
ShouldCollegeStudentsDoPart-timeJob?1.有人认为大学生勤工俭学会影响学习;2.也有人认为大学生勤工俭学利大于弊;3.我的看法。要求:不... Should College Students Do Part-time Job?
1. 有人认为大学生勤工俭学会影响学习;
2. 也有人认为大学生勤工俭学利大于弊;
3. 我的看法。
 我来答
2015-03-29 · TA获得超过252个赞
Society becomes more and more developed which that brings many more jobs for people. College students also make use of this opportunity to do some job in their spare time.

Lots of students begin to do part-time job. They think they can study that they never know at school, and they can improve their ability of during the job. They also think the part-time jobs can lighten the burden economy of the family. So taking part-time job is a popular choice for many college students.

Some people don’t think this behavior is right. They think that college students must put priority on learning, and the job will affect them. Moreover, caucus on learning while part-time job will distract their energy for learning is not fine enough for working so early.

In my opinion, I agree on the part-time job is useful for the college students. On the condition, the precondition is not affecting the study.
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Should College Student Do Part-time Job?
Nowadays, whether college student should do part-time job or not has become a very hot topic among the public. The opinions about that vary from person to person. Some people approve of college students doing part-time jobs in two reasons. First, students can use what they learn from the books to the practice, which also can strengthen their knowledge in an effective way. If students not put the theory to the work, they will feel hard to handle their profession once they leave the text books in the future. Besides, it is important for students to experience working and connect with society in advance, which can be prepared for their future career after they graduate.
However, some other people hope the opposite view. They think that the most essential task of college students is study. There is no denying that doing part-time jobs assume students’ study time. If they pay too much attention to the jobs, they will have no time for study and then devote themselves to them totally. In the other hand, students have no experience of working at the beginning of them doing the part-time jobs. So being criticized is unable to avoid. People in this category hold opinion that students will lose confidence and willing for their careers if they have received any criticism during the part-time jobs. And they think students are too young to bear these stresses. It is too early for students to suffer frustrations from lives and career.
As for as I am concerned, college student should do part-time job on the condition of having spare time. Moreover, it is beneficial for students to do that. Except what have been talked at the beginning, I have some perspectives about the advantages of doing part-time job. Firstly, doing part-time job can make money, which is able to support their cost of living and extra expenses, such as shopping, dating and traveling. Meanwhile, they can lighten the burden of their families, especially the not rich ones. They also can find out how hard their parents earning money to provide them with their living and education. Secondly, doing part-time job can gain a great deal of working experience, such as communication skills and the method of dealing with interpersonal relationship. In addition, learning how to face with the failure and criticism is very important. Thirdly, students, who do part-time job, have a good sense of time and they can allocate their time on study and working rationally. The ability of time management plays an important part in their lives not only at present but also in the future. Finally, substantial life refers to make good use of time and college students have much spare time, so it makes sense if students do part-time job.
Among what having been talked about, the advantages of students doing part-time job are overwhelming the disadvantages, so why do we do that if we have spare time?
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