MTK 10A 编译问题
Compiling applib/misc/src/app_base64.c...
Error: C9932E: Cannot obtain license for Compiler (feature compiler) with license version >= 3.1:
Invalid host.
The hostid of this system does not match the hostid
specified in the license file.
Feature: compiler
Hostid: 50e549115652
License path: C:\Program Files\ARM\Licenses\rvds_1.dat
FLEXnet Licensing error:-9,57
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide,
available at "".
RVCT 到底应该怎么安装啊 我觉得 我安装时每一步都没错啊,hostid也是没错的呀 怎么老是编译出现这个问题。请高人 指点指点!!谢谢~~
我用armcc --vsn查询,也是正确的。
但是make new的时候总是出错,提示你
No such file or directory at tools\ line 571.
Make:*** [ckmake] Error 2
Cleaning dirctories under .\build\LONGYU36_10A_PMWY\gprs …
If exist .\build\LONGYU36_10A_PMWY\log\cksysdrv.log\
Attrib +r .\build\LONGYU36_10A_PMWY\log\cksysdrv.log
’attrib’ 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序
Make:*** [cleanall] Error 1 展开
Error: C9932E: Cannot obtain license for Compiler (feature compiler) with license version >= 3.1:
Invalid host.
The hostid of this system does not match the hostid
specified in the license file.
Feature: compiler
Hostid: 50e549115652
License path: C:\Program Files\ARM\Licenses\rvds_1.dat
FLEXnet Licensing error:-9,57
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide,
available at "".
RVCT 到底应该怎么安装啊 我觉得 我安装时每一步都没错啊,hostid也是没错的呀 怎么老是编译出现这个问题。请高人 指点指点!!谢谢~~
我用armcc --vsn查询,也是正确的。
但是make new的时候总是出错,提示你
No such file or directory at tools\ line 571.
Make:*** [ckmake] Error 2
Cleaning dirctories under .\build\LONGYU36_10A_PMWY\gprs …
If exist .\build\LONGYU36_10A_PMWY\log\cksysdrv.log\
Attrib +r .\build\LONGYU36_10A_PMWY\log\cksysdrv.log
’attrib’ 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序
Make:*** [cleanall] Error 1 展开