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业绩考核的原则1、公平原则公平是确立和推行人员考绩制度的前提。不公平,就不可能发挥考绩应有的作用。2、严格原则考绩不严格,就会流于形式,形同虚设。考绩不严,不仅不能全面地... 业绩考核的原则

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2011-09-14 · TA获得超过591个赞
The principle of a performance evaluation, the principle of fairness and equity is to establish the premise of the implementation of staff performance appraisal system. Unfair, it is impossible to play due role in performance.
2, the strict principles of performance appraisal is not strict, it will become a mere formality, useless. Strict performance, not only does not fully reflect the real situation of the staff, but also have negative consequences. Stringency of performance include: must be a clear assessment criteria; have a serious assessment of attitudes; there must be strict and rigorous scientific evaluation system and the procedures and methods.
3, the principle of single-head evaluation of workers at all levels of evaluation, must be evaluation by a person's "immediate supervisor" for. Relatively speaking, the best understanding of the direct supervisor who was the actual performance evaluation (performance, capacity, adaptability), and most likely reflect the true situation. Indirect parent (ie parent's parent) to the evaluation of the direct supervisor reviews should not be arbitrarily modified. This does not exclude the indirect parent of the evaluation results of the adjusted correction effect. Single-head evaluation clear evaluation responsibilities and evaluation system to reach agreement with the organization and command system, more conducive to strengthening the operational command of the organization function.
4, the results made public the conclusions of the principles of appraisal should I open, this is an important means of ensuring democratic performance. Do so, on the one hand, assessment can be to understand their strengths and weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses, so that the test results good people to keep going advanced; test results can make convincing bad people, to rise upward mobility. On the other hand, also help to prevent possible bias in performance appraisals as well as all the errors, in order to ensure a fair and reasonable assessment.
5, combined with the principle of reward and punishment based on the results of performance appraisal should be based on the size of achievements, good or bad, there is reward and punishment, ups and downs, and this reward and punishment, lifting not only linked with the spirit of the incentive. But also must pay, bonuses, etc. associated with material interests, so in order to achieve the real purpose of performance appraisal.
6, an objective evaluation of the principles of personnel evaluation should be based on clearly defined evaluation criteria, evaluation data for objective evaluation, to avoid infiltration of subjectivity and emotion.
7, the principle of feedback evaluation results (reviews) evaluation must be back to himself, or would not achieve the educational role of evaluation. In the feedback evaluation findings, the evaluation shall be explained by a description on the reviews, positive achievements and progress, indicating the deficiencies, to provide reference for future efforts and so on.
8, the principle difference between the level of assessment should have clear-cut difference between the boundaries, for different evaluation reviews in wages, promotion, use, etc. should reflect the significant difference, so that evaluation with irritation, encourage employees motivated.
2011-09-27 · TA获得超过5.5万个赞
The principles of performance evaluation
1, the principle of fairness
Fair is to establish and implement staff performance appraisal system on the premise. Unfair, it is impossible to play due role in performance.
2, the principle of strict
Performance is not strict, it will become a mere formality, useless. Strict performance, not only does not fully reflect the real situation of the staff, but also have negative consequences. Stringency of performance include: must be a clear assessment criteria; have a serious assessment of attitudes; there must be strict and rigorous scientific evaluation system and the procedures and methods.
3, the principle of single-head evaluation
Evaluation of workers at all levels, must be evaluation by a person's "immediate supervisor" for. Relatively speaking, the best understanding of the direct supervisor who was the actual performance evaluation (performance, capacity, adaptability), and most likely reflect the true situation. Indirect parent (ie parent's parent) to the evaluation of the direct supervisor reviews should not be arbitrarily modified. This does not exclude the indirect parent of the evaluation results of the adjusted correction effect. Single-head evaluation clear evaluation responsibilities and evaluation system to reach agreement with the organization and command system, more conducive to strengthening the operational command of the organization function.
4, the results of the principle of openness
Appraisal conclusion I should open, which is an important means of ensuring democratic performance. Do so, on the one hand, assessment can be to understand their strengths and weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses, so that the test results good people to keep going advanced; test results can make convincing bad people, to rise upward mobility. On the other hand, also help to prevent possible bias in performance appraisals as well as all the errors, in order to ensure a fair and reasonable assessment.
5, combined with the principle of reward and punishment
Based on the results of performance appraisal should be based on the size of achievements, good or bad, there is reward and punishment, ups and downs, and this reward and punishment, lifting not only linked with the spirit of the incentive. But also must pay, bonuses, etc. associated with material interests, so in order to achieve the real purpose of performance appraisal.
6, the principle of objective evaluation
Personnel evaluation should be based on clearly defined evaluation criteria, evaluation data for objective evaluation, to avoid infiltration of subjectivity and emotion.
7, the principle of feedback
Evaluation of the results (reviews) evaluation must be back to himself, or would not achieve the educational role of evaluation. In the feedback evaluation findings, the evaluation shall be explained by a description on the reviews, positive achievements and progress, indicating the deficiencies, to provide reference for future efforts and so on.
8, the difference principle
The level of assessment should be a distinct difference between the boundaries, for different evaluation reviews in wages, promotion, use, etc. should reflect the significant difference, so that evaluation with irritation, encourage employees motivated
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The principles of performance evaluation
1, the principle of fairness
Fair is to establish and implement staff performance appraisal system on the premise. Unfair, it is impossible to play due role in performance.
2, the principle of strict
Performance is not strict, it will become a mere formality, useless. Strict performance, not only does not fully reflect the real situation of the staff, but also have negative consequences. Stringency of performance include: must be a clear assessment criteria; have a serious assessment of attitudes; there must be strict and rigorous scientific evaluation system and the procedures and methods.
3, the principle of single-head evaluation
Evaluation of workers at all levels, must be evaluation by a person's "immediate supervisor" for. Relatively speaking, the best understanding of the direct supervisor who was the actual performance evaluation (performance, capacity, adaptability), and most likely reflect the true situation. Indirect parent (ie parent's parent) to the evaluation of the direct supervisor reviews should not be arbitrarily modified. This does not exclude the indirect parent of the evaluation results of the adjusted correction effect. Single-head evaluation clear evaluation responsibilities and evaluation system to reach agreement with the organization and command system, more conducive to strengthening the operational command of the organization function.
4, the results of the principle of openness
Appraisal conclusion I should open, which is an important means of ensuring democratic performance. Do so, on the one hand, assessment can be to understand their strengths and weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses, so that the test results good people to keep going advanced; test results can make convincing bad people, to rise upward mobility. On the other hand, also help to prevent possible bias in performance appraisals as well as all the errors, in order to ensure a fair and reasonable assessment.
5, combined with the principle of reward and punishment
Based on the results of performance appraisal should be based on the size of achievements, good or bad, there is reward and punishment, ups and downs, and this reward and punishment, lifting not only linked with the spirit of the incentive. But also must pay, bonuses, etc. associated with material interests, so in order to achieve the real purpose of performance appraisal.
6, the principle of objective evaluation
Personnel evaluation should be based on clearly defined evaluation criteria, evaluation data for objective evaluation, to avoid infiltration of subjectivity and emotion.
7, the principle of feedback
Evaluation of the results (reviews) evaluation must be back to himself, or would not achieve the educational role of evaluation. In the feedback evaluation findings, the evaluation shall be explained by a description on the reviews, positive achievements and progress, indicating the deficiencies, to provide reference for future efforts and so on.
8, the difference principle
The level of assessment should be a distinct difference between the boundaries, for different evaluation reviews in wages, promotion, use, etc. should reflect the significant difference, so that evaluation with irritation, encourage employees motivated.
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