谁知道not afraid 的歌词 要全的
2011-07-25 · 知道合伙人游戏行家

I'm not afraid to take a stand 我不害怕表达我的想法 Everybody come take my hand 众人信念,与我并肩 We'll walk this road together, through the storm 我们会齐心前进,逆风雨 Whatever weather, cold or warm 无论严寒或酷暑 Just let you know that, you're not alone 只想让你知道,你并不孤独 Hola if you feel that you've been down the same road 如果你和我同路你来叫我一声 ah, It's been a ride... Yeah, 这真是一段不平凡的旅程 I guess i had to go to that place to get to this one 我想为了这个我不得不需要到那个地方去 Now some of you might still be in that place 而现在你们中的一部份人仍然在那儿 If you're trying to get out, just follow me 如果你想离开,请跟着我 I'll get you there 我会带你到那儿 You can try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay 'em 你可以费尽心思在我开始之前阅读我的歌词 But you won't take the sting out these words before I say 'em 但你无法感受这些词句带来的蜇痛感,在我说出口之前 Cause ain't no way I'm let you stop me from causing mayhem 你要知道想阻挡我惹事是不可能的 When I say 'em or do something I do it, I don't give a damn 我恣意妄为,什么都不在乎 What you think, I'm doing this for me, so fuck the world 随你怎么想,我为自己而活,所以去TM的这个世界 Feed it beans, it's gassed up, if a thing's stopping me 若这个世界认为它可以阻止我 我会让他吃烤豆,让它乱成一锅粥 I'mma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly 我都会毋庸置疑地坚持下去 And all those who look down on me I'm tearing down your balcony 那些高处俯视我的人们(指某些试图控制艺人的幕后组织),我要拆了你的阳台 No if ands or buts don't try to ask him why or how can he 没有那些如果或者也不用试着问他有什么借口 From Infinite down to the last Relapse album he's still shit and 最开始的Infinite到上一张Relapse专辑 Whether he's on salary, paid hourly 无论他是否按小时收钱,他依旧那么怂 Until he bows out or he shit's his bowels out of him 直到他退休或者遭受穿肠之殇 Whichever comes first, for better or worse 无论先后,也无论好坏 He's married to the game, like a fuck you for christmas 他都娶定了这场游戏(指阿姆深陷音乐圈的漩涡),就如耶稣诞辰的诅咒 His gift is a curse, forget the earth he's got the urge 他的天赋就是诅咒,撇开尘世 To pull his dick from the dirt and fuck the whole universe 他操完大地后接着操宇宙 Ok quit playin' with the scissors and shit, and cut the crap Ok停止玩弄这些狗屁不通的东西,废话少说 I shouldn't have to rhyme these words in the rhythm for you to know it's a rap 我本不该给这些文字节奏,因为你知道这是饶舌 You said you was king, you lied through your teeth 你说你曾是王!你彻底TM在扯淡 For that fuck your feelings, instead of getting crowned you're getting capped 为这我决定不给你留情面,你不可能被加冕,你只扣了一个烂帽子 And to the fans, I'll never let you down again, I'm back 还有我的歌迷们,我不会再让你们失望,我回来了 I promise to never go back on that promise, in fact 事实上我发誓我不会再离开了 Let's be honest, that last Relapse CD was "ehhhh" 实话实说,Realapse的CD引来哗然一片 Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground 可能是我的那些奇怪假音用的太多太滥 Relax, I ain't going back to that now 放心,我不是想打退堂鼓 All I'm tryna say is get back, click-clack BLAOW 我现在只想说,我回来了,上膛,枪响(这里用的是拟声词) Cause I ain't playin' around 因为我玩够了 There's a game called circle and I don't know how 有个叫圆圈的游戏我从来都不会玩 I'm way too up to back down 我现在所处的地方太高没可能下降 But I think I'm still tryna figure this crap out 但是我还在试着把这些谜团都解开 Thought I had it mapped out but I guess I didn't 我本一位我已计划部署的很好,但我想我还没有真的做到 This fucking black cloud's still follow's me around 这该死的阴云还是笼罩着我 But it's time to exorcise these demons 现在是时候让这些恶魔做有氧运动的时候了(此处用运动谐音驱魔exorcise) These motherfuckers are doing jumping jacks now! 这些混蛋现在做跳起举臂的健身操呢(跳起举臂这个动作也经常叫做5星跳,表明他们即将做些大动作) And I just can't keep living this way 我不能再这么活了 So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage 从今天开始,我要挣脱枷锁 I'm standing up, Imma face my demons 我要站起来去面对这些恶魔 I'm manning up, Imma hold my ground 我正武装起来,坚持自己的立场 I've had enough, now I'm so fed up 我已经受够了,对这些忍无可忍了 Time to put my life back together right now 现在该是我重新开始的时候了 It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me 我决定理清这一切,就为自己 Admittedly i probably did it subliminally for you 应该说我可能是下意识的为了你们 So I could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through 所以我会以一个崭新的我回归,你们帮助我看清了自己 And don't even realize what you did, believe me you 却没有意识到你们对我所做的(帮助),你们相信我 I been through the ringer, but they can do little to the middle finger 我中过圈套,但是面对我竖起的中指他们无可作为 I think I got a tear in my eye, I feel like the king of 我想我的眼睛湿润了,我感觉到了就是王者! My world, haters can make like bees with no stingers, and drop dead 在我的世界里,仇恨者像是无刺的蜂,只能死去 No more beef flingers, no more drama from now on, I promise 我保证,不再有那些疯狂的叫嚣和哗众取宠了 To focus soley on handling my responsibility's as a father 现在我会集中注意力去尽我作为父亲的责任 So I solemnly swear to always treat this roof like my daughters and raise it 所以我庄严的发誓对待这个,对待这次机会会像我对待女儿一样努力 You couldn't lift a single shingle lonely 严丝合缝,谁也不能入侵 Cause the way I feel ,I'm strong enough to go to the club 我感觉我已经强大到可以涉足圈子 Put a corner pub and lift the whole liquor counter up 不会被困住,就是烈性酒也能一口闷下 Cause I'm raising the bar, I shoot for the moon 因为我提高了门槛,追求完美 But I'm too busy gazing at stars, I feel amazing and 但我忙着尽善尽美,我感到惊奇
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