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以Mynewlookinmysummerholiday为题目,写一篇不少于60字的作文作为参考,谢谢... 以 My new look in my summer holiday 为题目,写一篇不少于60字的作文作为参考,谢谢 展开
2007-08-01 · TA获得超过2753个赞
The summer hol一、【目的与要求:】掌握本单元出现的单词和词组。

introduce, practice, go awa

Nice to meet you. Nice meeting you. I’ll introduce you, See you soon .

I must go now . I must be off now. Give one‘s best wishes to sb …


1、Which school were you at last year ? 你去年在哪所大学校读书?此句中的“at”也可用“in”来代替,意思不变。如:Which school are you in?

2、So was my friend Bob White.(=My friend Bob White was also at Centre school.)


“So +be/have/助动词/情态动词 +主语”,此结构中的语序是倒装的。这个以so开头的句子内容是接着前句而来的,表示so句中的情况与前句讲的情况相同。例如:

You are a student. So am I. 你是学生。我也是(学生)。

You can speak English ,and so can I. 你会说英语,我也会(说英语)。

He likes playing football. So does his elder brother. 他喜欢踢足球,他哥哥也喜欢(踢足球)。

A: I went to see a film yesterday. 我昨天去看了场电影。

B: Oh, did you? So did I. 哦,是吗?我也去了。

如果上句是否定句,下句就应该用neither或 nor 来引导一个倒装句了。例如:

You are not a student. Neither/Nor am I. 你不是学生,我也不是(学生)。

You have never been to the Great wall .Neither/Nor have. 你没去过长城,我也没去过(长城)。

3、I must be off now. 我现在得走了。

off在这里是副词,在句中作表语,表示“离开”“走开”的意思。当你表示要离开某人或谢绝对方的挽留时,你还可以说:I must go now .=I must be leaving now =I really must be going now.

4、Nice to meet you很高兴见到你。


I’m glad to meet you.(=Glad to meet you .)

I‘m pleased to meet you.(=Pleased to meet you .)

It’s a great pleasure to meet you.

而在分手时,人们常说:It was nice meeting you .(=Nice meeting you). It was nice talking with you (Nice meeting you.).
It was Nice to have talked with you.(=It is nice to have talked with you ).

5、I want to introduce my friend Jane. 我想介绍一下我的朋友简。

introduce sb to sb 把某人介绍给某人,其中“to sb”可以省略。例如:

I‘d like to introduce myself (to you). 我想自我介绍一下。

Let me introduce my friend Peter to you? 让我把你介绍给写了先生。

May I introduce my friend Peter to you? 可以向你介绍一下我的朋友彼特吗?

Please allow me to introduce Miss Liu to you all. 请允许我把刘小姐介绍给你们大家。

6、Find out the things which are different in your part of China. 找出与中国你所在地区不同的情况。

find和find out都有“发现”、“找到”的意思。 find通常是指凭一时的感觉或偶然发现,而find out 则是指经过一番努力,研究,计算或探询而发现某物某事,通常有“找出,查明,发现,搞清楚”的意思。例如:

He woke up and found himself in hospital. 他醒来发现自己在医院里。

I found a $5 note on the pavement. 我在人行道上发现了一张5英镑纸币。

Can you find out what time the train leaves? 你能查问出火车什么时候开吗?

They tried to find out who had broken the window. 他们试图查明谁打破了玻璃窗。

Later, he found out a new method of learning English. 后来,他找到了一种学习英语的新方法。

7、I hope you are very well .我希望你一切都好。


I’m not feeling well today .我今天觉得身体不大舒服。

Is she well enough to travel?她身体康复,能够旅行了吗?

He is much better now, thank you.他现在身体好些了,多谢你的关心。(better是well的比较好)

Be, feel, get, look + well 身体好,康复,气色好。

8、So every day I work from dawn until dark. 因此,我们每天 从早到晚地劳动。

from until/till/to 冒意思是“从某时到某时”例如:from morning fill night从早到晚

from beginning to end 自始至终,从头到尾。

9、Sometimes we go on working after dark by the lights of the tractors.


go on doing sth 意思是“继续(做某事),连续不断地(做某事)”

go on to do sth表示(在干完某事后)“接着干另一件事”,即接下去干与原来不同的另一件事。例如:

Although if was raining hard ,they still went on working in the field.


After he finished writing the litter,he went on to read the text of lesson one.


10 、Although the farm is large,my Dad has only two men working for him.


have sb/sth doing 这一结构表示“使某人或某物持续做某事或动作持续的状态”。在句中have是“使”,“让”的意思, working 是现在分词作宾语two men的补足语。例如:

Don‘t have the car waiting out side the gate all the time. 不要让汽车一直在门外等着。

The two cheats had the lights burning all day long. 两个骗子让灯整天亮着。

Don’t have the water running all day long. 不要让这自来水整天花花地流。

I won‘t have you talking to Mother like that. 我不允许你对妈妈那样说话。

11、It doesn’t often rain in the summer here, As a result we have water the vegetable garden.


As a resulf (由于的)结果;因此常用在有上下文的情况下。例如:

It was late at night and there was no bus.As a resulf , we had to walk to He village.


He had some bad fish , As a result ,he felt sick his morning .


As a resulf of (=because of… )意思是“由于”例如:

As a result of fog the flight was delayed. 由于有雾,航班误点了。

He got a rist as the result of his hard work. 由于他工作勤奋,所以他长了工资。

Thousands of people lost their lives as the result of the war.由于那场战争,成千上万的人民丧失了生命。

另:在本句中“To water the vegetable garden”,water一词是用作动词。在英语中有些词虽然词形相同,但词类发生变化,由某一词类(如名词)变成另一词类(如动词)。如下下列句子中Pump, water即有名词,也有动词的用法。well即可用作副词,也可用作名词。

There is a pump is the village.it works very well.we often pump water from the well to water the vegetable garden.

12、Americans eat a lot of meat too much in my opinion.美国人吃肉很多,依我看吃得太多了。

in my opinion =in my view意思是“在我看来,依我看”。近似于I fhink/guess/feel/suppose(我想、我认为、我觉得)等表达形式,都是用来表示个人的看法或意见等。

what was the nicest part of your holiday in your opinion?


In my opinion ,autumn is the best season in beijing.在我看来,秋天是北京最好的季节。

In charlie‘s opinion ,Americans should eat less meat.在查理看来,美国人应该少吃一点肉。

In my opinion and in the opinion of most people.it is a very sound investment.照我的和大多数人的看法,这是一项很可靠的投资。

13、In your letter you asked about the time in different areas of the states.


There are five different time areas in the states 美国有5个不同的时区。

以上两句中的The states都是指The United States of America .美国,美利坚众国略作U.S.A或U.S.。

下句In my state中的state 是指写信人所在的那个州,这时state的开头字母不大写。另外, time areas和 time zones同义都是指时区。

14、Please give my regards to your parents.请代我向你父母问好。

Regard vt. 是动词,作“认为,视为”解。regard sb as a hero 认为某人是英雄。 regard sth as a crime 把某事看作是一种罪恶。例如:

He is regarded as the best dentist in town..他被看作是域里最好的牙医。

在名中regards 是名词,作“问候,致意”解。give my regards /love /best wishes to sb作“代我向某人问好”解。remember me to sb 也有同义。例如:

Please give my best wishes to your wife (=Please remember me to your wife.)请代向你妻子问好。

15、Best wishes. 祝好。

该句通常用于信尾,谨致问候之意,还可以说best regards 祝好!Wishing you good luck /success! 祝你走运/成功!
The summer hol一、【目的与要求:】掌握本单元出现的单词和词组。

introduce, practice, go awa

Nice to meet you. Nice meeting you. I’ll introduce you, See you soon .

I must go now . I must be off now. Give one‘s best wishes to sb …


1、Which school were you at last year ? 你去年在哪所大学校读书?此句中的“at”也可用“in”来代替,意思不变。如:Which school are you in?

2、So was my friend Bob White.(=My friend Bob White was also at Centre school.)


“So +be/have/助动词/情态动词 +主语”,此结构中的语序是倒装的。这个以so开头的句子内容是接着前句而来的,表示so句中的情况与前句讲的情况相同。例如:

You are a student. So am I. 你是学生。我也是(学生)。

You can speak English ,and so can I. 你会说英语,我也会(说英语)。

He likes playing football. So does his elder brother. 他喜欢踢足球,他哥哥也喜欢(踢足球)。

A: I went to see a film yesterday. 我昨天去看了场电影。

B: Oh, did you? So did I. 哦,是吗?我也去了。

如果上句是否定句,下句就应该用neither或 nor 来引导一个倒装句了。例如:

You are not a student. Neither/Nor am I. 你不是学生,我也不是(学生)。

You have never been to the Great wall .Neither/Nor have. 你没去过长城,我也没去过(长城)。

3、I must be off now. 我现在得走了。

off在这里是副词,在句中作表语,表示“离开”“走开”的意思。当你表示要离开某人或谢绝对方的挽留时,你还可以说:I must go now .=I must be leaving now =I really must be going now.

4、Nice to meet you很高兴见到你。


I’m glad to meet you.(=Glad to meet you .)

I‘m pleased to meet you.(=Pleased to meet you .)

It’s a great pleasure to meet you.

而在分手时,人们常说:It was nice meeting you .(=Nice meeting you). It was nice talking with you (Nice meeting you.).
It was Nice to have talked with you.(=It is nice to have talked with you ).

5、I want to introduce my friend Jane. 我想介绍一下我的朋友简。

introduce sb to sb 把某人介绍给某人,其中“to sb”可以省略。例如:

I‘d like to introduce myself (to you). 我想自我介绍一下。

Let me introduce my friend Peter to you? 让我把你介绍给写了先生。

May I introduce my friend Peter to you? 可以向你介绍一下我的朋友彼特吗?

Please allow me to introduce Miss Liu to you all. 请允许我把刘小姐介绍给你们大家。

6、Find out the things which are different in your part of China. 找出与中国你所在地区不同的情况。

find和find out都有“发现”、“找到”的意思。 find通常是指凭一时的感觉或偶然发现,而find out 则是指经过一番努力,研究,计算或探询而发现某物某事,通常有“找出,查明,发现,搞清楚”的意思。例如:

He woke up and found himself in hospital. 他醒来发现自己在医院里。

I found a $5 note on the pavement. 我在人行道上发现了一张5英镑纸币。

Can you find out what time the train leaves? 你能查问出火车什么时候开吗?

They tried to find out who had broken the window. 他们试图查明谁打破了玻璃窗。

Later, he found out a new method of learning English. 后来,他找到了一种学习英语的新方法。

7、I hope you are very well .我希望你一切都好。


I’m not feeling well today .我今天觉得身体不大舒服。

Is she well enough to travel?她身体康复,能够旅行了吗?

He is much better now, thank you.他现在身体好些了,多谢你的关心。(better是well的比较好)

Be, feel, get, look + well 身体好,康复,气色好。

8、So every day I work from dawn until dark. 因此,我们每天 从早到晚地劳动。

from until/till/to 冒意思是“从某时到某时”例如:from morning fill night从早到晚

from beginning to end 自始至终,从头到尾。

9、Sometimes we go on working after dark by the lights of the tractors.


go on doing sth 意思是“继续(做某事),连续不断地(做某事)”

go on to do sth表示(在干完某事后)“接着干另一件事”,即接下去干与原来不同的另一件事。例如:

Although if was raining hard ,they still went on working in the field.


After he finished writing the litter,he went on to read the text of lesson one.


10 、Although the farm is large,my Dad has only two men working for him.


have sb/sth doing 这一结构表示“使某人或某物持续做某事或动作持续的状态”。在句中have是“使”,“让”的意思, working 是现在分词作宾语two men的补足语。例如:

Don‘t have the car waiting out side the gate all the time. 不要让汽车一直在门外等着。

The two cheats had the lights burning all day long. 两个骗子让灯整天亮着。

Don’t have the water running all day long. 不要让这自来水整天花花地流。

I won‘t have you talking to Mother like that. 我不允许你对妈妈那样说话。

11、It doesn’t often rain in the summer here, As a result we have water the vegetable garden.


As a resulf (由于的)结果;因此常用在有上下文的情况下。例如:

It was late at night and there was no bus.As a resulf , we had to walk to He village.


He had some bad fish , As a result ,he felt sick his morning .


As a resulf of (=because of… )意思是“由于”例如:

As a result of fog the flight was delayed. 由于有雾,航班误点了。

He got a rist as the result of his hard work. 由于他工作勤奋,所以他长了工资。

Thousands of people lost their lives as the result of the war.由于那场战争,成千上万的人民丧失了生命。

另:在本句中“To water the vegetable garden”,water一词是用作动词。在英语中有些词虽然词形相同,但词类发生变化,由某一词类(如名词)变成另一词类(如动词)。如下下列句子中Pump, water即有名词,也有动词的用法。well即可用作副词,也可用作名词。

There is a pump is the village.it works very well.we often pump water from the well to water the vegetable garden.

12、Americans eat a lot of meat too much in my opinion.美国人吃肉很多,依我看吃得太多了。

in my opinion =in my view意思是“在我看来,依我看”。近似于I fhink/guess/feel/suppose(我想、我认为、我觉得)等表达形式,都是用来表示个人的看法或意见等。

what was the nicest part of your holiday in your opinion?


In my opinion ,autumn is the best season in beijing.在我看来,秋天是北京最好的季节。

In charlie‘s opinion ,Americans should eat less meat.在查理看来,美国人应该少吃一点肉。

In my opinion and in the opinion of most people.it is a very sound investment.照我的和大多数人的看法,这是一项很可靠的投资。

13、In your letter you asked about the time in different areas of the states.


There are five different time areas in the states 美国有5个不同的时区。

以上两句中的The states都是指The United States of America .美国,美利坚众国略作U.S.A或U.S.。

下句In my state中的state 是指写信人所在的那个州,这时state的开头字母不大写。另外, time areas和 time zones同义都是指时区。

14、Please give my regards to your parents.请代我向你父母问好。

Regard vt. 是动词,作“认为,视为”解。regard sb as a hero 认为某人是英雄。 regard sth as a crime 把某事看作是一种罪恶。例如:

He is regarded as the best dentist in town..他被看作是域里最好的牙医。

在名中regards 是名词,作“问候,致意”解。give my regards /love /best wishes to sb作“代我向某人问好”解。remember me to sb 也有同义。例如:

Please give my best wishes to your wife (=Please remember me to your wife.)
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