英语改错。在下列各句划线部分A、B、C、D中,只有一处是错误的,找出并改正? 10
4. B
particular issues that concern+ed
teenagers were covering the half-hour program
5. B
electrical impulses may(删) also picked up by the optic nerve
workers training for a specific job have a strong possibility of being replace+d by a machine.
7. B
on June 30, 1992, international timekeepers in Paris were (删) added an extra second to the day.
8. D
the report could not be turned in on time because all the needed work +was lost.
9. A
In English, these questions have
be +en formed by changing the word order of a statement, whereas in some languages the word order remains the same.
10. D
he was not about to define the processby which the body had +been protected by the immunologic system.
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