《Seasons In The Sun》的歌词和翻译

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Goodbye to you my trusted friend   再见了 我最信任的朋友   We've known each other since we were nine or ten    Westlife
我们从九 十岁开始就完全完全了解对方,信任彼此了   A和C从小就一起长大,肯定很小就认识,这里的know应该表示了解对方的意思   Together we've climbed hills and trees   我们一起手拉手依托着对方攀上树嬉戏,爬过高低起伏不断绵延的山陵   互相推拉着爬树也许对大人来说是很难做到的事情,因为这需要把自己的安全完全交付给伙伴,但孩子是天真无邪很单纯的,他们可以做到,A和C小时候就经常攀爬树木;而绵延起伏的山陵让我们想到人声也是这般坎坷不平,AC一同走过充满曲折的一生,是永远的挚友   Learned of love and ABCs   也在深夜无眠之时谈论过漂亮女孩,说过悄悄话.   同性好友之间肯定会聊起异性,A和C一定也会时常聊起女孩,谈论爱情,分享喜悦   Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees   游戏打闹时磨破了膝盖,与此同时心间的隔阂也消失了,能够心贴心地交流   Skin作名词意为皮肤,而在这里做动词,是磨破皮肤的意思。   Goodbye my friend it's hard to die   再见 我亲爱的朋友 对我来说 死亡是很难面对的事   When all the birds are singing in the sky   窗外的小鸟在天空的自由奔放地歌唱   Now that the spring is in the air   而现在已经是初春时节 空气中到处弥漫着春天万物复苏生机勃勃的气息   牢房的高墙上有一个小的天窗,阳光从窗栅栏间倾泻下来投射到牢内,A听到外面鸟的欢快啼叫,现在是三月份,嗅到春天的气息。又是新的四季,春天给人生气活力的感觉,而此时的A被关在死牢,写者遗书,等待着三天后上电椅,多么大的反差。外面的人们呼吸着自由,作着新年的计划;而里面的人却再也等不到接下来的四季了   Pretty girls are everywhere   外面到处都是美丽动人的女孩 你在天堂一定也能见到不少漂亮姑娘吧   天涯何处无芳草,可是为什么我们会爱上同一个女孩?   Think of me and I'll be there   你可千万要想起我 过不了几天我也会上你那儿去的   We have joy we have fun we have seasons in the sun   我们拥有快乐幸福和阳光下绚烂的四季   But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time   但我们一同爬过的山却过去的岁月一样一去不复返了   Goodbye papa please pray for me   再见 老爸 请别为我哭泣 只需为我默默祈祷   I was the black sheep of the family   我过去十分顽劣,总是闯祸,你不得不经常把我从警局提回家   You tried to teach me right from wrong   但你依旧不厌其烦地告诫我 教我辨别是非 把我拉回正途   Too much wine and too much sound, wonder how I got along   年轻时候总是沉醉于音乐和酒中来麻痹自己,生活得糜烂不堪,也不知道当时是怎么浑浑噩噩地虚度光阴的   Goodbye papa it's hard to die   爸爸 再见 可是想到死亡 我就无法面对   When all the birds are singing in the sky   窗外的小鸟在天空的自由奔放地歌唱   Now that the spring is in the air   而现在已经是初春时节 空气中到处弥漫着春天万物复苏生机勃勃的气息   Little children everywhere   哪儿都是嬉戏的孩子们   When you see them I'll be there   我也知道在你眼中我永远是个孩子 我没有离开你,当你看到他们时,我与他们同在,你能看到我的身影   We have joy we have fun we have seasons in the sun   我们拥有快乐幸福和阳光下绚烂的四季   But the wine and the sound like the seasons have all gone   但我曾经沉醉于中的糜烂生活已是过去的岁月,将不再回来   We have joy we have fun we have seasons in the sun   But the wine and the sound like the seasons have all gone   Goodbye Michelle my little one   再见Michelle我的宝贝   You gave me love and helped me find the sun   你给了我温暖的爱 也帮助我找到了阳光般的灿烂生活   请想想Michelle到底是谁?是他的妻子B,还是他的女儿?让我们听下去   Every time that I was down   每次当我心情郁闷的时候   You would always come around and get my feet back on the ground   你总会兜兜转转地遛过来在我身旁绕弯,让我又有了希望   小孩子要去哪儿时,他们并不是径直走过去,而是喜欢兜兜转转地饶过去,对吧?所以,Michelle应该是他的女儿。我们可以想象一个活泼的小女孩的形象。A在牢房躺在床上,每当想到自己可爱的女儿,就会坐起身来笑着回想与女儿的快乐时光   Goodbye Michelle it's hard to die   When all the birds are singing in the sky   窗外的小鸟在天空的自由奔放地歌唱   Now that the spring is in the air   而现在已经是初春时节 空气中到处弥漫着春天万物复苏生机勃勃的气息   Beautiful flowers everywhere   漫山遍野都是开的很灿烂的花   I wish that we could both be there   我真希望这时的我们都在那儿   We have joy we have fun we have seasons in the sun   我们拥有快乐幸福和阳光下绚烂的四季   But the stars we could reach were just starfish on the beach   但即使是我能给你摘的星星也只不过沙滩上的海星   世界上所有的父亲都认为女儿是只属于他们一个人的,只有他们对女儿的爱是不夹杂私心的,对女儿的好是无私的,其他所有男生对女儿的好都是有目的。A也是这么认为的,他在临死之前告诫女儿即使自己说能为女儿摘到星星也是骗她的,那只是沙滩上的海星。但自己欺骗女儿只不过想让女儿开心,但今后别的人欺骗你可能就有别的目的了。但是爸爸已经不能保护你了,因为我快死了。所以今天我才把这个谎言拆穿,让你看到世界的真实,以后你就只能自己保护自己了。   We have joy we have fun we have seasons in the sun   But the stars we could reach were just starfish on the beach   We have joy we have fun we have seasons in the sun   我们拥有快乐幸福和阳光下绚烂的四季   But the wine and the sound like the seasons have all gone   但我曾经沉醉于中的糜烂生活已是过去的岁月,将不再回来   All our lives we have fun we have seasons in the sun   我们一生都拥有快乐幸福和阳光下绚烂的四季   But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time   但我们一同爬过的山却过去的岁月一样一去不复返了
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Goodbye to you my trusted friend / 再见了,我的挚友
  We've known each other since we were nine or ten /我们九岁十岁时就相识
  Together we've climbed hills and trees / 曾经一起爬山爬树
  Learned of love and ABC's / 学习爱与ABC
  Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees / 擦破了膝盖,也打破了心灵的障碍
  Goodbye my friend it's hard to die / 再见了,我的朋友,我也不愿离开
  When all the birds are singing in the sky / 当所有的鸟儿都在天空歌唱时
  Now that spring is in the air / 春天就弥漫在空气中
  Pretty girls are everywhere / 到处都是漂亮的女孩
  Think of me and I'll be there / 想起我,我就会回到你身边
  We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有幸福快乐,也曾拥有阳光季节
  But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time / 但那些我们爬过的山,都已成为时间以外的季节
  Goodbye Papa, please pray for me / 再见了,爸爸,请为我祈祷吧
  I was the black sheep of the family / 我是家里的害群之马 
  You tried to teach me right from wrong / 你总是教我弃恶扬善
  Too much wine and too much song /太多的酒与歌
  Wonder how I got along /真不知我是如何过来的
  Goodbye papa, it's hard to die / 再见了,爸爸,我也不愿离开
  When all the birds are singing in the sky /当所有的鸟儿都在天空歌唱时
  Now that the spring is in the air /春天就弥漫在空气中
  Little children everywhere /到处都是小小孩
  When you see them I'll be there / 当你看见他们时,我就在你身边
  We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有幸福快乐,也曾拥有阳光季节
  But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone / 但那些酒与歌,都随着季节更迭早已流逝
  We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有幸福快乐,也曾拥有阳光季节
  But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone / 但那些酒与歌,都随着季节更迭早已流逝
  Goodbye Michelle my little one / 再见了,蜜雪儿,我的小宝贝
  You gave me love and helped me find the sun /你给我的爱帮我找到阳光
  And every time that I was down /还有每当我沮丧时
  You would always come around / 你总是来到我身边
  And get my feet back on the ground / 让我重新脚踏实地
  Goodbye Michelle it's hard to die / 再见了,蜜雪儿,我也不愿离开
  When all the birds are singing in the sky /当所有的鸟儿都在天空歌唱时
  Now that the spring is in the air / 春天就弥漫在空气中
  With the flowers everywhere / 伴随着漫天花儿
  I wish that we could both be there / 希望我能与你同在
  We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有幸福快乐,也曾拥有阳光季节
  But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time / 但那些我们爬过的山,都只是时间以外的季节
  We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有幸福快乐,也曾拥有阳光季节
  But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone / 但那些酒与歌,都随着季节更迭早已流逝
  We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有幸福快乐,也曾拥有阳光季节
  But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone / 但那些酒与歌,都随着季节更迭早已流逝
  We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun / 我们拥有幸福快乐,也曾拥有阳光季节
  But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone/ 但那些酒与歌,都随着季节更迭早已流逝
  We had joy,we had fun,we had seasons in the sun/我们拥有幸福快乐,也曾拥有阳光季节
  But the stars we could reach were just starfishes on the beach/但那些我们能触碰到的星星,只是沙滩 上的海星

参考资料: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/20631688.html?an=0&si=1

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