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一、社会悲剧与“人”的反抗精神《罗密欧与朱丽叶》这部作品所述故事发生在意大利维洛那城。凯普莱特和蒙太古两大家族互相知视,因为两家有着积怨很深的世仇,大有不共载天之势。就是... 一、社会悲剧与“人”的反抗精神

This production of Romeo and Juliet story took place in Italy - dimensional Los described it. Two families Montague and CAPULET know each other, because the two have grievances a deep feud, not contain days in total potential. It was in this social context, full of hatred, oppression, daughter of CAPULET and Juliet and Mongolian Swire adult son Romeo, is impossible to love one another and to come together, more should be from an early age was to instill " hate ". However, in a Grand ornate party, has joined them, and love at first sight, Romeo cannot contain his love for Juliet to her courtship, Juliet happiness poured into his arms.
Here, we should see Romeo and Juliet's courage and fight. Orgies of the two families could not prevent their love frenzy, under the Moon and flowers, they converse with the loving feeling. Despite strong opposition from two families, but love the fire of the burning, the Mong Kok. Eventually they pledge to marry without the permission of parents, and well-intentioned priest of Lawrence was held under the auspices of the wedding. But then, their love was from obstructing and undermining all aspects of, eventually both Romeo and Juliet die for love and die for the other party. Maybe death is painful and terrifying, but life will also be destroyed. In as revivals of night in , they are from " has in " of reality start , for has various of , and even is " Rubicon " type of against , both makes coated dye with moral of stain , but from " humanity " of angle , , this " know its not and for of " of spirit still display has " people " overlooking social or environment of great and Ghost high . Therefore, Romeo and Juliet is not so much a miserable cool social tragedy, it is better to say I'll be protest songs.
The saying goes, character determines fate. Personality tragedy is also likely to be the hero " himself ", society just gave him a chance, brought him into a tragic situation.
A long time, our Romeo, a positive image, brave, credits, resistance, and so on. But in fact, Romeo is an immature 16 year old children. He faced a lot of things always are anxious, with Juliet at first sight, but also in a rush and news of the secret marriage, hear of Juliet committed suicide from the hands of a poor Medicine bought back in poisons and speedy weiluona, didn't take the time to get to know love's true death also suspended animation in a rush to drink the poison. . . . . . All of this " urgent ", then created the first one should not have some love, and causing the deaths of the two should not be. If at the end of the play, Romeo then quiet quarter, then after Julie Ye Fuhuo, it will be another story. Looking back at Juliet, the firm and brave girl, but such a naive, simple and as gentle as a sign of weakness. Her naive, makes her believe in love at first sight love beautiful ; she simply makes in love at first sight, she selected to marry after Romeo ; thus, in the lover's death, her weakness makes her unable to accept the reality and choose to die.
Both the immaturity of Romeo, also is the innocent Juliet, a sign of weakness, of their performance is to aspire to a better love. Maybe we will say they are too idealistic, but I have to say, it's the ideal, who dares to face the difficulties, for readers' interpretation out of a love story of a poetic masterpiece through the ages. It is in " beauty " of destruction and " ugly " in the show, Romeo and Juliet through died against the heavy and sure an ideal height.
2011-09-18 · TA获得超过125个赞
are you kidding us? 10 cents for such a page of long-winded article.
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First, the social tragedy and the \u0026quot;people\u0026quot; against the spirit of \u0026quot;Romeo and Juliet\u0026quot; as described in this work takes place in the Italian city of Verona. Capulet and Montague, as the two families know each other, because both have a deep grudge feud, does not contain a total of days of great potential. It was in this social context, full of hatred, oppression, adult daughter of Capulet and Juliet Romeo Montague adult son, it is impossible to love and come together, more should be taught from childhood The \u0026quot;hate.\u0026quot; However, in a grand magnificent banquet, they met, and love at first sight, Romeo can not suppress their own 累死了。。
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