iis 中 WebService服务应用程序能不能同时部署在web网站目录下面?
本人做了个项目采用asp.net +webServices实现的。现在要部署项目,不想创建两个虚拟目录,想webServices服务应用程序同时部署在asp.n...
本人做了个项目采用 asp.net +webServices 实现的。现在要部署项目,不想创建两个虚拟目录,想webServices服务应用程序同时部署在asp.net web网站目录下面,怎么实现??? -- | Web2008 |__________Index.aspx |__________Login.aspx |__________Web.Config(整个网站的配置文件) | |__________WS Web服务 |______________Ser1.asmx |______________Ser2.asmx | |______________Web.Config (WebService的配置文件) 然后,运行后就出现问题: 1、Web2008中的 aspx文件运行正常; 2、WS 中的文件不能运行,提示 Web.Config中配置有问题: Server Error in '/Web2008' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately. Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS. Source Error: Line 49: "Passport" and "None" Line 50: --> Line 51: <authentication mode="Windows"/> Line 52: <!-- AUTHORIZATION Line 53: 我试着把 <authentication mode="Windows"/> 改成为不同的配置,但还是一样的出错。