1、打开支付宝网站,登录支付宝账户,点击 账户设置——基本信息——实名认证——立即认证;
2、填写身份证信息、支付密码,点击 下一步 进行身份验证;
3、确认姓名和身份证号码无误,点击 确定,系统自动进行实名制校验;
4、通过身份信息验证,进入验证银行卡信息页面,填写银行卡相关信息,校验成功点击 下一步,系统发送短信校验,接受并填写校验码完成校验;
5,点击 下一步,会给该银行卡进行打款验证(打款时间:1—2天);收到打款且查询打款金额后,登录支付宝账户,进入认证页面,输入收到的打款金额,完成金额的确认;
lucky, perhaps, that both Harry and Ron started shouting
at Snape at the same time; lucky their voices echoed so much in the
stone corridor, for in the confused din, it was impossible for him
to hear exactly what they were calling him. He got the gist, however.
"Let's see," he said, in his silkiest voice. "Fifty points
from Gryffindor and a detention each for Potter and Weasley. Now
get inside, or it'll be a week's worth of detentions."
Harry's ears were ringing. The injustice of it made him want
to curse Snape into a thousand slimy pieces. He passed Snape,
walked with Ron to the back of the dungeon, and slammed his bag
down onto the table. Ron was shaking with anger too - for a moment,
it felt as though everything was back to normal between them, but
then Ron turned and sat down with Dean and Seamus instead, leaving
Harry alone at his table. On the other side of the dungeon, Malfoy
turned his back on Snape and pressed his badge, smirking. POTTER
STINKS flashed once more across the room.
Harry sat there staring at Snape as the lesson began, picturing
horrific things happening to him. . . . If only he knew how to do
the Cruciatus Curse.
就OK了 不像以前还得传真身份证复印件 才能认证