please dont let me go I just want to stay 歌词的音乐 很空灵 很甜美的英文歌
她是谁?短短而富有光泽的头发刚好平肩,一个醒目的红色发夹在慢慢地摇动,写人作文 - 欢乐颂.总是带着甜甜微笑的她,目光却是那么呆滞——因为她患有眼疾.她就是我可爱的同桌——陈芷筠!下课了,同学们欢快地奔出教室活动去,如笼中的鸟儿放飞在湛蓝的天空中.陈芷筠安静地坐在我后面.突然,她的手像爪子般向我的脸扑来,然后两手捏着我暖乎乎的脸蛋,眯着双眼嘟着小嘴说:“哇!你的脸蛋好好捏呀!”我急忙挣脱她的双手,她才肯罢休.“当——当——当——………”上课铃清脆地响起来——这节是我们班的活动课.因为眼睛不能受到强烈阳光照射的小筠仍安静地坐在座位上,痴痴地望着远方,小学生作文《写人作文 - 欢乐颂》.突然,课室里传来断断续续的吹奏声——是小筠吹着口琴.她的头低向了桌子,正吃力地辨认没一个音符.虽然不那么连贯,却每个音都那么清晰,敲打着我的心灵.这时,我的泪水已悄悄涌出了眼眶,最后还是忍住了——既然小筠能那么快乐地生活着,我还有什么资格去谈论哭泣呢?我会永远地记住这一天,《欢乐颂》美妙的口琴声正拨动着我的心铉,同时也在谱奏出一曲动人的欢乐的篇章,诉说着每一个人的人生的欢乐于悲伤.小筠,加油!我为有你这个朋友而感到自豪,也希望你能使自己的人生更加灿烂、更加辉煌.
Heartbeats ---Amy Diamond
I can't figure out
Is it meant to be this way
Easy words so hard to say
I can't live without
Knowing how you feel
Know if this is real
Tell me am I mistaken
Cause I don't have another heart for breakin'
Please don't let me go
I just wanna stay
Can't you feel my heartbeats
Giving me away
I just want to know
If you too feel afraid
I can feel your heartbeats
Giving you away
Giving us away
I can't understand
How it's making sense
That we put up such defense
When all you need to know
No matter what you do
I'm just as scared as you
Tell me am I mistaken
Cause I don't have another heart for breakin'
Please don't let me go
I just wanna stay
Can't you feel my heartbeats
Giving me away
I just want to know
If you too feel afraid
I can feel your heartbeats
Giving you away
Giving us away
Please don't let me go
I just wanna stay
Can't you feel my heartbeats
Giving me away
I just want to know
If you too feel afraid
I can feel your heartbeats
Giving you away
Giving us away
I can't figure out
Is it meant to be this way
Easy words so hard to say
I can't live without
Knowing how you feel
Know if this is real
Tell me am I mistaken
Cause I don't have another heart for breakin'
Please don't let me go
I just wanna stay
Can't you feel my heartbeats
Giving me away
I just want to know
If you too feel afraid
I can feel your heartbeats
Giving you away
Giving us away
I can't understand
How it's making sense
That we put up such defense
When all you need to know
No matter what you do
I'm just as scared as you
Tell me am I mistaken
Cause I don't have another heart for breakin'
Please don't let me go
I just wanna stay
Can't you feel my heartbeats
Giving me away
I just want to know
If you too feel afraid
I can feel your heartbeats
Giving you away
Giving us away
Please don't let me go
I just wanna stay
Can't you feel my heartbeats
Giving me away
I just want to know
If you too feel afraid
I can feel your heartbeats
Giving you away
Giving us away
Heartbeats ---Amy Diamond