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Many children in America enjoy hunting for the Easter eggs. Easter is a celebration with the Christian religion, but Easter eggs go back to ancient festivals that celebrate the coming of spring in the land. Easter usually comes in April, as the grass is beginning to turn green, flowers are beginning to bloom, and the weather is getting warm. Children and their parents first choose clean, white chicken eggs, boil the in an enamel pot until they are hard boiled, and cool them. Then the fun begins! The children have bough Many children in America enjoy hunting for the Easter eggs. Easter t little polls of colours - green, yellow, red, orange, blue, and purple. They drop the coloured pill into water in a cup, along with a spoonful of vinegar until it has melted. Then they put the egg into the cup until the egg is dyed a beautiful colour. The children sometimes like to write their names or draw something on the eggs before putting the eggs in the water. The dye only covers the rest of the egg, not the name or design, so each child knows which his eggs are.
After doing this, an adult takes them outside and hides them in the yard-perhaps under a flower or behind a tree. A small group of children are invited to the Easter egg hunt. For very young children, the hiding places are easy and an adult will help the child. For older children , the hiding places are more difficult. There is usually a prize, maybe a chocolate egg, for the child who finds the most eggs. 展开
After doing this, an adult takes them outside and hides them in the yard-perhaps under a flower or behind a tree. A small group of children are invited to the Easter egg hunt. For very young children, the hiding places are easy and an adult will help the child. For older children , the hiding places are more difficult. There is usually a prize, maybe a chocolate egg, for the child who finds the most eggs. 展开
在美国,很多小孩儿都很喜欢寻找复活节彩蛋的游戏。 复活节是一个基督教的宗教节日,但是复活节彩蛋却能追溯到更古老的春季节日。复活节一般都在四月,大地回春,百花争艳,天气渐暖的时候。小朋友和他们的父母首先会挑选干净的白鸡蛋,用搪瓷锅煮熟这些蛋,直到这些蛋煮老,再冷却一下。接下来的步骤就是最有趣的!小朋友会……(这个地方你复制错误了~看不到原句,猜测大概意思应该是小朋友会买颜料块回来)将颜料溶化在水杯里,并加入一勺醋,直至颜料完全溶解。然后就把煮熟的蛋放进颜料杯里,把蛋染成漂亮的颜色。有时,在染色前小朋友还会把自己的名字写在蛋上。染料不会遮盖他们画上去的名字或图案,只会染在没有图案的地方,这样可以让每个小朋友知道自己画的蛋是哪个。