Tea, scientific name of plant: Camellia sinensis(L.) O. Ktze, Shrubs or small trees, with tenderbranches without hair. Leaves leathery, oblongor elliptical, apex obtuse or sharp, basecuneate, top shiny, bottom glabrous or initiallypilose, margin serrated, petiole glabrous. Theflowers are white, and the flower stalks aresometimes slightly longer; Sepals broadly ovateto circular, glabrous, persistent;
Petals broadlyovate, base slightly commissure, abaxialsurface glabrous, sometimes pubescent; Ovarydensely covered with white hairs; The style ishairless. The capsule is 3-spherical or 1-2 spherical, with a height of 1.1-1.5 centimetersand 1-2 seeds per bulb. The flowering period isfrom October to February of the following year.
翻译:茶,植物学名:Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Ktze.,灌木或小乔木,嫩枝无毛。叶革质,长圆形或椭圆形,先端钝或尖锐,基部楔形,上面发亮,下面无毛或初时有柔毛,边缘有锯齿,叶柄无毛。花白色,花柄有时稍长;