?
A: No good without a point.
point 尖,顶端;论点,要点
12. Q: When will the wind improve its image?
A: When it turns over a new leaf.
turn over a new leaf的真正涵义是:改过自新
13. Q: Why is learning English like a light gentle wind to a smart student?
A: It’s a breeze to them.
breeze 微风,和风;轻而易举的事
14. Q: What has four wheels and flies?
A: A garbage truck.
What has four wheels and flies?另一种理解是:什么东西既有四个轮子又有许多苍蝇?
15. Q: What’s even harder to catch if you run faster?
A: Your breath.
catch one’s breath 恢复正常呼吸(尤指剧烈运动后)
16. Q: What time is it when a man is chased by ten dogs?
A: It’s ten after one.
17. Q: How can you tell a clock is shy?
A: It has its hands over its face.
18. Q: Why does time fly?
A: To get away from all those who are trying to kill it.
kill time 消磨时间
19. Q: Why does an invisible man tend to go crazy?
A: Out of sight, out of mind.
out of sight, out of mind 眼不见为净
20. Q: Where can a dog get another tail?
A: At a retail store.
21. Q: Why do carpenters think there’s no such thing as gold in this world?
A: They never saw it.
saw 锯,也是see的过去式,seeing is believing眼见为实
22. Q: Why do you think doctors are mean?
A: Everything they treat me they make me pay for it.
treat 请客;治疗
mean 小气,吝啬
23. Q: What do you think of the Grand Canyon?
A: Just gorges.
gorges 是gorge(峡谷)的复数形式,音似gorgeous,宜人的,好的,美丽的
Just gorgeous!太棒了!太美了!
24. Q: How do you punctuate the following sentence?
A: Make a dash after it.
make a dash after it另一种理解是:冲上去拿呀
25. Q: How do you know a photographer is always progressive?
A: They are always developing.
develop 发展;冲(胶卷)
1. Q: What fruit is never found singly?
A: A pear.
pear 梨,音似pair一对
2. Q: Why is the bride unhappy on her wedding day?
A: Because she didn’t marry the best man.
bride新娘bridegroom新郎best man男傧相;最好的男人bridesmaid女傧相
3. Q: What time must it be when the escaped hungry wolf ate the paymaster?
A: 8 p.m.
8 p.m.音似ate p.m., 而p.m. 是paymaster的缩写。paymaster(发放薪饷的)出纳员
4. Q: What will you break once you say it?
A: Silence.
break the silence打破沉默
5. Q: What kind of clothes lasts the longest?
A: Underwear, because it’s never worn out.
worn out穿坏,磨损;穿在外面
6. Q: Why are farmers cruel?
A: They pull corns by the ears.
pull corns by the ears一穗一穗地掰玉米;揪着玉米耳朵掰玉米
7. Q: Why are babies like hinges?
A: Because they are things to adore.
adore喜爱,音似a door
things to a door门上的东西
8. Q: If a driver drives too fast he’ll get a ticket. What will happen to a poet if
he writes too fast?
A: His poetic licence will be taken away.
poetic licence 诗的破格(如不遵从语法规则等)
9. Q: Why is an empty purse always the same?
A: There is no change in it.
change 零钱;变化
10. Q: Why do little birds in the nest agree with each other?
A: Because they would fall out if they didn’t.
fall out 摔出去;争吵
11. Q: Why is an argument like a pen?
A: No good without a point.
point 尖,顶端;论点,要点
12. Q: When will the wind improve its image?
A: When it turns over a new leaf.
turn over a new leaf的真正涵义是:改过自新
13. Q: Why is learning English like a light gentle wind to a smart student?
A: It’s a breeze to them.
breeze 微风,和风;轻而易举的事
14. Q: What has four wheels and flies?
A: A garbage truck.
What has four wheels and flies?另一种理解是:什么东西既有四个轮子又有许多苍蝇?
15. Q: What’s even harder to catch if you run faster?
A: Your breath.
catch one’s breath 恢复正常呼吸(尤指剧烈运动后)
16. Q: What time is it when a man is chased by ten dogs?
A: It’s ten after one.
17. Q: How can you tell a clock is shy?
A: It has its hands over its face.
18. Q: Why does time fly?
A: To get away from all those who are trying to kill it.
kill time 消磨时间
19. Q: Why does an invisible man tend to go crazy?
A: Out of sight, out of mind.
out of sight, out of mind 眼不见为净
20. Q: Where can a dog get another tail?
A: At a retail store.
21. Q: Why do carpenters think there’s no such thing as gold in this world?
A: They never saw it.
saw 锯,也是see的过去式,seeing is believing眼见为实
22. Q: Why do you think doctors are mean?
A: Everything they treat me they make me pay for it.
treat 请客;治疗
mean 小气,吝啬
23. Q: What do you think of the Grand Canyon?
A: Just gorges.
gorges 是gorge(峡谷)的复数形式,音似gorgeous,宜人的,好的,美丽的
Just gorgeous!太棒了!太美了!
24. Q: How do you punctuate the following sentence?
A: Make a dash after it.
make a dash after it另一种理解是:冲上去拿呀
25. Q: How do you know a photographer is always progressive?
A: They are always developing.
develop 发展;冲(胶卷)
生活英语:脑筋急转弯(三)来源:考试大 【考试大:中国最优秀的考试信息平台】 2008年5月4日
1. Q: What fruit is never found singly?
A: A pear.
pear 梨,音似pair一对
2. Q: Why is the bride unhappy on her wedding day?
A: Because she didn’t marry the best man.
bride新娘bridegroom新郎best man男傧相;最好的男人bridesmaid女傧相
3. Q: What time must it be when the escaped hungry wolf ate the paymaster?
A: 8 p.m.
8 p.m.音似ate p.m., 而p.m. 是paymaster的缩写。paymaster(发放薪饷的)出纳员
4. Q: What will you break once you say it?
A: Silence.
break the silence打破沉默
5. Q: What kind of clothes lasts the longest?
A: Underwear, because it’s never worn out.
worn out穿坏,磨损;穿在外面
6. Q: Why are farmers cruel?
A: They pull corns by the ears.
pull corns by the ears一穗一穗地掰玉米;揪着玉米耳朵掰玉米
7. Q: Why are babies like hinges?
A: Because they are things to adore.
adore喜爱,音似a door
things to a door门上的东西
8. Q: If a driver drives too fast he’ll get a ticket. What will happen to a poet if
he writes too fast?
A: His poetic licence will be taken away.
poetic licence 诗的破格(如不遵从语法规则等)
9. Q: Why is an empty purse always the same?
A: There is no change in it.
change 零钱;变化
10. Q: Why do little birds in the nest agree with each other?
A: Because they would fall out if they didn’t.
fall out 摔出去;争吵
11. Q: Why is an argument like a pen?
A: No good without a point.
point 尖,顶端;论点,要点
12. Q: When will the wind improve its image?
A: When it turns over a new leaf.
turn over a new leaf的真正涵义是:改过自新
13. Q: Why is learning English like a light gentle wind to a smart student?
A: It’s a breeze to them.
breeze 微风,和风;轻而易举的事
14. Q: What has four wheels and flies?
A: A garbage truck.
What has four wheels and flies?另一种理解是:什么东西既有四个轮子又有许多苍蝇?
15. Q: What’s even harder to catch if you run faster?
A: Your breath.
catch one’s breath 恢复正常呼吸(尤指剧烈运动后)
16. Q: What time is it when a man is chased by ten dogs?
A: It’s ten after one.
17. Q: How can you tell a clock is shy?
A: It has its hands over its face.
18. Q: Why does time fly?
A: To get away from all those who are trying to kill it.
kill time 消磨时间
19. Q: Why does an invisible man tend to go crazy?
A: Out of sight, out of mind.
out of sight, out of mind 眼不见为净
20. Q: Where can a dog get another tail?
A: At a retail store.
21. Q: Why do carpenters think there’s no such thing as gold in this world?
A: They never saw it.
saw 锯,也是see的过去式,seeing is believing眼见为实
22. Q: Why do you think doctors are mean?
A: Everything they treat me they make me pay for it.
treat 请客;治疗
mean 小气,吝啬
23. Q: What do you think of the Grand Canyon?
A: Just gorges.
gorges 是gorge(峡谷)的复数形式,音似gorgeous,宜人的,好的,美丽的
Just gorgeous!太棒了!太美了!
24. Q: How do you punctuate the following sentence?
A: Make a dash after it.
make a dash after it另一种理解是:冲上去拿呀
25. Q: How do you know a photographer is always progressive?
A: They are always developing.
develop 发展;冲(胶卷)
1. Q: What fruit is never found singly?
A: A pear.
pear 梨,音似pair一对
2. Q: Why is the bride unhappy on her wedding day?
A: Because she didn’t marry the best man.
bride新娘bridegroom新郎best man男傧相;最好的男人bridesmaid女傧相
3. Q: What time must it be when the escaped hungry wolf ate the paymaster?
A: 8 p.m.
8 p.m.音似ate p.m., 而p.m. 是paymaster的缩写。paymaster(发放薪饷的)出纳员
4. Q: What will you break once you say it?
A: Silence.
break the silence打破沉默
5. Q: What kind of clothes lasts the longest?
A: Underwear, because it’s never worn out.
worn out穿坏,磨损;穿在外面
6. Q: Why are farmers cruel?
A: They pull corns by the ears.
pull corns by the ears一穗一穗地掰玉米;揪着玉米耳朵掰玉米
7. Q: Why are babies like hinges?
A: Because they are things to adore.
adore喜爱,音似a door
things to a door门上的东西
8. Q: If a driver drives too fast he’ll get a ticket. What will happen to a poet if
he writes too fast?
A: His poetic licence will be taken away.
poetic licence 诗的破格(如不遵从语法规则等)
9. Q: Why is an empty purse always the same?
A: There is no change in it.
change 零钱;变化
10. Q: Why do little birds in the nest agree with each other?
A: Because they would fall out if they didn’t.
fall out 摔出去;争吵
11. Q: Why is an argument like a pen?
A: No good without a point.
point 尖,顶端;论点,要点
12. Q: When will the wind improve its image?
A: When it turns over a new leaf.
turn over a new leaf的真正涵义是:改过自新
13. Q: Why is learning English like a light gentle wind to a smart student?
A: It’s a breeze to them.
breeze 微风,和风;轻而易举的事
14. Q: What has four wheels and flies?
A: A garbage truck.
What has four wheels and flies?另一种理解是:什么东西既有四个轮子又有许多苍蝇?
15. Q: What’s even harder to catch if you run faster?
A: Your breath.
catch one’s breath 恢复正常呼吸(尤指剧烈运动后)
16. Q: What time is it when a man is chased by ten dogs?
A: It’s ten after one.
17. Q: How can you tell a clock is shy?
A: It has its hands over its face.
18. Q: Why does time fly?
A: To get away from all those who are trying to kill it.
kill time 消磨时间
19. Q: Why does an invisible man tend to go crazy?
A: Out of sight, out of mind.
out of sight, out of mind 眼不见为净
20. Q: Where can a dog get another tail?
A: At a retail store.
21. Q: Why do carpenters think there’s no such thing as gold in this world?
A: They never saw it.
saw 锯,也是see的过去式,seeing is believing眼见为实
22. Q: Why do you think doctors are mean?
A: Everything they treat me they make me pay for it.
treat 请客;治疗
mean 小气,吝啬
23. Q: What do you think of the Grand Canyon?
A: Just gorges.
gorges 是gorge(峡谷)的复数形式,音似gorgeous,宜人的,好的,美丽的
Just gorgeous!太棒了!太美了!
24. Q: How do you punctuate the following sentence?
A: Make a dash after it.
make a dash after it另一种理解是:冲上去拿呀
25. Q: How do you know a photographer is always progressive?
A: They are always developing.
develop 发展;冲(胶卷)
1.为什么小明从26楼往下跳,而他没死 【答案】他是往里跳
2.什么汤最鲜 【答案】鱼汤加羊汤
3.麒麟飞到北极变什么 【答案】冰淇淋
4.为什么企鹅的肚皮是白的 【因为手短只洗到肚皮】
4.熊猫最一生最遗憾的事情是什么 【没有彩色照片】
2.什么汤最鲜 【答案】鱼汤加羊汤
3.麒麟飞到北极变什么 【答案】冰淇淋
4.为什么企鹅的肚皮是白的 【因为手短只洗到肚皮】
4.熊猫最一生最遗憾的事情是什么 【没有彩色照片】
什么大楼最便宜? 五角大楼