
1.今天是我小学同学helen的生日。我送了她三件礼物。第一件是橡皮,绿色的,长长的。第二件是胶条,上面有很多卡通人物,主色是蓝色。第三件是笔芯,上面有一个可爱的粉色的布... 1.今天是我小学同学helen的生日。我送了她三件礼物。第一件是橡皮,绿色的,长长的。第二件是胶条,上面有很多卡通人物,主色是蓝色。第三件是笔芯,上面有一个可爱的粉色的布娃娃。还给她做了一张贺卡,上面写着:helen,生日快乐。不要忘了我。我很喜欢这些文具,希望你也会喜欢。祝她生日快乐!

2.球迷的要求其实并不高,只是希望有一场酣畅淋漓的比赛!大胜或大败似乎都没有什么意义!荡气回肠的进攻,再进攻,那怕是遍体鳞伤,声嘶力竭也要站起来向对手进攻,这才是北京球迷希望看到的球队,不是你死就是我活的结果并不重要,要的是荡气回肠的过程,北京球迷只求享受这样的过程!这才有了至今为止依旧被北京球迷津津乐道的1比5惨败大连可马上又能9比1 大胜上海的的结果! 求小输当大赢,那不是北京人的脾气~我们就不服这个气,那怕你打的我一次一次倒下,我们照样儿照样敢站起来和你对攻,这才是北京的爷们!


4.下了几天了,在闷热的夏季里,仿佛只有在雨水的滴答声才可以得到片刻的宁静. 早晨起来,透过窗外,稀疏的人群.只有那偶尔的车辆来往. 静静地看着外面的人群.喜欢外面灰蒙蒙,屋里有些昏黄的灯光.其实,也是在寻找某些感觉吧. 有人说,雨水是上天的洗礼.把尘世的遗憾吹掉,我却不知怎的.只感觉,雨水总能使我忧郁.

2011-08-30 · TA获得超过382个赞
1 today is my primary school classmate Helen birthday. I gave her the three gift. The first thing is rubber, green, long. The second part is the glue strip, there are many cartoon characters, the main color is blue. The third part is core, with a lovely pink doll. She returned to do a card, writing above: Helen, happy birthday. Don't forget me. I like these stationery, hope you will like. Wish her a happy birthday!
2 fans of the requirements is not high, just want to have a fully and delightfully game! Victory or defeat seems to have no meaning! Very touching attack, to attack, even if it is covered all over with cuts and bruises, shout oneself hoarse to stand up to attack opponents, this is the Beijing fans who want to see the team, not you die I live results is not important, it is very touching process, Beijing fans just enjoy this process! It is so far still Beijing fans to indulge in elaborating on 1 to 5 defeat Dalian immediately and 9 1 victory over Shanghai 's results! Ask little to lose when the big win, it's not Beijing people's temper ~ we will defy the gas, that is afraid of you. I once again fall, we still infants still dare to stand up and you attack, this is Beijing!
3 I like see everywhere is verdant summer, because the summer can enjoy swimming pool. Summer bring joy to the children, they are the happiest angel in summer. I like, I like summer in a dangerous situation, because Xia Yu is so bold and simply. Summer lotus give us a smile, summer leaves to show us the charm.
4 a few days, in the hot summer, as if only the rain tick can get a moment's peace. Get up in the morning, through the window, a sparse population. Only the occasional traffic. Quietly looking at the crowd outside. Like gray outside the room, some dim the lights. In fact, but also looking for something. Someone said, God is the baptism of rain." Sorry I blew up, but somehow I. Only feeling, rain can always make me blue.
5 Qiu Bo, we believe that behind you there are many we don't see the pain, sweat and tears, loved ones to encourage, the support of friends, you are worth fighting for, you are still young, there is still a long road ahead is long, we believe. The 2011 World Championships, you must be a phoenix that day, we look forward to, in the bottom of my heart for your blessings, the diving team a galaxy of talents, but we believe, your cloud sky the most beautiful.
Today is my primary classmate Helen birthday. I gave her three gifts. The first thing is rubber, green, long. The second part is the glue strip, there are many cartoon characters, the main color is blue. The third part is core, with a lovely pink doll. She returned to do a card, writing above: Helen, happy birthday. Don't forget me. I like these stationery,I hope you will like. Happy birthday to her!
回答比较长的估计是使网上的英语翻译 给翻译出来的,但是如果给英语老师一看就有很多破绽,所以建议还是自己写。
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2011-08-30 · TA获得超过336个赞
1.Today is my primary school of Helen birthday. I gave her the three gifts. The first thing is, green, long rubber. The second thing is strip, there were very many cartoon character, color is blue. The third thing is, it has a refill of lovely pink Rag Doll. Her return to her do a greeting card, top write: Helen, happy birthday. Don't forget me. I like these stationery, hope you will like it. Wish her a happy birthday!
2.The requirements of the fans actually is not high, only hope to have a blow out game! Victory or defeat seem to have what meaning!!!!! The attack follows isolde, more attack, that even was black and blue all over, clawing to stand and also to attack opponents, and this is the Beijing fans want to see the team, not your death is the result of my life is not important, we want the process of arousing, Beijing fans but enjoy such process! It just had so far were still Beijing fans enjoyed claiming than 1 5 defeat right away and dalian 9 1 victory over Shanghai than the results! For small lose when big win, that not from Beijing temper ~ we will not the gas, that fear you dozen I once a fall, we still dare to stand up and so son were you, this is the Beijing yes!!!!!
3. I like in the green summer, because the summer can indulge in swimming pools. Summer for the children, they bring joy is the most happy angel in summer. I like, I like the storm, the summer because summer rain is so straightforward simply. Summer lotus to show us smiling face, summer lotus leaf shows us glamour.
4. The next few days, in sweltering summer, as if only the ticking of the rain can get a silence. Rose up in the morning, through the window, sparse crowd. Only the occasional traffic. Watched the crowd outside. Like outside the house some pale yellow, dusky light. In fact, also is looking for some sense. Someone said, rain is god. The earth the baptism of the sorry blew, but I somehow. Only feel the rain can always make me sad.
5. QiuBo, we believe in your back is a lot we can't see the pain and sweat and tears, relatives, friends to support and encourage you struggle is the source, you're young, the future of the road and is very long and we believe that. The world championships in 2011 will be your phoenix nirvana that day, we look forward to, in the bottom of my heart bless for you, TiaoShuiDui people are numerous, but we believe that the cloud in the sky, you must have the most beautiful.
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