求首歌。《sexy girl (original mix)》——王悦
There was a study carried out a while back by Newcastle Universitythat found that living together resulted in the male partner becominghealthier and the female partner becoming fatter. This is obviouslynot going to be true for all couples, but when you think about it, itdoes make some sense.When women live on their own or with their friends or parents corset tops, theyare basically preparing meals for themselves. So they can easilycontrol exactly what they are eating, and can easily ensure that theyare not eating excessive amounts of food every day. They may alsohave a strict food budget which restricts them from buying too muchjunk food every week.However when they start living with a partner things start to change.All of a sudden they have a bigger budget to spend on food, whichmeans junk food may be more readily available.It also means that in a lot of cases the women are preparing mealsfor the both of them, and over time it is often the man who dictateswhat kind of food they eat. Therefore because men usually tend tolike big hearty meals that often include plenty of meat, the femalepartner will also prepare bigger meals for herself as well, whichobviously increases the chances of her putting on weight.As regards the male partner becoming healthier after living with apartner, it is a little harder to understand the logic. This isbecause you would assume that single men often go to the gym and lookafter their body more in order to attract a partner.However I can understand the reasoning to some extent because menoften live on their own before moving in with a partner corset tops, and a lot ofmen eat a lot of junk food because it is quicker and a lot lesshassle. After all you don't really want to prepare a big roast dinnerwhen you are just cooking for yourself.It is also logical that women encourage the male partner to eathealthier when they start living together because women in particulardo not want to put on weight. However there is often a compromisebecause with healthier meals come bigger meatier meals in a lot ofcases, as I've already mentioned, which would explain some of thesefindings.Of course these studies are carried out all the time, and you cannever read too much into them. However they are quite interesting,and I can certainly understand why men and women often see theirweight change after they start living with a partner.Ifyou are currently overweight and want to lose a few pounds, you maywant to check out some of the weight loss pills that are currently onthe market. Capsiplexis quite a popular diet pill, but you may also want to read this Meratol review to learn all about the Meratol diet pills as well.