
跪求哪位高手可以帮我翻译一下下面这篇文章,感谢:今天,老师给我们了看一部名为《风雨哈佛路》的电影,很好看的,挺感动的。尤其是被主人公利兹那坚强不屈的精神所感动。15岁的利... 跪求哪位高手可以帮我翻译一下下面这篇文章,感谢:今天,老师给我们了看一部名为《风雨哈佛路》的电影,很好看的,挺感动的。尤其是被主人公利兹那坚强不屈的精神所感动。15岁的利兹生长在一个十分不幸的家庭,她很小时父母就酗酒,她在父母的争吵和打骂声中长大。后来母亲珍妮开始吸毒,并因此染上了艾滋病,精神濒于崩溃。父亲酗酒,外公又不肯收留她,利兹只好流浪街头。不久,母亲去世了,利兹很受震动,她意识到如果沉沦下去,将会和母亲的结局一样悲惨。她决心告别过去,开始全新的人生。 一段非常典型的自我奋斗史,一段自强不息昂扬奋斗的生命历程。 还记得利兹和父亲从学校办理完担保手续出来,她说:“爸爸,我爱你。”“我也爱你。”父亲说,“好孩子,好好上学,我这辈子是不行了,但是你可以成功。”然后她的父亲就穿着破旧的衣服走了,寒风吹着他凌乱的头发,那一刻,我真的觉得利兹,真的是一个人了,完全的一个人,所有的一切都如此冷酷地抛给她,她除了向前进,不断地奋斗别无他法。也许,生活中的我们就缺少这样一样心的境况,当所有的安全感,所有可以的依赖或者可能的依靠都统统没有,全世界只剩下你自己,也许只有这个时候你的潜力才能被最大的发掘。 同样一个金色的季节,作为哈佛大学――世界最高的学府的一员,她安静在了校园的教室中。也许只有她自己明白,她实现了自己的诺言,一个贫穷苦难的女孩用她的执着信念和顽强的毅力改变了她自己,改变了她的人生。 “影片中利兹的那种勇敢坚强的眼神,透露出来的是一种乱世从中破土而出的呐喊,一种无声却有力量的呐喊,面对种种困境却始终不放弃,平和淡定,这种眼神吸引着我,从灵魂深处震撼着我,带给我对执着这种精神的思考。人只有自爱自强,才能爱别人和让别人爱,人生的道路再怎么坎坷,只要不断努力,就能得到你想要的生活,在这世上,没有什么是做不到的,只要你用心!奇迹是由自己创造,命运掌握在我们自己的手里! 人生其实真的可以改变,只要你努力,只要你付出。 展开
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2011-09-24 · TA获得超过173个赞
Today, the teacher gave us a film called" rain Harvard road" movies, good-looking, very affected. Especially the hero of Liz that be firm and inflexible spirit place is touched. At the age of 15, Liz grew up in a very poor family, she was very hour parents alcoholism, her parents in the quarrel and fight vigorously growing up. Later, mother Jeanne turned to drugs, and thus contracted AIDS, spirit is on the brink of collapse. Paternal alcoholism, Grandpa and refused to take her, Liz had to wander the streets. Soon, the mother died, Liz was impressed, she realized that if the sink, will and mother as tragic ending. She is determined to bid farewell to the past, start a new life. A very typical self struggle history, a period of unremitting self-improvement high-spirited fight life course. Remember Liz and her father from the school after completing the security procedures, she said:" Daddy, I love you." I love you , too. The father said," good boy, go to school, my life is not good, but you can be successful." Then her father dressed in shabby clothes away, wind blowing his messy hair, at that moment, I really think Liz, really is a person, full of a person, it's all so callously thrown to her, in addition to her forward, constantly fighting it. Perhaps, in life we lacked such as heart conditions, when all the sense of security, all can be dependent or may rely on were not, all over the world only you, only this time you potential can be the largest excavation. The same season of gold, as the Harvard University -- the world's highest institution of learning one, she is quiet in the classroom in the campus. Maybe she knew, she has kept her promise, a poor suffering girl uses her perseverance and faith and perseverance to change her own, changed her life. " Liz in the film the brave and strong eyes, disclosed is a troubled times from staged scream, a silent but powerful scream, face a variety of difficulty but always don't give up, balance and calm, the eyes attracted me, from the depths of the soul shocked me, to bring me to. This kind of spiritual reflections. Only the self-love self-reliance, to love others and let others love, the road of life no matter how difficult, as long as the continuous efforts, you can get what you want out of life, in this world, nothing is impossible, if you put your heart into it! The miracle is created by oneself, destiny in our own hands! Life really can change, as long as you work hard, as long as you pay.

2011-09-24 · TA获得超过406个赞
Today, the teacher let us to look a film called "Homeless to Harvard" , it is very nice,and it touched my heart.Leeds in particular, was the strong hero and unyielding spirit that moved. Leeds 15-year-old growing up in a very unhappy family. When she was young ,her parents were alcoholism, she grew up in a quarrel and fight in condemning environment of her parents . Later, her mother Jenny began drug use, and infected with HIV, the spirit of the brink of collapse. Alcoholic father, grandfather and refused to take her, Liz had to live on the streets. Soon, his mother died, Leeds popular shock, she realized that if the sink, the outcome will be and the mother as tragic. She determined to break with the past, start a new life. A very typical history of self-struggle, a struggle for life, high-spirited self-improvement course. Leeds also remember from school and his father out for complete security procedures, she said: "Dad, I love you." "I love you." His father said, "Good boy, good school, my life is to die, but You can be successful. "Then her father, worn old clothes away, the wind blowing his hair messy. At that moment, I really think that Leeds really is a lonely person, a person completely, everything are so ruthlessly throw her to move her in addition, continue to struggle no other way. Perhaps we lack in life, such as the heart of the situation, when all sense of security, all you can rely on dependent or may not have all the world only you, only this time you may have the potential to be the largest excavation. Similarly, a golden season, as Harvard University - the world's highest institution of one, her quiet in the campus classroom. Perhaps only she understood, she realized its promise, a poor girl suffering with her persistent belief and perseverance changed her, changed her life. " Leeds's brave and staunch eyes in the movie, revealed a cry emerged from chaos, there is the power of a battle crying, she faced a lot of difficulties, but never give up, calm and calm, her eyes attracted me, convulsed me from the depths of the soul, brought me to think this spirit of dedication. Who only have self-love and self-improvement, so that can love others and loved by others , no matter how bumpy the road of life, as long as the ongoing efforts, you can get what you want to live in the world, nothing is impossible, as long as you fight! Miracle created by us and own fate controled by our own hands!Life can be changed, as long as you work hard, as long as you pay.
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2011-09-24 · TA获得超过217个赞
Today, the teacher gave us at a entitled "the wind and rain harvard road movie", very good-looking, quite touching. Especially is the hero of the Leeds strong and unyielding spirit. The age of 15, Leeds grew up in a very unhappy family, she is drinking, her parents hours in the parents of bickering and DaMaSheng grew up in. My mother finally start taking drugs, and so Jane contracted AIDS, spirit was on the brink of collapse. Father drinking, grandpa and will not shelter to her, Leeds had to stray street. Soon, mother died and the Leeds is vibrate, she realized that if destruction down, will be the end of the mother and as tragic. She is determined to say goodbye to the past and start a new life. A very typical self struggle history, a high-spirited tenacious struggle life. Remember Leeds and father handled the warranty procedures from school, she said: come out "daddy, I love you." "I love you too." Father said, "boy, a good school, I this lifetime is not line, but you can succeed." And then her father ragged clothes go, the cold wind blowing his messy hair, at that moment, I really think Leeds, really is a person, completely of a person, all are so cold, she threw her in addition to go forward, constantly struggle there is no alternative. Perhaps, life we lacks such as heart circumstances, when all the security, all the dependence of the may or may not have all around the world rely on, only yourself, perhaps only this time your potential can be the biggest find. Also a golden season, as Harvard University-the highest in the world, and a member of the institution of her quiet in the campus in the classroom. Perhaps only she knew, she realized his promise, the suffering of a poor girl with her persistent belief and strong will change her, changed her life. "In the film the kind of Leeds brave and strong of look in the eyes, reveal is a kind of gone speared out from the battle cry, a silent but power is a shout, face the dilemma but always not to give up, peace and calm, the look in the eyes to attract my soul, from shocked me, I bring to persistent the spirit of thinking. Only people who can love others, self-respect himself and let others love, the road of the life again how bumpy, as long as hard work, he will get you want life, nothing in the world can not be done, as long as you put the miracle of our own making is!!!!!, destiny in our own hands! Life is really can change, as long as you work hard, as long as you pay.
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