
ThemandatoryminimumrequirementsforPfizerGlobalManufacturing(PGM)SitesandCenterFunctio... The mandatory minimum requirements for Pfizer Global Manufacturing (PGM) Sites and Center Functions.
Provide ONE Pfizer Quality Standard to all PGM Sites for Production and control of
– Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
– Drug Products
– Medical Devices
– Biologics
– Consumer Health Products
– Nutritionals

Organized using a Quality Systems Approach into seven Systems
– Quality (Q1200-Q1999)
– Facilities and Equipment (FE2100 – FE2199)
– Materials (M3100 – M3199)
– Production (P4100 – P4199)
– Packaging and Labeling (PL5100 – PL5199)
– Laboratory (L6100 – L6199)
– Validation (V7100 – V7199)

Pfizer Quality Standards = Single document with Policy Standards and Practice Standards
On the Effective Date
The Compliance Analysis Status (CAS) report and Plan of Action to bring the Site into compliance with the PQS requirements are to be completed

Approval Page
Identifies the PQS signatories as well as approval and effective dates

Policy Standards
Describe What Is Required
Labeled Alphabetically in Section I

Practice Standards
Describe How to Accomplish What Is Required and Provide Links to their Associated Policy Standard(s)
Labeled Numerically in Section II

Optional Practice Standards
Offer Alternative yet Compliant Ways to Accomplish Certain Requirements

Regulatory Exceptions
Highlight Some Key Areas in Which Local
(e.g., Country, Region, State) Requirements Exceed or Otherwise Differ Significantly From Those of a PQS

Regulatory Exceptions

Include other PQSs, Policy Memos (PM), and industry standards and guidance documents that are related to or were used in the development of the PQS.

Glossary A: Acronyms
Acronyms - Define Abbreviated Terms
Maintained as a separate supporting document
Commonly referred to as the Master Acronym List (MAL)

Glossary B: Terms & Definitions
Terms and Definitions -
Define Key Terms and the PQSs that contain them
Maintained in a separate supporting document
Commonly referred to as the Master Glossary

Regulatory Extracts
Provide Specific Regulatory Abstracts That Relate to Each Individual PQS
Each extract is a small excerpt of regulatory text that is the basis for the Policy or Practice.

Other Related Documents
– Policy Memos (PMs) enable rapid communication of policies that need to be immediately implemented. They are issued to address a specific compliance or business need. They may become part of new or existing PQSs or serve a limited purpose and then become obsolete.
– Good Practice Bulletins (GPBs) not defined in PQS Q1225. They contain nonbinding guidance information which represents one way to be compliant with some PQS requirements. They are linked to all applicable PQSs and GPBs in PDOCS.
2011-09-15 · TA获得超过163个赞
The mandatory minimum requirements for Pfizer Global Manufacturing (PGM) Sites and Center Functions.
Provide ONE Pfizer Quality Standard to all PGM Sites for Production and control of
– Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients 活性药物原料
– Drug Products 成药产品
– Medical Devices 医疗器械
– Biologics 生物制品
– Consumer Health Products 保健消费品
– Nutritionals 营养品

Organized using a Quality Systems Approach into seven Systems
– Quality (Q1200-Q1999) 质量(Q1200-Q1999)(括号里的好像是型号,不翻了)
– Facilities and Equipment (FE2100 – FE2199) 仪器器材
– Materials (M3100 – M3199) 原料
– Production (P4100 – P4199) 生产
– Packaging and Labeling (PL5100 – PL5199) 包装加签
– Laboratory (L6100 – L6199) 实验室
– Validation (V7100 – V7199) 批准确认

Pfizer Quality Standards = Single document with Policy Standards and Practice Standards
Pfizer质检标准 = 包含政策标准和实际操作标准的单一文件
On the Effective Date 在生效日期时
The Compliance Analysis Status (CAS) report and Plan of Action to bring the Site into compliance with the PQS requirements are to be completed

Approval Page 批准页
Identifies the PQS signatories as well as approval and effective dates

Policy Standards 政策标准
Describe What Is Required 描述所需事宜
Labeled Alphabetically in Section I 在第一部分中按字母排序列出

Practice Standards 实际操作标准
Describe How to Accomplish What Is Required and Provide Links to their Associated Policy Standard(s)
Labeled Numerically in Section II

Optional Practice Standards 可选实际操作标准
Offer Alternative yet Compliant Ways to Accomplish Certain Requirements

Regulatory Exceptions 例外制度
Highlight Some Key Areas in Which Local
(e.g., Country, Region, State) Requirements Exceed or Otherwise Differ Significantly From Those of a PQS

References 参考资料
Include other PQSs, Policy Memos (PM), and industry standards and guidance documents that are related to or were used in the development of the PQS.

Glossary A: Acronyms 附录A:缩略词
Acronyms - Define Abbreviated Terms 缩略词 - 定义缩写的术语
Maintained as a separate supporting document 以分开的独立支持文件保存
Commonly referred to as the Master Acronym List (MAL) 通常称为主缩略词表

Glossary B: Terms & Definitions 附录B:术语及定义
Terms and Definitions - 术语及定义-
Define Key Terms and the PQSs that contain them 定义关键术语以及包含关键术语的Pfizer质检标准
Maintained in a separate supporting document 以分开的独立支持文件保存
Commonly referred to as the Master Glossary 通常称为主附录

Regulatory Extracts 规章提要
Provide Specific Regulatory Abstracts That Relate to Each Individual PQS
Each extract is a small excerpt of regulatory text that is the basis for the Policy or Practice.

Other Related Documents 其他相关文件
– Policy Memos (PMs) enable rapid communication of policies that need to be immediately implemented. They are issued to address a specific compliance or business need. They may become part of new or existing PQSs or serve a limited purpose and then become obsolete.
- 政策备忘录用于须立即执行的政策的迅速沟通,为特定需遵守事由或商业需要而发布。可成为新的或现行的Pfizer质检标准的一部分,或达到有限目的后作废。

– Good Practice Bulletins (GPBs) not defined in PQS Q1225. They contain nonbinding guidance information which represents one way to be compliant with some PQS requirements. They are linked to all applicable PQSs and GPBs in PDOCS.
- 优秀操作公告栏未在(确定是not, 不是now吗?如果是now,就是现在在,不是未在)Pfizer质检标准Q1225中定义,包含非强制性的指导性信息,代表可达到Pfizer质检标准的一种方法,与PDOCS中所有适用范围内的Pfizer质检标准和优秀操作公示相链接。
2011-09-15 · TA获得超过562个赞
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