
调职、升降职:公司内部的人员调整,必需经过有关部门的负责人协商一致后,报总经理批核。部门经理认为其下属具备担任更高职位(或不具备现任职位)的能力及条件,可向总经理提交升职... 调职、升降职:公司内部的人员调整, 必需经过有关部门的负责人协商一致后,报总经理批核。部门经理认为其下属具备担任更高职位(或不具备现任职位)的能力及条件, 可向总经理提交升职建议书(或降职建议书),由总经理批核后生效。

工资晋升、降低:员工试用期结束后, 公司根据其工作能力和表现调整工资水平。 公司每年根据员工的工作表现定期检讨各员工的工资并适当调整。

上下班时间: 公司规定上下班时间: 上午 8:30 -12:00, 下午 13:00 - 17:30。星期六下午、星期天休息。

打卡: 公司规定员工考勤由本人打卡, 每天上下班打卡4次, 以工卡显示的时间为考勤记录, 无出勤记录为缺勤, 无故缺勤为旷工。如员工按时上下班而忘记打卡或因公事无法按时打卡,经部门经理签字批准后, 可免记缺勤。

外出: 员工到小榄镇范围外工作为外出。 外出前需填写“出差/外出登记表”并由部门经历签字后报人事部备案。 因工作需要不能按时回公司办理外出申请手续者,应提前一天办理外出申请手续。

请/休假: 所有员工请/休假需提前填写“请/休假申请单”, 请假2天以内,提前一天向部门经理申请。 遇特殊情况可先作口头请假, 回来上班的当天补办请假手续。请假3-5天需 提前10天申请,5天以上需提前15天申请。

缺勤处理: 每月累计迟到、早退不超过15分钟者, 免于扣罚。 超过15分钟者, 按实际累计时间扣罚每分钟2元,罚款在当月工资中扣除;所扣除款项用于员工娱乐活动。

旷工: 无故旷工者, 每天扣罚2天工资, 一个月内旷工达3天者或累计旷工达3天者,公司将对其作自动离职处理。对因旷工而自动离职的员工,公司将扣发当月工资.

考勤管理由公司指定的人员担任,考勤人员负责检查出勤情况, 办理员工外出登记手续并保存所有考勤表格,统计每月各员工的考勤情况, 填写“考勤统计表”交财会部门作当月员工工资的依据。


本福利制度的第1、9点适用于所有员工, 第2、3、4、5、6、7、8条适用于试用期结束后的正式员工.

法定节假日: 在法定节假日, 依法安排全体员工休假:元旦放假1天, 春节放假3天, 国际劳动节放假3天,国庆节放假3天。

婚假: 员工本人结婚可享有婚假3天,晚婚者(男年满30周岁, 女满28周岁)增加至7天.

丧假: 员工的直系亲属(父母、配偶、子女)死亡, 给予3天丧假。 员工配偶的父母、本人的祖父母死亡, 给予2天丧假。

产假: 女员工生育, 产假30天,难产的增加产假30天。实行晚育者(28岁后生育第一胎), 增加产假15天。

看护假: 男员工配偶生育, 给予男员工3天看护假。


有薪假期: 员工享有有薪假期。工作满一年度者,享有10天的有薪年假, 1-5年内有薪假期不变, 5-10年每年12天。

所有员工的年假分为公司指定休假日和个人休假日。 公司指定休假日指在重大节日(如春节等)除法定假日以外的其它指定休假, 个人休假日指该年度除指定休假日所剩余的年假。员工提前享用年假(包括指定休假日), 作负休假天数处理最多不能超过负5天。累积的年假必须在第二年的春节前使用,过期作废。

午餐补助: 公司补助所有员工每星期1-5的午餐费用。
2007-08-08 · TA获得超过394个赞
Transfer, ascend and descend a job:The company insider member adjust, essential through department concerned of representative director consultation consistently after, report a general manager to criticize a pit.The section manager think its inferiority has ability and condition of hold the post of higher post(or don't have an incumbent post), can hand over to rise a job suggestion book(or demote a suggestion book) toward the general manager, is criticized the pit young man effect by the general manager.

The wages promote, lowers:After employee tries out period be over, the company adjusts wages level according to its work ability and the performance. Company annually according to the employee's work performance periodically examine each employee's wages combine appropriate adjustment.
Test frequently system

Top and bottom class time: The company rule top and bottom class for time: Morning 8:30-12:00, afternoon 13:00 - 17:30.Take a rest on Saturday afternoon and on Sunday.

Beat card: The provision employee of company tests frequently from oneself beat card, everyday top and bottom class dozen card 4 times, with the work card show of time for test to frequently record, have no on duty record for lack to frequently and without cause lack frequently for the Kuang work.If employee on time top and bottom class but forget to beat card or on account of duty the matter can't beat card on time, Ministry of Economic Affairs door manager signing approval after, can don't need to record to lack frequently.

Egress: The employee gets to small scope in the Lan town to outside work for go out. Before go out need to fill in "be on business/ go out register form" combine from section experience signing behind report a personnel department to keep on record. Because the work one who need to can't return to company to carry out to go out application procedure on time, should carry out to go out an application procedure a day in advance.

Please/holiday: All employees please/the holiday need to fill in "please/ holiday application list" in advance and ask for leave for 2 days in, apply for toward the section manager a day in advance. Meet the special circumstances can make oral communication first to ask for leave and come back to go to work of repair to do to ask for leave a procedure on that day.Ask for leave 3-5 days needs to apply for 10 days in advance and need to apply for 15 days in advance for more than 5 day.

Lack to frequently handle: Monthly total amount lateness, don't over 15 minutes leave early, , be free from to button up to punish. Over 15 minutes, by actual total amount time button up to punish every minute 2 dollars, the penal sum deducts in be the month wages;The amount of money deduct useds for employee to amuse an activity.

Kuang work: Without cause Kuang work, button up to punish 2 nature's works property everyday, in a month the Kuang work reach to 3 days, or total amount Kuang work to reach to for 3 days,s and as to it's will the company make an au to leave office to handle.To the employee who automatically leaves office because of Kuang work, the company will button up hair to be month wages.

Test frequently manage is specify by the company of the personnel hold the post of, test frequently a personnel to be responsible for checking an on duty circumstance and carry out employee to go out register procedure and keep all test frequently a form, statistics monthly test of each employee frequently a circumstance, fill in "test to frequently statistics form" to hand over a wealth would the section make be month the basis of employee's wages.

Three, holidays, welfare system

This welfare system of the 1 and 9th be applicable to all employees, Article 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 the formal employee who be applicable to try out to expect to end behind.

Legal stanza day off: At the legal stanza day off, arrange the all employee's holiday by law:The New Year's Day has a holiday for a day and the Chinese New Year has a holiday for 3 days, the international Labor Day has a holiday for 3 days, and the great occasion of nation stanza has a holiday for 3 days.
Sick leave:The employee can possess sick leave for 14 day annually, but have to submit the holiday of the town class above hospital to prove.

Marry false: Employee's matrimony can possess to marry for false 3 days and marry late to increase to 7 days.

Funeral leave: The employee's next of kin(parents, spouse, sons and daughters) death, give 3 days funeral leave. The parents of employee's spouse, oneself of the grandparents die and give 2 days funeral leave.

Maternity leave: The female employee grow, maternity leave 30 day, difficult produce of the increment maternity leave be 30 days.The execution late teaches and the increment maternity leave is 15 days.

Nurse false: Male employee's spouse grow and give to nurse false for male employee's 3 dayses.

Marry false, maternity leave with nurse false must a month in advance to section experience application and is test frequently a member to keep on record.Meet male off duty day inside day off of, not all another add the holidays number.

Have salary holidays: The employee possesses salary holidays.Work over a year, , possess have of 10 dayses salary New Year holidays, there is constant salary holidays in 1-5 years, 5-10 year every year be 12 days.

All employees New Year holidays is divided into the company appointed off duty day and personal off duty day. The company appointed off duty day points in the important festival(if the Chinese New Year wait) in addition to legal holiday of other appointed holidays, personal off duty day points that year in addition to appointed the off duty day is the New Year holidays of surplus.The employee enjoys use of New Year holidays(include appointed off duty day) in advance and make negative holiday number the processing at most can't exceed to take for 5 days.The accumulated New Year holidays has to use Chinese New Year before the second year, overdue void.

For lunch subsidize: The company subsidizes all employees 1-5 lunch expenseses every
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