一般引起系统不定期重启和关机的故障主要有下面几个原因:一.首先我们要处理掉一个可能性到"我的电脑按"右键-->属性-->高级-->按下"启动及修复"-->把下面"系统失败"那框框的三个选项取消勾选.当把这三个选择取消后.能解决大部分人的问题哦.二.如果自动关机.并出现对话框的话.极有可能是病毒.解决办法:杀毒.三.WINDOWS启动程序出错,果WINDOWS在默认状态下启动时有某个程序运行出现错误,系统会重新启动,新加载出现错误的程序,果启动项内有某个程序的错误比较严重,系统就会不断反复启动。解决办法:在系统启动时按F8,进入安全模式,在控制面板--系统--高级里选取“启动和故障恢复”,最后将“系统失败”栏目下的“自动重新启动”的勾勾去掉.四.用光驱或者软驱就死机或者重启.更或者是多挂了一个硬盘后就常常断电.那可能电源有问题.解决方法:更换电源.五.现在主板一般都有温度保护控制芯片,防止CPU过热烧毁。有时BIOS内的CPU预警温度设置太低,CPU满负荷运行时温度超过预警温度,系统会自动关闭。当然因机箱散热不好引起CPU温度太高无法稳定运行也会引起系统重启.解决办法:在BIOS里将保护温度调至比较适当的温度,加强系统散热.六.看某种特定的片子会死机.重启后没事.十有八九是显卡驱动的问题.解决办法:下载最稳定的驱动版本.七.运行大型3D游戏或系统进程较多时容易经常引起系统自启,种情况相当普遍.多系统都采用双通道,如果两条内存的品质和性能差异较大或本身内存条的电气稳定性满足不了双通道的要求,可能造成系统运行不稳定,当运行较大程序时经常出现故障重启.解决办法:在BIOS内尝试将内存的CL值调高一些,比如2.5的调成3,通道的可适当调低系统的总线速度看看,如果这招不灵多半是要换内存了.如果您还有关于电脑软硬故障的问题,请访问雨林木风交流论坛,那里有专业工程师来共同解决您的问题。雨林木风交流论坛地址: http://www.ylmf.net注册页面: http://dx.ylmf.net/?u=1177698
一般引起系统不定期重启和关机的故障主要有下面几个原因:一.首先我们要处理掉一个可能性到"我的电脑按"右键-->属性-->高级-->按下"启动及修复"-->把下面"系统失败"那框框的三个选项取消勾选.当把这三个选择取消后.能解决大部分人的问题哦.二.如果自动关机.并出现对话框的话.极有可能是病毒.解决办法:杀毒.三.WINDOWS启动程序出错,果WINDOWS在默认状态下启动时有某个程序运行出现错误,系统会重新启动,新加载出现错误的程序,果启动项内有某个程序的错误比较严重,系统就会不断反复启动。解决办法:在系统启动时按F8,进入安全模式,在控制面板--系统--高级里选取“启动和故障恢复”,最后将“系统失败”栏目下的“自动重新启动”的勾勾去掉.四.用光驱或者软驱就死机或者重启.更或者是多挂了一个硬盘后就常常断电.那可能电源有问题.解决方法:更换电源.五.现在主板一般都有温度保护控制芯片,防止CPU过热烧毁。有时BIOS内的CPU预警温度设置太低,CPU满负荷运行时温度超过预警温度,系统会自动关闭。当然因机箱散热不好引起CPU温度太高无法稳定运行也会引起系统重启.解决办法:在BIOS里将保护温度调至比较适当的温度,加强系统散热.六.看某种特定的片子会死机.重启后没事.十有八九是显卡驱动的问题.解决办法:下载最稳定的驱动版本.七.运行大型3D游戏或系统进程较多时容易经常引起系统自启,种情况相当普遍.多系统都采用双通道,如果两条内存的品质和性能差异较大或本身内存条的电气稳定性满足不了双通道的要求,可能造成系统运行不稳定,当运行较大程序时经常出现故障重启.解决办法:在BIOS内尝试将内存的CL值调高一些,比如2.5的调成3,通道的可适当调低系统的总线速度看看,如果这招不灵多半是要换内存了.如果您还有关于电脑软硬故障的问题,请访问雨林木风交流论坛,那里有专业工程师来共同解决您的问题。雨林木风交流论坛地址: http://www.ylmf.net注册页面: http://dx.ylmf.net/?u=1177698
那就按我说的,去买张这样的系统盘,放进光驱,打开光盘界面,按键盘的上和下箭头就可以选择到第一项,将系统恢复到C盘的,回车就可以等系统自动装完了如果光盘放进系统启动不了,那么就是需要进主板BIOS设置了这个比较难啊,不懂英文处理不了,除非你去看了主板的资料主板说明里应该有的,你可以找来看,或者,我给你找找……摁DEL键进入BIOS,如下根据BIOS厂商不同有两种情况,请对号入座 一 AMI BIOS,第一页上显示有时间日期的那种界面 1、进BIOS将默认设置改为优化设置。---摁F5回车即可,AMI不区分这个 4、打开快速启动自检功能 ---默认是开启的,在Boot的大项里的quick boot选择,设置成Enable就好 5、将硬盘设为第一启动---在Boot内找到boot priority,设置1st为HDD 二 Award BIOS,屏幕中间有竖线那种界面 3、关闭开机软驱检测功能。 BIOS Features Setup中修改BootUp Floppy Seek为Disable 4、打开快速启动自检功能 BIOS Features Setup中修改Quick Power On Self Test为Enable 5、将硬盘设为第一启动。BIOS Features Setup中修改BootSequence内1st为HDD I boot the computer into a map on the screen how the resumption of semi-ah? ? ? ? ? Not fully open on the desktop or restart the interface to the landing on the restart, right? Well, the trick is in the most simple is to redo the system because of the complexity of repair from the Internet I also see this similar question, but my computer for repair do not want to do is recommend that you buy a computer company to market Special Edition 9.2 system disk, so the system is particularly simple, knocking the two can be under the keyboard, if related to the boot sequence settings, then you can separate the search of information in this regard, it is not difficult to
It according to what I said, to buy such a system Zhang disk, into the drive, open the CD-ROM interface, click the down arrow and you can choose to go first, to bring the system back to the C disk, you can enter Bahrain, such as the system automatically if the CD can not boot into the system, then into the motherboard BIOS is the need to set up this comparison does not know how to deal with the English can not, unless you look at the information board in the motherboard that should have, you can find point of view, or I'll give you look ... ... press DEL key to enter the BIOS, as follows according to BIOS vendors, there are two different cases, a pigeon-holing AMI BIOS, the first page to show the kind of time-date interface 1, enter BIOS The default setting will be changed to optimize the settings. --- Press F5 to enter, AMI does not differentiate between the 4, open the quick-start self-test function is turned on by default --- in the Boot's of major quick boot option set to Enable like 5, hard disk BIOS Features Setup to modify BootUp Floppy Seek to Disable 4, open the quick-start self-test function in the BIOS Features Setup modify Quick Power On Self Test to Enable 5, will set the first boot hard drive. BIOS Features Setup to modify BootSequence in 1st for HDD
那就按我说的,去买张这样的系统盘,放进光驱,打开光盘界面,按键盘的上和下箭头就可以选择到第一项,将系统恢复到C盘的,回车就可以等系统自动装完了如果光盘放进系统启动不了,那么就是需要进主板BIOS设置了这个比较难啊,不懂英文处理不了,除非你去看了主板的资料主板说明里应该有的,你可以找来看,或者,我给你找找……摁DEL键进入BIOS,如下根据BIOS厂商不同有两种情况,请对号入座 一 AMI BIOS,第一页上显示有时间日期的那种界面 1、进BIOS将默认设置改为优化设置。---摁F5回车即可,AMI不区分这个 4、打开快速启动自检功能 ---默认是开启的,在Boot的大项里的quick boot选择,设置成Enable就好 5、将硬盘设为第一启动---在Boot内找到boot priority,设置1st为HDD 二 Award BIOS,屏幕中间有竖线那种界面 3、关闭开机软驱检测功能。 BIOS Features Setup中修改BootUp Floppy Seek为Disable 4、打开快速启动自检功能 BIOS Features Setup中修改Quick Power On Self Test为Enable 5、将硬盘设为第一启动。BIOS Features Setup中修改BootSequence内1st为HDD I boot the computer into a map on the screen how the resumption of semi-ah? ? ? ? ? Not fully open on the desktop or restart the interface to the landing on the restart, right? Well, the trick is in the most simple is to redo the system because of the complexity of repair from the Internet I also see this similar question, but my computer for repair do not want to do is recommend that you buy a computer company to market Special Edition 9.2 system disk, so the system is particularly simple, knocking the two can be under the keyboard, if related to the boot sequence settings, then you can separate the search of information in this regard, it is not difficult to
It according to what I said, to buy such a system Zhang disk, into the drive, open the CD-ROM interface, click the down arrow and you can choose to go first, to bring the system back to the C disk, you can enter Bahrain, such as the system automatically if the CD can not boot into the system, then into the motherboard BIOS is the need to set up this comparison does not know how to deal with the English can not, unless you look at the information board in the motherboard that should have, you can find point of view, or I'll give you look ... ... press DEL key to enter the BIOS, as follows according to BIOS vendors, there are two different cases, a pigeon-holing AMI BIOS, the first page to show the kind of time-date interface 1, enter BIOS The default setting will be changed to optimize the settings. --- Press F5 to enter, AMI does not differentiate between the 4, open the quick-start self-test function is turned on by default --- in the Boot's of major quick boot option set to Enable like 5, hard disk BIOS Features Setup to modify BootUp Floppy Seek to Disable 4, open the quick-start self-test function in the BIOS Features Setup modify Quick Power On Self Test to Enable 5, will set the first boot hard drive. BIOS Features Setup to modify BootSequence in 1st for HDD
一般判断为中毒 重做系统其实最简单
电压不稳 买个变压器 100块左右