1619年,第1批非洲黑人奴隶被贩运到北美。非洲黑人酷爱音乐,惯于一边劳动一边唱歌。黑人音乐的动人曲调和独特的切分节奏,对美国音乐的发展起了巨大作用。 19-20世纪19世纪初,许多欧洲音乐家来到美国,他们带来了先进的音乐水平和技巧。1848年欧洲革命后,又有大批德国音乐家移居美国。他们使原先习惯于赞美歌的美国人的音乐趣味发生明显变化,也给美国年轻一代作曲家的创作带来巨大影响。与此同时,音乐教育获得迅速发展。南北战争后美国音乐生活更趋活跃,又有一些重要的音乐团体相继建立,如大都会歌剧院(1881)、波士顿交响乐团(1881)等。更重要的是,出现了一批具有相当专业技巧的作曲家。当时流行的黑人音乐主要类型有灵歌、布鲁斯、劳动歌曲等.多样化50年代以后,美国音乐更趋多样化。尽管有的作曲家基本上按照传统的音乐语言进行创作,但是吸引着新一代作曲家的是层出不穷的各种新音乐流派,代表人物是J.凯奇。在流行音乐领域内,也出现了新的品种。从布鲁斯等音乐发展而来的摇滚乐风靡全国,爵士音乐退居次要地位。摇滚乐的代表人物有E.普雷斯利(1935—1977)等,民歌的著名歌手有B.迪伦(1941- )等.杰克逊的出现70年代以后,摇滚乐的热潮逐渐衰退,各种流行音乐互相影响,在风格上趋向综合。最著名的流行音乐歌手是迈克尔•约瑟夫•杰克逊(Michael Joseph Jackson(1958年8月29日-2009年6月25日)在音乐表演方面,美国往往由于拥有世界第一流的指挥、独奏家和歌剧演员而达到很高水平。美国的交响乐团占波土顿、芝加哥、克利夫兰、纽约和费城等交响乐团均享有国际声誉。
In 1619, the first batch of black African slave was brought to North America. Black African music, used to love singing while working. Black music moving tune and unique rhythm of the United States, the segmentation of the development of the music plays a huge role. 19 to 20 century in the early nineteenth century, many European musicians came to the United States, they brought the advanced music level and skills. 1848 years after the European revolution, and the large number of German musicians moved to the us. They had used to make the principal of the same school of music interest americans change greatly, and also to the American young generation of the composer's creation bring great influence. At the same time, the music education obtain rapid development. After the civil war the United States music became more active life, also has some important music groups have established, such as the Metropolitan Opera house. 1881 (), Boston symphony orchestra (1881). More important is, there was a group of professional skills with a composer. Was the fashion at the black music major types have spiritual songs, Bruce, labor songs etc. Diversity 50 s, American music is more diverse. Although some composers in accordance with the traditional music language basically carries on the creation, but attract a new generation of composers is emerge in endlessly all kinds of new music genre, representative character is J. Cage. In popular music field, also created a new varieties. Music from Bruce etc of rock, jazz music swept the country puts secondary status. Rock music of the representative of a E. Presley (1935-1977), the famous singer folk songs have B. Dylan (1941-etc. Jackson's appear after 70 s, the upsurge of rock and roll all popular music gradually recession, mutual influence, in style incline to comprehensive. The most famous pop music singer is Michael Joseph Jackson (Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958-June 25, 2009) in music performing, usually because the United States has the world's premier command, soloist and opera actor and to achieve a very high level. The United States, the symphony of wave at, Chicago, soil Cleveland, New York and Philadelphia symphony orchestra are entitled to international reputation.
In 1619, the first batch of black African slave was brought to North America.Black African music, used to love singing while working.Black music moving tune and unique rhythm of the United States, the segmentation of the development of the music plays a huge role.19 to 20 century in the early nineteenth century, many European musicians came to the United States, they brought the advanced music level and skills.1848 years after the European revolution, and the large number of German musicians moved to the us.They had used to make the principal of the same school of music interest americans change greatly, and also to the American young generation of the composer's creation bring great influence.At the same time, the music education obtain rapid development.After the civil war the United States music became more active life, also has some important music groups have established, such as the Metropolitan Opera house. 1881 (), Boston symphony orchestra (1881).More important is, there was a group of professional skills with a composer.Was the fashion at the black music major types have spiritual songs, Bruce, labor songs etc. Diversity 50 s, American music is more diverse.Although some composers in accordance with the traditional music language basically carries on the creation, but attract a new generation of composers is emerge in endlessly all kinds of new music genre, representative character is J. Cage. In popular music field, also created a new varieties.Music from Bruce etc of rock, jazz music swept the country puts secondary status.Rock music of the representative of a E. Presley (1935-1977), the famous singer folk songs have B. Dylan (1941-etc. Jackson's appear after 70 s, the upsurge of rock and roll all popular music gradually recession, mutual influence, in style incline to comprehensive.The most famous pop music singer is Michael Joseph Jackson (Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958-June 25, 2009) in music performing, usually because the United States has the world's premier command, soloist and opera actor and to achieve a very high level.American symphony orchestra at of wave soil, Chicago, and Cleveland, New York and Philadelphia symphony orchestra are entitled to international reputation.
In 1619, the first batch of black African slave was brought to North America. Black African music, used to love singing while working. Black music moving tune and unique rhythm of the United States, the segmentation of the development of the music plays a huge role. 19 to 20 century in the early nineteenth century, many European musicians came to the United States, they brought the advanced music level and skills. 1848 years after the European revolution, and the large number of German musicians moved to the us. They had used to make the principal of the same school of music interest americans change greatly, and also to the American young generation of the composer's creation bring great influence. At the same time, the music education obtain rapid development. After the civil war the United States music became more active life, also has some important music groups have established, such as the Metropolitan Opera house. 1881 (), Boston symphony orchestra (1881). More important is, there was a group of professional skills with a composer. Was the fashion at the black music major types have spiritual songs, Bruce, labor songs etc. Diversity 50 s, American music is more diverse. Although some composers in accordance with the traditional music language basically carries on the creation, but attract a new generation of composers is emerge in endlessly all kinds of new music genre, representative character is J. Cage. In popular music field, also created a new varieties. Music from Bruce etc of rock, jazz music swept the country puts secondary status. Rock music of the representative of a E. Presley (1935-1977), the famous singer folk songs have B. Dylan (1941-etc. Jackson's appear after 70 s, the upsurge of rock and roll all popular music gradually recession, mutual influence, in style incline to comprehensive. The most famous pop music singer is Michael Joseph Jackson (Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958-June 25, 2009) in music performing, usually because the United States has the world's premier command, soloist and opera actor and to achieve a very high level. The United States, the symphony of wave at, Chicago, soil Cleveland, New York and Philadelphia symphony orchestra are entitled to international reputation.就这样了
the first batch of black African slave was brought to North America. Black African music, used to love singing while working. Black music moving tune and unique rhythm of the United States, the segmentation of the development of the music plays a huge role. 19 to 20 century in the early nineteenth century, many European musicians came to the United States, they brought the advanced music level and skills. 1848 years after the European revolution, and the large number of German musicians moved to the us. They had used to make the principal of the same school of music interest americans change greatly, and also to the American young generation of the composer's creation bring great influence. At the same time, the music education obtain rapid development. After the civil war the United States music became more active life, also has some important music groups have established, such as the Metropolitan Opera house. 1881 (), Boston symphony orchestra (1881). More important is, there was a group of professional skills with a composer. Was the fashion at the black music major types have spiritual songs, Bruce, labor songs etc. Diversity 50 s, American music is more diverse. Although some composers in accordance with the traditional music language basically carries on the creation, but attract a new generation of composers is emerge in endlessly all kinds of new music genre, representative character is J. Cage. In popular music field, also created a new varieties. Music from Bruce etc of rock, jazz music swept the country puts secondary status. Rock music of the representative of a E. Presley (1935-1977), the famous singer folk songs have B. Dylan (1941-etc. Jackson's appear after 70 s, the upsurge of rock and roll all popular music gradually recession, mutual influence, in style incline to comprehensive. The most famous pop music singer is Michael Joseph Jackson (Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958-June 25, 2009) in music performing, usually because the United States has the world's premier command, soloist and opera actor and to achieve a very high level. The United States, the symphony of wave at, Chicago, soil Cleveland, New York and Philadelphia