In 2008 is drawing near, what should we make?
The body is a Chinese we has the responsibility to have the duty to leave a strength for our motherland, then we may do this:
1. takes the student, must the diligently study, improve own comprehensively first quality, this is most basic.
2. if is the industrialists and businessmen, must utilize some high tech, enhances the product the quality, with international connects rails
3, took the ordinary resident, wants many using the network to understand other country the cultural custom, studies some foreign the language, English more than 4.
to the country proposed in particular some feasible constructs Italy, conducts for Olympic Games' success supplies ideas.
5. participates positively volunteers to move
6. to create the propaganda, propagandizes the Olympic Games spirit.Simultaneously sells the Olympic Games mascot figure, posts the Olympic Games slogan,
the Beijing Olympic Games, lets us hope for and welcome it the arrival!
3,作为普通市民,要多利用网络来了解他国的文化风俗,学一些外国的语 言,尤其是英语
2008年北京奥运会一步步地向我们走近,奥运会的场馆建设和各方面的准备活动也在紧锣密鼓地进行着。我真的很高兴,并且我为自己是个中国人而感到自豪。奥运会是一个加深国家、民族之间友谊,增进彼此之间了解的一个全球性的盛会。 从 2001年7月国际奥委会萨马兰奇主席宣布北京为第29届夏季奥运会举办城市的那一刻起,所有的华人都开始为奥运会做一些力所能及的事情,贡献自己的力量。四年后,我们提出了“同一个世界,同一个梦想”的奥运口号。五年过去了,北京奥运的所有准备工作都在有条不紊的按计划进行。而我们记忆中的五年前的那一天,是属于狂欢与激动的节日,因为那天圆了我们中国人的申奥梦。但今天,我们需要开始的是另一个梦想——让2008年的北京奥运会成为同一个世界的同一个梦想,让世界所有人民一起分享梦想,分享中国北京带给全世界的一届奥运盛会。我曾经在报纸上看到一些智力有缺陷的学生对奥运做出的贡献,我感到惭愧。连在智力方面有缺陷的学生都可以尽自己最大的努力为奥运作贡献,我们为何还在此袖手旁观?即使我们做得微不足道,但只要细心就会发现我们可以为奥运做的事有很多很多。
The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the city of Beijing."With the motto "New Beijing, Great Olympics", Beijing promises to host a "Green Olympics", a "Hi-tech Olympics" and the "People's Olympics".
Chinese people always appreciate the purposes and principles of Olympic ideal, support the efforts of Olympic Games to promote world peace. The Chinese Government and people are doing our the utmost/best to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, and shooting at the pageant with advocating Olympic ideal, sparkpluging world peace and enhancing the relationships among the world. Olympic spirit are gonna spread again in orient cultural ancient China.
The government and people of China have always admired the purposes and principles of the Olympic spirit and supported the efforts made by the Olympics in promoting world peace. The Chinese government and people are doing our utmost in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. It is our hope to make it a grand gathering that will carry forward the Olympic spirit, promote world peace and enhance the friendship among people of the world, so that the Olympic spirit will flourish once again, this time in China, an oriental country with an ancient civilization.
中国人民一向赞赏奥林匹克精神的宗旨和原则,支持奥林匹克运动为促进世界和平所做的努力。中国政府和中国人民正全力以赴,做好2008年北京奥运会的筹备工作,力争把2008年奥运会办成一次弘扬奥林匹克精神、促进世界和平、增进各国人民友谊的盛会,让奥林匹克精神在中国这一东方文明古国 再次得到发扬。
In 2008 is drawing near, what should we make?
The body is a Chinese we has the responsibility to have the duty to leave a strength for our motherland, then we may do this:
1. takes the student, must the diligently study, improve own comprehensively first quality, this is most basic.
2. if is the industrialists and businessmen, must utilize some high tech, enhances the product the quality, with international connects rails
3, took the ordinary resident, wants many using the network to understand other country the cultural custom, studies some foreign the language, English more than 4.
to the country proposed in particular some feasible constructs Italy, conducts for Olympic Games' success supplies ideas.
5. participates positively volunteers to move
6. to create the propaganda, propagandizes the Olympic Games spirit.Simultaneously sells the Olympic Games mascot figure, posts the Olympic Games slogan,
the Beijing Olympic Games, lets us hope for and welcome it the arrival!
3,作为普通市民,要多利用网络来了解他国的文化风俗,学一些外国的语 言,尤其是英语
2008年北京奥运会一步步地向我们走近,奥运会的场馆建设和各方面的准备活动也在紧锣密鼓地进行着。我真的很高兴,并且我为自己是个中国人而感到自豪。奥运会是一个加深国家、民族之间友谊,增进彼此之间了解的一个全球性的盛会。 从 2001年7月国际奥委会萨马兰奇主席宣布北京为第29届夏季奥运会举办城市的那一刻起,所有的华人都开始为奥运会做一些力所能及的事情,贡献自己的力量。四年后,我们提出了“同一个世界,同一个梦想”的奥运口号。五年过去了,北京奥运的所有准备工作都在有条不紊的按计划进行。而我们记忆中的五年前的那一天,是属于狂欢与激动的节日,因为那天圆了我们中国人的申奥梦。但今天,我们需要开始的是另一个梦想——让2008年的北京奥运会成为同一个世界的同一个梦想,让世界所有人民一起分享梦想,分享中国北京带给全世界的一届奥运盛会。我曾经在报纸上看到一些智力有缺陷的学生对奥运做出的贡献,我感到惭愧。连在智力方面有缺陷的学生都可以尽自己最大的努力为奥运作贡献,我们为何还在此袖手旁观?即使我们做得微不足道,但只要细心就会发现我们可以为奥运做的事有很多很多。
The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the city of Beijing."With the motto "New Beijing, Great Olympics", Beijing promises to host a "Green Olympics", a "Hi-tech Olympics" and the "People's Olympics".
Chinese people always appreciate the purposes and principles of Olympic ideal, support the efforts of Olympic Games to promote world peace. The Chinese Government and people are doing our the utmost/best to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, and shooting at the pageant with advocating Olympic ideal, sparkpluging world peace and enhancing the relationships among the world. Olympic spirit are gonna spread again in orient cultural ancient China.
The government and people of China have always admired the purposes and principles of the Olympic spirit and supported the efforts made by the Olympics in promoting world peace. The Chinese government and people are doing our utmost in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. It is our hope to make it a grand gathering that will carry forward the Olympic spirit, promote world peace and enhance the friendship among people of the world, so that the Olympic spirit will flourish once again, this time in China, an oriental country with an ancient civilization.
中国人民一向赞赏奥林匹克精神的宗旨和原则,支持奥林匹克运动为促进世界和平所做的努力。中国政府和中国人民正全力以赴,做好2008年北京奥运会的筹备工作,力争把2008年奥运会办成一次弘扬奥林匹克精神、促进世界和平、增进各国人民友谊的盛会,让奥林匹克精神在中国这一东方文明古国 再次得到发扬。
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