1、本厂将在确保连续13天工作后休息一天的前提下, 尽量缩减周工作时间, 并在2012年6月前达至每周工作时间不多于66小时的目标。
2、原因是因为今年生产员工紧缺, 而生产订单较多, 不得不利用星期天加班生产。
3、责成生产部修订更加周密的生产计划, 原则上不安排星期天加班。
4、经查系车缝一组黄清风自5月份起请长假,8月1日回厂上班后, 该员工未及时到财务室补领5月份工资及6月份端午节假期工资。 财务在8月9日管理人员例会上偶然得知后顺便叫该组组长古红英代领并转交其工资,该组长忘记了当天转交。因本厂员工之间互相信任, 所以并未严格执行经授权后方可代领工资的规定。
5、已定制“授权书” 以后须凭代领工资“授权书” 方可为其他员工代领工资。
6、责成行政部鉴督执行前述规定。 展开
2、原因是因为今年生产员工紧缺, 而生产订单较多, 不得不利用星期天加班生产。
3、责成生产部修订更加周密的生产计划, 原则上不安排星期天加班。
4、经查系车缝一组黄清风自5月份起请长假,8月1日回厂上班后, 该员工未及时到财务室补领5月份工资及6月份端午节假期工资。 财务在8月9日管理人员例会上偶然得知后顺便叫该组组长古红英代领并转交其工资,该组长忘记了当天转交。因本厂员工之间互相信任, 所以并未严格执行经授权后方可代领工资的规定。
5、已定制“授权书” 以后须凭代领工资“授权书” 方可为其他员工代领工资。
6、责成行政部鉴督执行前述规定。 展开
1That is because there are missing workers and orders get increased so that we have to make use of sunday to rush on production.
2:Our factory could keep on working for 13days under the condition that we will try our best to reduce the working time and the working time will be less than 66 hours for each week before June,2012.
3:Production department has made the more careful production plan and they don't need to work overtime on sunday in principle.
4:After check out that huangqingfeng have got off work from May and returned back to go on working on 1th,August and he don't get the May's salary and the fixed festival salary of June from financial department in time. The financial department supervisor get to know that and ask the team leader gu hong ying to get by entrusted the salary and forward the salary to huang qing feng, but she forget to forward huang qing feng in that day. As our empoyee could believe each other, so they could get the salary entrusted without authority rule.
5:The authority certificate has been made and the person who will get the salary entrusted by others should be according to the authority certificate.
6:The administrative department will supervise and perform the foregoing rules.
1That is because there are missing workers and orders get increased so that we have to make use of sunday to rush on production.
2:Our factory could keep on working for 13days under the condition that we will try our best to reduce the working time and the working time will be less than 66 hours for each week before June,2012.
3:Production department has made the more careful production plan and they don't need to work overtime on sunday in principle.
4:After check out that huangqingfeng have got off work from May and returned back to go on working on 1th,August and he don't get the May's salary and the fixed festival salary of June from financial department in time. The financial department supervisor get to know that and ask the team leader gu hong ying to get by entrusted the salary and forward the salary to huang qing feng, but she forget to forward huang qing feng in that day. As our empoyee could believe each other, so they could get the salary entrusted without authority rule.
5:The authority certificate has been made and the person who will get the salary entrusted by others should be according to the authority certificate.
6:The administrative department will supervise and perform the foregoing rules.