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WaxberryIt's quite strange that Yangmei has a name "waxberry",according to wikipedia,"the name waxberry may refer to the waxy fruit of plants which produce berries that can be used as a source of wax." It's totally wrong!Another Wikipedia article "Myrica rubra" with a right picture.I think "myrica rubra" is the right name for yangmei,but might be a scientific Latin name,too difficult for common English speaking people,you might have no idea at all what the hell is a "myrica rubra",but when you see the word "waxberry",at least you can guess that this is a kind of fruit which might look like berry,similar as strawberry,blackberry,raspberry,etc.In terms of "wax",you can guess this kind of berry "might be used as a source of wax"!Although this is not right.Even names such as "Chinese bayberry","Chinese strawberry tree" are better than waxberry.And another newly-invented name "yumberry",is perfectly translated from Mandarin,but not popular."Yum" sounds like either in Mandarin "Yangmei",or in English "yummy",a combined translation of sound and meaning,"hmm,the yumberry is very yummy berry!" I think Yumberry will become popular soon,because it's reported that some companies have started marketing Yumberry juice concentrate in the United States and Canada .This means you should start seeing the juice on market shelves already.Yumberry will be used in diverse applications ranging from fruit juices to bakery applications,wines,cocktails and dairy products.you can play around with the juice in cocktails and there are a lot of possibilities; although you may feel strange asking for a bottle of Yumberry juice in the store or a Yumberry Sour cocktail at a bar.Legend has it that,Yangmei flowers blossom at midnight,and withers at dawn,so nobody has ever seen Yangmei flowers,I haven't seen it either.It's said that it's unluncky to see yangmei flowering.Some adventurous people have both curiosity and courage to find out the truth,they waits under the yangmei tree for the yangmei budding,but they could only smell the fragrance in the wind,have never seen flowers.I am not sure how does this legend originate,is Yangmei flower very tiny?or has Yangmei very short flowering period,so it's not easy to notice?Yangmei is dioecious,which means a yangmei tree bears either male or female flowers.Male tree bears flowers,but no fruits in result; while female tree bears flowers and results in fruits consequently.But as far as I know,no Yangmei tree in my village or nearby villages doesn't bear fruits.Do villagers just cut off male Yangmei tree when they know the tree can't bear fruit?Yangmei flowering period is 3 to 4 months,quite contrary to the legend,it's quite long,and flowers can be in bloom day and night,not just from midnight till dawn.
2024-09-19 广告
2024-09-19 广告
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