“丝绸之路”是中国与地中海沿岸诸国商品往来、一条横断亚欧的古代贸易之路,它起自中国的长安(今西安),西至罗马。西汉时(公元前202年-8年)由张骞出使西域开辟,经甘肃、新疆,到中亚、西亚,并联结地中海各国的陆上通道,这条道路也被称为“西北丝绸之路”。因为由这条路西运的货物中以丝绸制品的影响最大,故得此名。其基本走向定于两汉时期。这条路以西安为出发点,途中在中国境内又分为三条,它们分别是:1、天山北路:西安-敦煌-哈密-乌鲁木齐-伊犁-现原苏联境内-罗马;2、西域北路:西安-敦煌-哈密-吐鲁番-焉耆-库尔勒-库车-阿克苏-喀什-帕米尔高原-中亚; 3、西域南路:西安-楼兰-且末-尼雅-和田-喀什-帕米尔高原-中亚-西亚。这条连接绿洲之间的商队之路是人类与严酷的自然斗争中开创的道路,是一条具有历史意义的国际通道。通过这条古道,把古老的中国文化、印度文化、波斯文化、阿拉伯文化和古希腊、古罗马文化连接起来,促进了东西方文明的交流。每年5月至10月,是丝路旅游的最佳时节。
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"Silk road" is China and Mediterranean countries commodity exchanges, a cross-sectional asia-europe's ancient trade route from China, it's changan (now xian), west to Rome. Western han dynasty (202 BC-8 years) in the western regions, by zhang opened up the expeditions, xinjiang, gansu province to central Asia, west Asia, and connection of the Mediterranean land passage, the road is also called "the northwest silk road. Because this the torpedoing of the shipment with silk products in the biggest influence on, so the name. Its basic trend is scheduled for two han period. The road to xi 'an as the starting point, on the way in China is divided into three, and they were: 1, tianshan mountain road: xian-dunhuang hami-urumqi- -now the former Soviet union ili territory-the Roman; 2, the western regions north road: xian-dunhuang hami- - -KuErLe turpan yanqi kuqa-aksu-kashi-wuqia pamirs plateau-central Asia; 3, the western regions south road: xian- - JuMo loulan he hotan-kashi-wuqia pamirs plateau-central Asia-west Asia. This link between an oasis of the road caravan of human and harsh natural struggle of a road, is a historic international channels. Through the ancient road, ancient Chinese culture, Indian culture, Persian, culture, Arab culture and ancient Greek and Roman culture, promote the connecting eastern and western civilization exchanges. Every year from may to October, is the best time of the silk road tour.
"Silk road" is China and Mediterranean countries commodity exchanges, a cross-sectional asia-europe's ancient trade route from China, it's changan (now xian), west to Rome. Western han dynasty (202 BC-8 years) in the western regions, by zhang opened up the expeditions, xinjiang, gansu province to central Asia, west Asia, and connection of the Mediterranean land passage, the road is also called "the northwest silk road. Because this the torpedoing of the shipment with silk products in the biggest influence on, so the name. Its basic trend is scheduled for two han period. The road to xi 'an as the starting point, on the way in China is divided into three, and they were: 1, tianshan mountain road: xian-dunhuang hami-urumqi- -now the former Soviet union ili territory-the Roman; 2, the western regions north road: xian-dunhuang hami- - -KuErLe turpan yanqi kuqa-aksu-kashi-wuqia pamirs plateau-central Asia; 3, the western regions south road: xian- - JuMo loulan he hotan-kashi-wuqia pamirs plateau-central Asia-west Asia. This link between an oasis of the road caravan of human and harsh natural struggle of a road, is a historic international channels. Through the ancient road, ancient Chinese culture, Indian culture, Persian, culture, Arab culture and ancient Greek and Roman culture, promote the connecting eastern and western civilization exchanges. Every year from may to October, is the best time of the silk road tour.
The silk road "is China and Mediterranean countries commodity exchanges, a cross-sectional asia-europe's ancient trade route from China, it's changan (now xian), west to Rome. Western han dynasty (202 BC-8 years) in the western regions, by zhang opened up the expeditions, xinjiang, gansu province to central Asia, west Asia, and connection of the Mediterranean land passage, the road is also called" the northwest silk road. Because the article the torpedoing of the shipment with silk products, so the biggest influence on the name. The basic direction is scheduled for two han period. The road to xi 'an as the starting point, on the way in China is divided into three, and they were: 1, tianshan mountain road: xian-dunhuang hami-urumqi- -now the former Soviet union ili territory-the Roman; 2, the western regions north road: xian-dunhuang hami- - -KuErLe turpan yanqi kuqa-aksu-kashi-wuqia pamirs plateau-central Asia; 3, the western regions south road: xian- - JuMo loulan he hotan-kashi-wuqia pamirs plateau-central Asia-west Asia. This link between an oasis of the road caravan of human and harsh natural struggle of a road, is a historic international channels. Through the ancient road, ancient Chinese culture, Indian culture, Persian, culture, Arab culture and ancient Greek and Roman culture, promote the connecting eastern and western civilization exchanges. Every year from may to October, is the best time of the silk road tour.
Silk Road" between China and Asian countries of goods between the Mediterranean coast, a transection of the ancient trade route between Asia and Europe, which began with China's Chang'an (now Xi'an), west of Rome. Western Han Dynasty (202 BC -8 years) by Zhang Qian the Han Dynasty to open up, through Gansu, Xinjiang, to Central Asia, West Asia and Mediterranean countries to join land access, this road is also known as the "Silk Road Northwest . "Because from the road transport of goods in the West to silk products, the greatest impact, it was this name. The basic trend set at the Han Dynasty. This road to Xi'an as a starting point, the way in China is divided into three, they are: 1, Tianshan Road: Xi'an - Dunhuang - Hami - Urumqi - Yili - the current territory of the former Soviet Union - Rome; 2, Western Road: Xi'an - Dunhuang - Hami - Turpan - Yanqi - Korla - Kuqa - Aksu - Kashgar - the Pamirs - Central Asia; 3, Western Road: Xi'an - Loulan - Qiemo - Niya - Hotan - Kashi - the Pamirs - the Asia - West Asia. This connection between the caravan oasis of the road is the human struggle with the harsh natural open road, is a landmark international channels. Through this ancient road, the ancient Chinese culture, Indian culture, Persian culture, Arab culture and the ancient Greek and Roman culture to link up to promote the exchange of Eastern and Western civilizations. May to October each year, is the best time to travel the Silk Road.