帮忙翻译英语 50

-我是那个希望进入英语文学系学习的学生,我非常感谢您能抽出时间,并在绿表程序之外再给我一次机会。无论结果如何,您都大大地帮助了我。-鉴于我在法国住了一年,英语可能忘了很多... -我是那个希望进入英语文学系学习的学生,我非常感谢您能抽出时间,并在绿表程序之外再给我一次机会。无论结果如何,您都大大地帮助了我。


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2014-06-30 · 超过63用户采纳过TA的回答
Fancy getting your feedback, and hope everything goes well with you.

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2014-06-30 · 超过20用户采纳过TA的回答
- I am a student of English literature department that wants to enter the study, and I thank you for taking the time and give me a chance at the green table outside the program. Whatever the outcome, you have greatly helped me.

- Since I lived in France for a year, in English might have forgotten a lot of places can not express, I may need assistance in French.
- Is that, first of all, I am very interested in foreign languages, I came into contact with English from the age of five, and then start from junior high school, with the opportunity to learn French, the ranking scores in the class made me feel my language talent. I want to learn more languages.
Then, the first foreign language in high school because I was in French, English and some therefore weak, hoping to take this opportunity to these two foreign languages become my strengths, and then committed to enter the Ecole Institute of Translation.
- I only have French level certificate.
- If you enter another profession, I could easily be admitted, because I DAP test scores are the highest in our school. But I really want to learn the language, just want to learn the language before they choose a professional foreign language adventure aspects, that is why I had failed.
- English is weak but also because there is no more opportunity in high school to learn English because it is not out of the entrance of the subjects, I only put more time into French and other homework. But please believe my ability.
- If you give me a trust, I must redouble our efforts to learn, but also in efforts during the summer tutoring in English, and my French, like it smooth.
- English is more flexible compared to French, English-speaking countries as well. They have similar cultural background, but also in the process of developing their own personality exhibited.
- If I could return home during the holidays, when the good news to my parents, so much the better.
- Regardless of your decision, thank you for giving me the chance.
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I am the hope to enter the English Literature Department Students.Thank you for your time.
And in addition to green program and give me a chance.
Whatever the outcome, you have helped me greatly.
In view of the fact that I lived in France for a year, English may forget many,
Can not express, I may need a French aid.
This is, first of all, I am very interested in foreign languages, I started from the age of five english.
Then start from junior high school, a school of French opportunity.
Grades in class ranking also let me feel my gift for languages.I hope to learn more about the language.
Then, because I was French in the first foreign language high school English, therefore some weak.
Hope can take this opportunity to put the two foreign language into my strengths,
And then to enter the Paris school.
I only French level certificate.
If the other professional, I could easily be admitted,
Because of my DAP scores are the highest in our school.
But I really want to learn a language is to learn the language,
Just adventure choose foreign language professional, this is also the reason why I failed.
English is also due to the weak high school no more chance to learn english,
Because it is not in the list of the college entrance examination subjects,
Only to devote more time to the French and other subjects.
But please believe my ability.
If you can give me a trust, I will redouble our efforts to study
Will study English hard in the summer vacation, let it and I like French fluently.
Compared to English, French is more flexible, as well as the English speaking countries.
They have similar cultural background, and show their personality in the course of their development.
If I can in the vacation home to give good news to my parents, so much the better.
Regardless of your decision, thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to.
好长 一定要采纳啊
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