帮忙写篇英语作文 。急
60到80字 。 1、用眼时间不能过长。2、阅读时,眼镜与书应该保持一英尺左右的距离。3、不能在昏暗光线或强烈阳光下读书,也不要在车上、床上读书。4、坚持每天做眼保健操。 参考词汇:protect ,eyesight,pay,attention to ,have a rest ,look in the long, distance,in a light ,in the sun . 一定要要求上面的要求 , 谢谢啦
eye is an essential organ to human. it allow us to read , to investigate the world beauty . therfore ,its protection are extreme important .
one way the efficent way to protect eye is have a constant rest . it make you eye revival ,and dynmaic.
other way to protect eye is pat attention to distance while you reading. this made your eye not easily to exhaust.
the most important protection was reading in an bright light and frequent eye exercise .it trigger your eye work properly and easily . less energy was using when you reas in sun
one way the efficent way to protect eye is have a constant rest . it make you eye revival ,and dynmaic.
other way to protect eye is pat attention to distance while you reading. this made your eye not easily to exhaust.
the most important protection was reading in an bright light and frequent eye exercise .it trigger your eye work properly and easily . less energy was using when you reas in sun