这时魅影说:Bravo, bravo, bravissimi!
The mirror (Angel of music)
Insolent boy! This slave of fashion 傲慢的男孩!时尚之奴仆
basking in your glory! 沉醉在你的荣耀之中
Ignorant fool! This brave young suitor 无知的愚人!勇敢年轻的追求者
sharing in my triumph! 分享着我的胜利
Angel! I hear you! Speak - I listen ... 天使 我听到你 请说 我倾听
stay by my side, guide me! 陪伴我身旁指引我
Angel, my soul was weak - forgive me ... 天使我的灵魂脆弱不堪 原谅我
enter at last, Master! 您终于来了 导师!
Flattering child, you shall know me 谄媚的孩子 你应了解我
see why in shadow I hide! 明白我为何藏匿阴影中
Look at your face in the mirror – 看看你镜中的容颜
I am there inside! 我就在那里面!
Angel of Music! Guide and guardian! 音乐天使 指引我 守护我
Grant to me your glory! 赐我汝之荣耀
Angel of Music! Hide no longer! 音乐天使 莫再躲藏
Come to me, strange angel ... 来到我身边吧 陌生的天使
I am your Angel of music 吾乃汝之音乐天使
Come to me Angel of Music... 来到我身边吧 音乐天使
Whose is that voice...?Who is that in there...? 那是谁的声音?谁在里面?
I am your Angel of Music...
Come to me: Angel of Music...
The phantom of the opera剧院魅影3:36
In sleep he sang to me, 沉睡中他对我歌唱
in dreams he came ... 在梦里他来到我身旁
that voice which calls to me 他的声音呼唤着我
and speaks my name ... 声声呼唤着我的名字
And do I dream again? 我是否又回到梦中
For now I find 此时我发现
the Phantom of the Opera is there - 歌剧魅影就在那里
inside my mind ... 在我心灵最深处
Sing once again with me 再次你与我合唱
our strange duet ... 我们奇特的二重唱
My power over you 我对你渴望的力量
grows stronger yet ... 一次比一次更强烈
And though you turn from me, 纵然你离我而去
to glance behind, 留下回眸一瞥
the Phantom of the Opera is there - 歌剧魅影就在那里
inside your mind ... 在你心灵最深处
Those who have seen your face 凡见过你面容之人
draw back in fear ... 都惊吓得倒退一步
I am the mask you wear ... 我是你戴的面具
It's me they hear ... 他们听见的是我
Your/My spirit and your/my voice, 你/我的灵魂和声音和为一体
in one combined:
the Phantom of the Opera is there - 歌剧魅影就在那里
inside your/my mind ... 在你/我心中
He's there, the Phantom of the Opera ... 他在那里 歌剧魅影
Sing, my Angel of Music!
Sing, my Angel !Sing, for me!
Sing, my Angel ! Sing, for me!
第二幕 ALL I ASK OF YOU除了你我一无所有
ALL I ASK OF YOU除了你我一无所有5:00
No more talk of darkness, 别再提黑暗
Forget these wide-eyed fears, 忘记这些恐惧
I'm here, nothing can harm you - 我在这里,没有什么能伤害你
my words will warm and clam you. 我的话能温暖并抚慰你
Let me be your freedom, 让我带给你自由
let daylight dry your tears. 让白昼带走你的泪水
I'm here, with you, beside you, 我在这里,在你身边陪伴着你
to guard you and to quide you ... 守护并引导你
Say you love me every waking moment, 说你爱我,在每个梦醒时分
turn my head with talk of summertime ... 诉说夏日欢乐时光
Say you need me with you, 说你需要我陪伴
now and always ... 从现在直到永远
promise me that all you say is true - 向我保证你说的都是真的
that's all I ask of you ... 那就是我对你的期盼
Let me be your shelter, 让我做你的避风港
let me be your light. 让我成为你的阳光
You're safe: 你很安全
No-one will find you - 没人能找到你
your fear are far behind you ... 你的恐惧将远离你
All I want is freedom, 解脱是我唯一所求
a world with no more night ... 一个没有黑暗降临的世界
and you, always besides me, 而你,永远陪伴我
to hold me and to hide me ... 支持我并保护我
Then say you'll share with me one 而你永远陪伴着我,此生不渝
love, one lifetime ...
let me lead you from your solitude ... 让我引领你走出孤独
Say you need me with you here, beside you ... 说你需要我陪伴,陪伴在你身畔
anywhere you go, let me go too - 无论去何处都让你我形影不离
that's all I ask of you ... 那就是我对你的期盼
Say you'll share with me one 说你永远陪伴着我,此生不渝
love, one lifetime ...
say the word and I will follow you ... 说爱我,我将跟随你
Share each day with me, each night, each morning ...
Say you love me ... 说你爱我
You know I do ... 你知道我确实爱你
Love me -
that's all I ask of you ...
Anywhere you go let me go too ... 无论去何处,都让你我形影不离
Love me -
that's all I ask of you ...
I gave you my music ... 我赐予你我的音乐
made your song take wing ... 让你的歌声振翅翱翔
and now, how you've repaid me: 现在你是如何回报我
denied me and betrayed me ... 拒绝我又背叛我
He was bound to love you when he heard you sing ...
Christine ...
Christine ...
Say you'll share with me one
love, one lifetime ...
say the word and I will follow you ...
Share each day with me, each night, each morning ...
You will curse the day you did not do 你会备受诅咒
all that the Phantom asked of you ...! 当你没有做到魅影对你要求那一天时
此时,气氛突然由欢乐转为紧张, 大家看到一个装扮成 " 红色死神 " ( The Red Death ) 的人缓缓从台阶上走下,他其实就是 Phantom ( 怎么那么安静... )
Phantom:为什么那么安静?诸位先生好!你认为我永远离开你了吗?你们思念我吗,诸位?我给你们写了一部歌剧,《唐璜的胜利》,——“Don Juan Triumphant”!
Phantom 走向 Christine,扯下她颈上的订婚戒指,转身离去。你的项链仍然是我的——你会为我歌唱!
Why so silent,good messieurs? 各位为何不言不语?
Did you think that I had left you for good? 难道以为我已消失?
Have you missed,good messieurs? 各位是否想念过我?
I have written you an opera. 我已完成另一出歌剧
Here I bring the finished score 我带来写好的曲谱
“Don Juan Triumphant ” 《唐璜的胜利》
Fondest greeting to you all 我善意的向各位致意
A few instructions just before rehearsal starts 排练开始前我有几点指示
Carlotta must be tanght to act 卡洛塔得学习如何演戏
Not her normal trick of strutting round the stage 不能像平常一样傲慢的在舞台上踱步
Our Don Juan must be lose some weight 我们的主角唐璜得减肥
It’s not healthy in a man of piangi’s age 对皮安吉这年纪的男人来说并不健康
And my managers must learn 我的经理们也得明白
That their liace is in an office not the arts. 他们所长是办公不是艺术
As for our star miss Christine Daae 至于我们的明星克莉斯汀
No doubt she’ll do her best 勿庸置疑她一定会全力以赴
It’s true her voice is good 她的歌喉的确很好
She knows, though, she wish to excel 她也知道,若想更上一层楼
She has much still to learn, 她还有很多需要学习的地方
if pride will let her return to me. 她的上进心会使她回来找我
Her teacher……her teacher…….. 她的老师……老师……
Your chains are still mine, you belong to me! 戒指和项链属于我,你也属于我!
第四幕 出演《唐璜的胜利》
The Point of No Return
Passarino - go away! 走开!
For the trap is set and waits for its prey! 因为陷阱已经布好等候猎物上门
You have come here in pursuit of 你已来此
your deepest urge, 追求你最深切的渴望与梦想
in pursuit of that wish,
which till now has been silent, slient ... 静静地 静静地
I have brought you, 我已带来了给你
that our passions may fuse and merge - 我们即将融合的热情
in your mind you've already succumbed to me, 在你心中 你已臣服于我
dropped all defences, 卸下所有防御
completely succumbed to me - 完全的臣服于我
now you are here with me: 如今你与我在此
no second thoughts, you've decided, decided ... 别无二心,你已下定决心 已下定决心
Past the point of no return - 已经踏上不归路,不能再回头
no backward glances:
the games of make believe are at an end ... 我们玩得游戏现在已终止
Past all thought of "if" or "when" - 越过了如果或何时的念头
no use resisting: 抵抗也无济于事
abandon thought, and let the dream descend ... 放弃疑虑 让梦沉淀
What raging fire shall flood the soul? 什么样的烈火才能吞噬灵魂
What rich desire unlocks its door? 多强烈的欲望才能放开心扉
What sweet seduction lies before us ...? 甜蜜的诱惑就在前面等我们
Past the point of no return, 已经踏上不归路
the final threshold - 这最终的门槛
what warm, unspoken secrets will we learn? 是什么样的温暖与未知的秘密
Beyond the point of no return ... 在不归路的尽头等我们
You have brought me to that moment where words run dry,
你已带给了我 直到文字感和枯竭的那一刻
to that moment where speech disappears into silence, silence ...
直到言语无影无踪的那一刻 化作寂静 寂静
I have come here, 我已来到这里
hardly knowing the reason why ... 却不知为何而来
In my mind, I've already 在我心中,已经想象我们的身体缠绵纠结
imagined our bodies entwining, defenceless and silent – 没有抵抗只有沉默
and now I am here with you: 现在我和你在一起,
no second thoughts, I've decided, decided ..别无所想,我已作了决定
Past the point of no return - 已经踏上不归路不能再回头
no going back now:
our passion-play has now, at last, begun ... 我们的深情相爱终于开始
Past all thought of right or wrong - 无论对与错 最后一个问题
one final question:
how long should we two wait, before we're one?我们还有多久才能结合为一
When will the blood begin to race, 何时热血才能沸腾
the sleeping bud burst into bloom? 沉睡的花蕾才能绽放出花瓣
When will the flames, at last, consume us ...?何时火焰能耗尽我们
Past the point of no return, 已踏上不归路
the final threshold - 这最后的门槛
the bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn 已越过了桥梁,驻足片刻看它燃烧
We've passed the point of no return ... 我们已经踏上不归路
PHANTOM转为“All I ask of you”的旋律
Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime ... 说你与我分享终身唯一的爱
Lead me, save me from my solitude ... 指引我拯救我走出孤独
Say you want me with you, here beside you ... 说你要我在这里守在你身旁
Anywhere you go let me go too - 无论你去何方让我跟随你
Christine, that's all I ask of ... 克莉斯汀,是我对你唯一……
The mirror (Angel of music)
Insolent boy! This slave of fashion 傲慢的男孩!时尚之奴仆
basking in your glory! 沉醉在你的荣耀之中
Ignorant fool! This brave young suitor 无知的愚人!勇敢年轻的追求者
sharing in my triumph! 分享着我的胜利
Angel! I hear you! Speak - I listen ... 天使 我听到你 请说 我倾听
stay by my side, guide me! 陪伴我身旁指引我
Angel, my soul was weak - forgive me ... 天使我的灵魂脆弱不堪 原谅我
enter at last, Master! 您终于来了 导师!
Flattering child, you shall know me 谄媚的孩子 你应了解我
see why in shadow I hide! 明白我为何藏匿阴影中
Look at your face in the mirror – 看看你镜中的容颜
I am there inside! 我就在那里面!
Angel of Music! Guide and guardian! 音乐天使 指引我 守护我
Grant to me your glory! 赐我汝之荣耀
Angel of Music! Hide no longer! 音乐天使 莫再躲藏
Come to me, strange angel ... 来到我身边吧 陌生的天使
I am your Angel of music 吾乃汝之音乐天使
Come to me Angel of Music... 来到我身边吧 音乐天使
Whose is that voice...?Who is that in there...? 那是谁的声音?谁在里面?
I am your Angel of Music...
Come to me: Angel of Music...
The phantom of the opera剧院魅影3:36
In sleep he sang to me, 沉睡中他对我歌唱
in dreams he came ... 在梦里他来到我身旁
that voice which calls to me 他的声音呼唤着我
and speaks my name ... 声声呼唤着我的名字
And do I dream again? 我是否又回到梦中
For now I find 此时我发现
the Phantom of the Opera is there - 歌剧魅影就在那里
inside my mind ... 在我心灵最深处
Sing once again with me 再次你与我合唱
our strange duet ... 我们奇特的二重唱
My power over you 我对你渴望的力量
grows stronger yet ... 一次比一次更强烈
And though you turn from me, 纵然你离我而去
to glance behind, 留下回眸一瞥
the Phantom of the Opera is there - 歌剧魅影就在那里
inside your mind ... 在你心灵最深处
Those who have seen your face 凡见过你面容之人
draw back in fear ... 都惊吓得倒退一步
I am the mask you wear ... 我是你戴的面具
It's me they hear ... 他们听见的是我
Your/My spirit and your/my voice, 你/我的灵魂和声音和为一体
in one combined:
the Phantom of the Opera is there - 歌剧魅影就在那里
inside your/my mind ... 在你/我心中
He's there, the Phantom of the Opera ... 他在那里 歌剧魅影
Sing, my Angel of Music!
Sing, my Angel !Sing, for me!
Sing, my Angel ! Sing, for me!
第二幕 ALL I ASK OF YOU除了你我一无所有
ALL I ASK OF YOU除了你我一无所有5:00
No more talk of darkness, 别再提黑暗
Forget these wide-eyed fears, 忘记这些恐惧
I'm here, nothing can harm you - 我在这里,没有什么能伤害你
my words will warm and clam you. 我的话能温暖并抚慰你
Let me be your freedom, 让我带给你自由
let daylight dry your tears. 让白昼带走你的泪水
I'm here, with you, beside you, 我在这里,在你身边陪伴着你
to guard you and to quide you ... 守护并引导你
Say you love me every waking moment, 说你爱我,在每个梦醒时分
turn my head with talk of summertime ... 诉说夏日欢乐时光
Say you need me with you, 说你需要我陪伴
now and always ... 从现在直到永远
promise me that all you say is true - 向我保证你说的都是真的
that's all I ask of you ... 那就是我对你的期盼
Let me be your shelter, 让我做你的避风港
let me be your light. 让我成为你的阳光
You're safe: 你很安全
No-one will find you - 没人能找到你
your fear are far behind you ... 你的恐惧将远离你
All I want is freedom, 解脱是我唯一所求
a world with no more night ... 一个没有黑暗降临的世界
and you, always besides me, 而你,永远陪伴我
to hold me and to hide me ... 支持我并保护我
Then say you'll share with me one 而你永远陪伴着我,此生不渝
love, one lifetime ...
let me lead you from your solitude ... 让我引领你走出孤独
Say you need me with you here, beside you ... 说你需要我陪伴,陪伴在你身畔
anywhere you go, let me go too - 无论去何处都让你我形影不离
that's all I ask of you ... 那就是我对你的期盼
Say you'll share with me one 说你永远陪伴着我,此生不渝
love, one lifetime ...
say the word and I will follow you ... 说爱我,我将跟随你
Share each day with me, each night, each morning ...
Say you love me ... 说你爱我
You know I do ... 你知道我确实爱你
Love me -
that's all I ask of you ...
Anywhere you go let me go too ... 无论去何处,都让你我形影不离
Love me -
that's all I ask of you ...
I gave you my music ... 我赐予你我的音乐
made your song take wing ... 让你的歌声振翅翱翔
and now, how you've repaid me: 现在你是如何回报我
denied me and betrayed me ... 拒绝我又背叛我
He was bound to love you when he heard you sing ...
Christine ...
Christine ...
Say you'll share with me one
love, one lifetime ...
say the word and I will follow you ...
Share each day with me, each night, each morning ...
You will curse the day you did not do 你会备受诅咒
all that the Phantom asked of you ...! 当你没有做到魅影对你要求那一天时
此时,气氛突然由欢乐转为紧张, 大家看到一个装扮成 " 红色死神 " ( The Red Death ) 的人缓缓从台阶上走下,他其实就是 Phantom ( 怎么那么安静... )
Phantom:为什么那么安静?诸位先生好!你认为我永远离开你了吗?你们思念我吗,诸位?我给你们写了一部歌剧,《唐璜的胜利》,——“Don Juan Triumphant”!
Phantom 走向 Christine,扯下她颈上的订婚戒指,转身离去。你的项链仍然是我的——你会为我歌唱!
Why so silent,good messieurs? 各位为何不言不语?
Did you think that I had left you for good? 难道以为我已消失?
Have you missed,good messieurs? 各位是否想念过我?
I have written you an opera. 我已完成另一出歌剧
Here I bring the finished score 我带来写好的曲谱
“Don Juan Triumphant ” 《唐璜的胜利》
Fondest greeting to you all 我善意的向各位致意
A few instructions just before rehearsal starts 排练开始前我有几点指示
Carlotta must be tanght to act 卡洛塔得学习如何演戏
Not her normal trick of strutting round the stage 不能像平常一样傲慢的在舞台上踱步
Our Don Juan must be lose some weight 我们的主角唐璜得减肥
It’s not healthy in a man of piangi’s age 对皮安吉这年纪的男人来说并不健康
And my managers must learn 我的经理们也得明白
That their liace is in an office not the arts. 他们所长是办公不是艺术
As for our star miss Christine Daae 至于我们的明星克莉斯汀
No doubt she’ll do her best 勿庸置疑她一定会全力以赴
It’s true her voice is good 她的歌喉的确很好
She knows, though, she wish to excel 她也知道,若想更上一层楼
She has much still to learn, 她还有很多需要学习的地方
if pride will let her return to me. 她的上进心会使她回来找我
Her teacher……her teacher…….. 她的老师……老师……
Your chains are still mine, you belong to me! 戒指和项链属于我,你也属于我!
第四幕 出演《唐璜的胜利》
The Point of No Return
Passarino - go away! 走开!
For the trap is set and waits for its prey! 因为陷阱已经布好等候猎物上门
You have come here in pursuit of 你已来此
your deepest urge, 追求你最深切的渴望与梦想
in pursuit of that wish,
which till now has been silent, slient ... 静静地 静静地
I have brought you, 我已带来了给你
that our passions may fuse and merge - 我们即将融合的热情
in your mind you've already succumbed to me, 在你心中 你已臣服于我
dropped all defences, 卸下所有防御
completely succumbed to me - 完全的臣服于我
now you are here with me: 如今你与我在此
no second thoughts, you've decided, decided ... 别无二心,你已下定决心 已下定决心
Past the point of no return - 已经踏上不归路,不能再回头
no backward glances:
the games of make believe are at an end ... 我们玩得游戏现在已终止
Past all thought of "if" or "when" - 越过了如果或何时的念头
no use resisting: 抵抗也无济于事
abandon thought, and let the dream descend ... 放弃疑虑 让梦沉淀
What raging fire shall flood the soul? 什么样的烈火才能吞噬灵魂
What rich desire unlocks its door? 多强烈的欲望才能放开心扉
What sweet seduction lies before us ...? 甜蜜的诱惑就在前面等我们
Past the point of no return, 已经踏上不归路
the final threshold - 这最终的门槛
what warm, unspoken secrets will we learn? 是什么样的温暖与未知的秘密
Beyond the point of no return ... 在不归路的尽头等我们
You have brought me to that moment where words run dry,
你已带给了我 直到文字感和枯竭的那一刻
to that moment where speech disappears into silence, silence ...
直到言语无影无踪的那一刻 化作寂静 寂静
I have come here, 我已来到这里
hardly knowing the reason why ... 却不知为何而来
In my mind, I've already 在我心中,已经想象我们的身体缠绵纠结
imagined our bodies entwining, defenceless and silent – 没有抵抗只有沉默
and now I am here with you: 现在我和你在一起,
no second thoughts, I've decided, decided ..别无所想,我已作了决定
Past the point of no return - 已经踏上不归路不能再回头
no going back now:
our passion-play has now, at last, begun ... 我们的深情相爱终于开始
Past all thought of right or wrong - 无论对与错 最后一个问题
one final question:
how long should we two wait, before we're one?我们还有多久才能结合为一
When will the blood begin to race, 何时热血才能沸腾
the sleeping bud burst into bloom? 沉睡的花蕾才能绽放出花瓣
When will the flames, at last, consume us ...?何时火焰能耗尽我们
Past the point of no return, 已踏上不归路
the final threshold - 这最后的门槛
the bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn 已越过了桥梁,驻足片刻看它燃烧
We've passed the point of no return ... 我们已经踏上不归路
PHANTOM转为“All I ask of you”的旋律
Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime ... 说你与我分享终身唯一的爱
Lead me, save me from my solitude ... 指引我拯救我走出孤独
Say you want me with you, here beside you ... 说你要我在这里守在你身旁
Anywhere you go let me go too - 无论你去何方让我跟随你
Christine, that's all I ask of ... 克莉斯汀,是我对你唯一……
phantom of the opera
phantom of the opera